GATE Preparation

GATE 2011 Preparation: A Complete Guide

If you have decided to take up GATE 2011 and crack it well to IITs or at least NITs you are at right place. After writing a successful series for M.Tech Admission in 2010, GATE cutoff scores for 2009 and Answer common questions like how to find GATE percentile, what is valid GATE score, where can I get admission with xyz score? Its time to write a complete and comprehensive guide for GATE 2011 preparation.

This is not only my a single handed effort by me rather a great number of students who appeared in GATE 2010 and shared their knowledge and experience through different surveys and emails on this site. We decided to cover the following topics in detail to help students GATE 2011 preparation.

If you are preparing for GATE, download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier.
Get it on Google Play.

Before going into the other topics, I would recommend you to refer A set of ‘Must Read’ articles for M.Tech aspirants which I wrote over a year answering questions of M.Tech aspirants.

GATE 2011 notification

GATE notification or GATE Advertisement
How to fill GATE online Application form
GATE 2011 Important Dates
GATE syllabus or GATE 2011 Syllabus For all engineering streams
Eligibility For GATE
Where To Get GATE 2011 Application Forms
How Many Times One Can Appear For GATE Exam?
When Will I Get GATE Hall Ticket / Admit Card?
Can I Use Calculator in GATE Exam?
Check Your GATE 2011 Admit Card Online

GATE study material

A great list of Study material collected from different sources like coaching centers and student surveys on this site.
GATE Video Lectures and Video Tutorials
GATE Study Material for different branches

GATE Coaching Centers

We conducted the survey for three months about recommended coaching centers in India. The result is now compiled in one page please visits GATE Coaching Centres in India

Students GATE Forums

Forums started by students in social networking sites like Orkut, facebook etc. If you are moderator and have a good number of students in your forum please contact me at [email protected] , We will definitely promote your community and group. (if you are some website owner, coaching center, or some commercial vendor for GATE lectures or online lectures and started a community or page (please do not bother yourself to contact).

GATE 2010 Analysis and cutoffs

Once M.Tech admissions in 2010 are over, I will try to make a complete GATE Cutoff list as I made in GATE 2009 Cutoff scores post. If official source of information is not available we need to think about alternate ways make this list possible. Also refer to below articles for more information about GATE 2010.
Number of Students appeared in GATE 2010
GATE 2010 Qualifying marks
Top or highest Marks in GATE 2010
How Much GATE Score Or Percentile Is Required To Get Into IITs For M.Tech?
GATE Cutoff For IITs 2010

A general calendar for M.Tech admissions in IITs, NITs and top universities will also posted, with approximate date of notification. This to make sure you don’t miss it.

GATE preparation tips

A monthly motivational reminder letter by Zahid
Interviews and posts, tips and experience by GATE High Scorers. If you appeared in GATE 2010 and have some experience good or bad, advise or an idea to share with thousands of students, please do not hesitate to drop a mail to [email protected]
How to start preparing for GATE
How to manage time for GATE preparation
What Are We Doing On This Weekend!!!
We Have A Box And It’s All Up To Us What We Fill In
Time Is The Most Valuable Thing Man Can Spend: How Did You Spend 2010?
How to Prepare For GATE With One Month to Go

GATE 2011 Results and analysis for admissions

A complete analysis of GATE 2011 Results will be posted, once the results are announced.

M.Tech Admissions 2011

A list of M.Tech admission notification in all IITs, NITs, IIITs and Top universities, same as M.Tech admissions 2010 will be made available to all the students.
In 2011 we are also planning to include Non-GATE Admissions in private colleges too, this will depend on the volunteers will and wish.
M.Tech admission Schedule or Calendar
M.Tech Admissions 2011

Making of GATE 2012 preparation Guide

This list is the result of one year experience with post GATE situation. Hope we learn more in 2011 and make a better Guide for GATE 2012 preparations.

I will be updating each section as soon as we make complete details about it. We are in the process of making it happen and request all of you to actively participate in surveys and polls to give as accurate and helpful as possible information to the students who are coming from the path we already traveled.

Wish you all a great luck and expecting a huge support from the regular reader community. Thanks all of your for your support and encouragement.

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