Few people die early but they do a lot more than billions of people who lived twice as they did. When say good bye to the world, even their enemies don’t have anything but to feel the loss. Many of my friends says I have a direct influence from him, but trust me I never read a book about him and never know him at all before the Stanford commencement talk. Since then when I feel losing and feel that I should make it happen, I go back there. This morning is no exception.
As I mentioned in my post, Steve Jobs at Stanford, that we will have a small booklet on him, this post is just a part of it. When I listen to Steve Jobs commencement talk in Stanford I was thinking about whole life and what made him different from others and how that can change my life more than apple products.
We have everything in common with Steve Jobs or any other person on this plant. All our share common natural resources (I mean air, water, sun light and other resources needed to survive). Even the number of hours in a day are similar too. If everything is same what let some people put a dent on the face of earth and people remember them? This question lead to a link on my research page called ( inspire & ignite ) where I kept my collection of inspiring talks. Later it became a website and then you are reading it now : ) I will share more about the story of I n I start later (promise).
Here are few things these over achiever have in common.
They have a sort of complete faith in what they are intend to achieve and they see as clear as they see the light of sun. The whole belief is so strong that they will be ready to clearly give away anything for that. They not only say it by mouth you see everything they do they have the flavor of their believe in it. Mostly we miss idea because since childhood our minds are trained to say something we believe and our actions contradict our believes. Later when we grow up its easy for us to change our believes. Yes, by change I mean we don’t value it and that spans over entire life.
They are unusually passionate about their dreams, rather consider it as a reality. Steve Job was invited by a CEO of a major tech company for his house warming party in Paris. He flew to Paris and directly went to party. The guard at the gates of new mansion says Steve was the only man in his casual jeans and t shirt. When entered he called upon few friends to a table and told them that he have something in his pocket that will change the world in couple of months. He shown the a phone (yes firsts iPhone) and 3 months later that revolutionarised the telecommunication and computing industries. When you have strong faith in something you will be passionate about it and you dont feel tired to talk about it 1000 times.
When your believe is strong you will be passionate and totally ready do anything for something you believed in.
I was visiting a Samsung photo gallery in Korea, where they kept photo memories of world leaders visit to Samsung Electronics. I was surprised to see a new addition there, guess who yes a pic from 1983. Steve was in his late 20’s and was standing with second chairman of Samsung electronics. Now third is in his 70s. In 1983 Steve was courageous to travel to Korea and meet the highest person in Samsung Dynasty, which is quite hard to believe if you know Asian culture.
Humbleness is key for life on the same time these guys dont wait a second to present their best works. This not because they want publicity, this is because they believe that they had done something which is not common. Just take for example of call drop mail from a customer to Steve Jobs. The CEO of one world’s leading company answers at 2.00AM saying please change the way you hold the phone.
I have seen many great workers reacting that way when someone question their best baby (product).
If you and I looking for giving a great dent in way people live around us, we got to stand up and follow our believes and rest will follow. We got believe even when no one agree with you but you see the future as clear as sun.
Just to sum up, we all cannot be like Steve, but all are certain about one thing, it is much more clear than a raising sun. Yes, sure I am talking about our death. Keeping that in mind lets at least try to be a good human being so that at least people in our circles admire us and pray for us when we say good bye to this world.
Remember Stay Focus Stay Hungry