About Me

I am Zahid, did my B.Tech. M.Tech and PhD in Computer Science and now working at Samsung Electronics in South Korea, for last couple of years. In 2006 I have been awarded as “IBM Best PhD Student”.

I traveled all across India, north, south, east and west. I was lucky to get a chance to visit all IITs, IISc, and ISI Kolkatta. I started my education with a private engineering college and ended up with a PhD from IIT Roorkee in 2007.

I have count for every single day in life. I always try to be positive, focus and work hard to achieve my goals. I am just a simple average student in class, with a little more positive attitude. Everything is ok to me until something is seriously affecting me.

I strongly believe with extra effort and consistency anyone can reach at highest position in life. This all helped me to finish my PhD in less than three years with good amount of publications, scholarship, foreign assignments for research, an award from IBM to honor my work and two consecutive great jobs.

You can find me on google if try abdul hai zahid. I am also there on facebook, orkut, linkedin and few other social networking groups. You can find me on scholar.google.com and my DBLP research entries too.

I give credit to my parent for where I stand today. My mother is a great support all over the time and my father is always a source of right guidance and love to me. With their immense and love, affection and guidance I would stand where I am today. Many bows to Almighty for all these.

I started this blog to help and support student who are average with an extraordinary attitude to achieve their dreams. If you are one of them, I welcome you here and wish to get your support to join me to help many like us.

For any information please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Here is my blog customized CV. Here is my not so personal Facebook Page, and google plus profile.

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