GATE Motivation

Feeling Weak, Lazy, And Lack Concentration: GATE Prep.

I just woke at 4 AM again, even though I slept late. A day before it was Sunday and I worked really hard and was in pain, and something was pushing me back to be lazy. I couldn’t concentrate for two hours without knowing what to do if I don’t do what I was doing.

I always have this feeling when I work continuously for couple weeks and see all others are enjoying and having a good time, I can do that too but I am sacrificing a big part of it. The make me go crazy but slowly when I get up for prayer and try to breath a bit and share my ultimate goal and its importance I feel that I am coming back.

When you are honest and chasing the dream and feel tired, it’s time to share with someone. I do it all the time and best one to share with is mom. Apart from mom I share with friends and these days with top executives of my company. As I am growing more experienced I just share with top people, I am just losing that hesitation to approach any and share my ideas, right from family, friends, executives and eventually the world.

Here is a video sharing my feeling about whole thing.

This is just a fundamental rule I am following whenever I feel down. May be there are many methods and ways to deal with it, but for me this works really like a magic.

If you know any other ways of dealing with it, please dont hesitate to share, drop a comment.

Dont forget to share with loving ones, sharing is caring. Do subscribe to InI on youtube, email and facebook to get more updates and stay connected.

Wish you all a great luck ahead with GATE exam and in life.

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