GGSIPU College Predictor 2024 & Cutoff helps candidates predict engineering colleges for admission based on their JEE Main rank. It utilizes official IPU cutoff data (opening and closing ranks) from 2015 to 2023.
Our free IPU College Predictor 2024 tool requires no registration. It provides a list of IPU engineering colleges, allows searching for course-wise cutoffs, and enables sorting by opening rank (OR), closing rank (CR), or preferred subject.
GGSIPU College Predictor 2024: Key Features
- College wise cutoff for JEE Main rank can be accessed from 2019. The Engineering cutoffs are from IPU CET.
- The cutoff can be explored based on a course of interest or all course from a college.
- All region (Delhi, Outside Delhi and All India) data is covered by the college predictor.
- All categories (General, EWS, BC, SC, ST) are covered according to IPU counseling. EWS category is announced in 2019 and cutoff data is available from 2019.
- The search option to explore colleges, colleges, or courses is also made available over the years.
- There is an option to select among 4 rounds. Where 4th round is sliding round. Sliding round data is available for 2018 only.
We tried our best to get this data to you. However, if you have a question or issue or just have a recommendation, please feel free to drop a comment at All About InI Cutoff and College Predictor Tools.
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