
NIT M.Tech Admissions 2009

NITs, no doubt are premier engineering schools in the country. Few of them are very close to the standard of IITs. Students who miss a chance to enter IITs very narrowly either because of a vary negligible margin or just their day is not good. This is the reason I always supported the idea of more number of IITs give a chance to more talent pool of students. There are 20 NITs now, most of them established in between 1959~1965 located in different parts of the country. These institutes have great infrastructure, support from govt. and autonomy. Check out for NIT Ranking here.

If you are looking for admission to M.Tech program and could not make to IITs try best NITs, I strongly believe they bring similar opportunities to you as IITs. If you don’t have a great GATE percentile but still want to knock the doors of best institutes in the country, I suggest you to try NITs that have less (I mean just a fraction less from top NITs) competition. How knows you may a chance to study there or at least you will get a chance to see inside and live there for a day.

In case you are not able to make it NITs too, then check the list of M.Tech colleges in India, you may try getting admission there. Do visit GATE 2009 cutoff for NITs for last year M.Tech admissions.

The M.Tech admission notification for each NIT for academic year 2009 year is as below.

This list is based on chronological order. We are on the way of ranking NITs to help you decide where to apply (click the link we are done with that).
This list will be updated as soon as the admission notification is issued by the institute. Subscribe to get a mail as soon as updates are made, or you can visit this page again.

I m also updating a list of M.Tech Admissions 2010 in NITs, IITs, IIITs and Central universities. Subscribe by email for updates.

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