GATE 2023 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is one of the most competitive national-level exams conducted for admission into M.E., M.Tech, MS, Ph.D. in the most reputed institutes in India including IITs, IISc, NITs etc. with financial assistance from MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development). The GATE exam is considered to be one of the biggest competitive exams, both in terms of the number of candidates appear and the toughness of the exam. After PSUs recruitment through GATE, it has reached another level. To successfully cracking GATE, one needs skills, patience, motivation, information, and consistent efforts. InI has been presenting various stages of the GATE exam and almost complete GATE stats and other important data for a decade. The information provided here on InI helps the candidate prepare better for the GATE exam and score high and expect good results.
GATE 2023 examination will be conducted on the 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th February 2023 by IIT Kanpur
We classified GATE-related information below categories to make it easy for visitors to find useful information. You will mostly find answers to all your confusion and doubts.
GATE 2023 Exam Info
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee) jointly administer the GATE Exam. IIT Kharagpur is the institute conducting GATE exam for the year 2023. Exam notification and other related details are expected to be announced in the month of July 2023. GATE exam is usually conducted in the month of February every year. Detailed information about the dates and other relevant information will soon be available once the official announcement is made by IIT Kharagpur. In the year 2021, two new subjects have been introduced viz., Environmental Science and Humanities & Social Sciences. GATE exam consists of a total of 29 papers and candidates need to follow the eligibility criteria set by the institution for applying and appearing for the GATE exam.
GATE 2023 added two new papers Geomatics Engineering (GE) and Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM) will provide direct benefits to graduates.
GATE 2023 Exam Dates & Important Dates
GATE 2023 Candidate Registration
Activity | Day | Date |
Online Application Process Opens | Tuesday | 30th August 2022 |
Closing Date of REGULAR online registration/ application process | Friday | 30th September 2022 |
Closing Date of EXTENDED online registration/ application process | Friday | 7th October 2022 |
Modifications in GATE 2023 Application | Friday to Friday | 4th to 11th November 2022 |
Availability of GATE Admit cards for download | Tuesday | 03rd January 2023 |
GATE 2023 Examinations | Saturday & Sunday | 04th, 05 th, and 11th, 12th Febuary 2023 |
Candidate’s response available in the Application portal | Wednesday | 15th February 2023 |
Answer keys available on the Application portal | Tuesday | 21st February 2023 |
Submission of challenges by candidates on Answer Keys | Wednesday to Saturday | 22nd to 25th February 2023 |
Announcement of Results for GATE 2023 | Thursday | 16th March 2023 |
Availability of Score Card for download by candidates | Tuesday | 21st March 2023 |
GATE 2023 Candidate Registration: Candidates can use GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System) for GATE 2023 registration. Here we are providing some basic information about GATE 2023 registration please check below.
- Apply for the GATE 2023 examination using the online mode only.
- GATE 2023 registration will start the first week of September 2023
- GATE 2023 registration will end by the last week of September 2023
- Register as a “New User” for GATE 2023 examination registration.
- After successful registration candidates will be able to access GOAPS using their GOAPS Enrollment ID and GOAPS Password.
- While filling out the GATE 2023 application form candidates need to upload a scanned photograph, signatures, thumb impression, degree certificates, or category certificates.
GATE 2023 Application Fees
The fee per subject paper is given below, for two papers the amount fee is twice that for a single paper.
For Examination Centres in India | Regular Period (30th Aug to 24th Sept 2021) | During the Extended Period (25th Sept to 1st Oct 2021) |
Female candidates (per paper) | 750 /- | 1250 /- |
SC / ST / PwD* category candidates (per paper) | 750 /- | 1250 /- |
All other candidates (per paper) | 1500 /- | 2000 /- |
Fee Charges for changes/modifications (One-Time Only) in the GATE 2023 Application
(from 1st to 12th November 202)
Description of Changes / Modifications | Fee Charges |
Change in choice of examination cities | 500 |
Change of existing paper | 500 |
Add a second paper (from given combinations with respect to the primary paper) | 500 plus suitable amount per paper for the candidate’s category |
Change of gender to female | 500 |
Change of gender from female to any other gender | 500 + 750 = 1250 |
Change of category to SC/ST | 500 |
Change of category from SC/ST to any other | 500 + 750 = 1250 |
Change from Non-PwD to PwD | 500 |
Change from PwD to Non-PwD | 500 + 750 = 1250 |
Any other change in category (not mentioned above) | 500 |
GATE Preparation
From lakhs of engineering students only few aspirants go that extra mile in order to successfully crack GATE exam. Students aspiring for higher studies in India’s top institutes, GATE exam provides this breakthrough. GATE score also helps the candidates to grab rewarding PSU jobs every year. InI presents a bunch of articles (from GATE toppers) for the aspirants of GATE 2022 which will surely help them prepare better for GATE 2022. You will also find IIT GATE college predictor, NIT GATE college predictor, GATE score calculator and GATE Exam Info & Stats useful during GATE preparation.
- How to start preparing for GATE?
- How to manage time for GATE preparation?
- What Are We Doing On This Weekend!!!
- We Have A Box And It’s All Up To Us What We Fill In
- Time Is The Most Valuable Thing Man Can Spend: How Did You Spend
- How to Prepare For GATE With One Month to Go
- All We Need For GATE Preparation
If you are preparing for GATE, download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier..
GATE 2023 Syllabus
IT is expected that the syllabus for GATE 2022 is going to be similar to GATE 2023 (unless notified by the GATE exam organizing institute). Candidates should keep the syllabus and exam pattern in mind in order to prepare well for the GATE 2023 exam. InI provides syllabus for all the subjects of GATE 2022 here. The syllabus includes the sections and details of topics in each section. GATE 2023 aspirants are advised to always keep an eye on the syllabus while preparing which will help them score well in GATE.
GATE 2023 Stats
Statistics about GATE exam and previous years outcomes will help the applicant understand the impact of the efforts one need put to crack GATE. InI presents the statistics related to previously registered, appeared, and qualified candidates in GATE exam. Further, the cutoff information is also presented for better analysis of the candidate appearing for GATE 2023. Top marks and qualifying marks are also displayed. These informational stats will help the candidate in analyzing and deciding about the competition he is going to face and how one needs to be competition ready.
GATE 2023 Motivation
Today we are living in a world full of distractions and negative surroundings. Dealing with such negativity is very much necessary to reach the dream place or to achieve the goals of life. To stand out of the crowd and climb the ladder of success and achieve a dream you and I need to show extra courage and patience. Patience is not something you follow when you are weak or don’t have a choice. The true nature of PATIENCE is reflected when you have all freedom to do anything and you stop yourself from that petty thing for a higher and greater target. Until we don’t have the courage to be patient with things that kill our time and make us lose our focus, we cannot achieve anything in life. InI provides such articles for the aspirants to get motivated and go ahead the extra mile to achieve their goals.
After GATE 2023 Exam
Thank god it’s over finally. Such a huge pressure and tensed era over for every single student who appeared for GATE Exam on this Sunday. If you think you are free now again and can go back to your social lives and have fun. Wait a minute! is that all you want to do. Answer to this question should be a big NO and an aspirant should be spending time analyzing his performance in GATE Exam using the answer key given by the GATE exam conducting institute and make the best use of the Predictors to be ready and make better decisions.
GATE 2023 Cutoffs
GATE cutoff information is something an aspirant should not miss at any point of time. It gives an idea about where he stands compared to previous years information and accordingly, they can analyze their own stand and make better decisions. InI provides the cutoff information related to all IITs, NITs and other reputed institute for the aspirant to get insight. Candidates qualifying GATE exam should understand about their stand keeping their score in mind and making best use of the Predictor provided by InI, in order to make better and quick decisions.
GATE Topper Interview
One of the best success mantras is “Learn from the experts”, here we present interviews from toppers from previous batches. In the interview they would tell how was their journey from an inception of dream of getting into best of institutes in India and then to their dream jobs.
In case you could not find information your are looking for please feel free to drop a question at Ask Me. We will either answer you right there or make a post and keep you updated.