As title says, I am here to fulfill the promise that I made on Steve Jobs At Stanford Lead Me Where I Am Now. There is so much to share but in the post I will squeeze my thoughts only to the idea of connecting dots, the term coined by Steve Jobs in his historical speech at Stanford University.
If you haven’t heard that yet first watch that, the time you spend on it would be a great quality time of your life. In the whole speech he connected the things he did during his life and how those things changed the future of the world. If we look at the things he was talking about in general we don’t see any relation between them and looks totally weird. Steve Jobs beautifully explained how all those learning contributed to modern world or technology.The whole essence of the talk was to follow your dreams and follow your heart and eventually you will contribute to the world and humanity. It doesn’t matter what you are working on, finally that would help you grow and enjoy your contribution.
As we all are students and there is lot to understand about these words ‘connecting dots’. These dots cannot come with the age. If you look into Steve’s life you will realize that at the early age he spend much of his time making those dot and loved them. We are at the same age now, an age of making dots to connect them when we are at mature age. He gave his best with highest possible human effort to create those dots. He worked at the lowest jobs to pay his tuition and food, but he loved his classes. He slept on floor and ate a good meal in a week but still continued to learn calligraphy, because he loved it. If we are in the process of making our dots we need to check how sincere we are in making them? If we don’t put efforts and show sincerity in them, where do we find them to connect in future?
We usually argue that we don’t like our studies and just studying for the sake of our parents. It was same with Steve Jobs, he didn’t like working like a labor and loading coca cola bottles. But he enjoyed the other part of playing with art of fonts. We don’t have an excuse to say that we don’t like studies. We need to find what we like. What subject we like and how much we learned about it. How much effort we gave or giving to learn it is more important.
The message I want to convey to you all and remind myself is that to connect dots we need to create them and to create dots we need to be sincere to what we love doing. Just saying I love doing this and that don’t count and don’t have any value. We need to show our fullest commitment to it and I am sure we will connect in that in future with proud as Steve Jobs did.
Remember making dots is totally being in love and learning. Being sincere and dedicated to the things you love is most important in life. If you love Programming, checkout how sincere you are to that. If you love Maths checkout what did you do about it recently. If you love Political Science checkout what did you read about recently at national and international level. Every dot is associated with learning. If love something and don’t learn anything out of it you are doing something to just pass your time and nothing else and finally end up regretting your life.
Let’s not dedicate our lives to something which don’t add any learning to our lives. It’s every second of it is precious, lets enjoy what we do, learn, create and contribute to positive energy around. Let’s join hands and be together for contributing our best possible good things to the world. Let’s stop wasting our most valuable time in worthless shows, Facebook and on TV. Let’s start a meaningful life and enjoying learning what we like.
Wish you all a great luck ahead and suggest you to be connected to read rest of the posts on Steve Jobs and other updates.