When I look back at the comments on “How to Prepare For GATE With One Month to Go” I find that most of the students are worrying about using calculators in GATE exam.
The common related questions are, Can we use calculators in GATE Exam? Or are we allowed to USE Calculator in GATE exam? Which scientific calculators are allowed in GATE exam? And which is the best calculator to use in GATE exam? I will try to answer all these questions in this post.
Let me answer one by one and hope it will help most of you.
Can we use calculators in GATE Exam?
Yes of course, students can use calculators (scientific ones too) in GATE exam.
To make it clear I have snippet from GATE official FAQs here and I will clear another doubt from that.
What items are not permitted to be brought with me inside the examination venue?
Electronic diary, mobile phone, and any such electronic gadgets, blank papers, clip boards and log-tables will not be allowed in the examination venue. You should, however, bring HB black pencils (to darken the bubbles in the answer sheet), a soft eraser (in case you wish to change an answer) and a black point pen for filling up the candidate’s data in the designated boxes. Also, you can bring a scientific calculator without data connectivity.
It clearly says that scientific calculators are allowed in GATE exam. On the same time also raises a question, what is data connectivity. Here it means that the calculator should be stand alone and should not have any capabilities of transferring Data to another device.
Which is the best calculator to use in GATE exam?
There is not better calculator to use in GATE than the one you used during GATE preparation or regular college days. The one reason for that is one must have become very comfortable with its functions and usage. If you buy a new calculator you will be searching for the desired functions in calculator and may waste time and also end up not getting the correct answers.
With this I hope most of you got the answers to your doubts about using Calculators in GATE exam. If you have further queries or you want to share some information, do drop a comment.
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Wish you all great luck with GATE and engineering studies.