This is the start of the new cycle for M.Tech aspirants and GATE exam takers for jobs in PSUs and other organizations. GATE coaching will be started soon, as M.Tech 2013 admissions are closing up.
Many students are curious about GATE 2014 Notifications or Advertisement. As a part of GATE 2014 preparation guide this post gives tentative or expected GATE Notification dates. You can book mark GATE 2014 preparation guide for more updates.
GATE 2014 Notification And Important Dates
Online GATE 2014 application form or GATE 2014 Notification: 2nd Sep 2013 (00:01 Hrs)
Last Date for submitting GATE 2014 Online Application Form: 3rd October 2013 (23:59 Hrs)
Last Date for submitting GATE 2014 Printed Application Form: 10th October 2013
Gate 2014 Exam Date:
GATE 2014 examinations will be held during forenoon and afternoon on alternate weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between 1st February 2014 and 2nd March 2014. Examinations for some of the papers in GATE 2014 will be held in multiple sessions. Exact details regarding complete examination schedule will be notified at a later date.
GATE 2014 Result Announcement: To be Announced : )
M.Tech admissions 2014: From mid of March 2014 till July 2014
For more details: GATE 2014 Notification official website
I will update exact dates and along with other detailed GATE 2014 notification after the official announcement is made. There is expected change in GATE exam, but for a while do refer to GATE 2013 syllabus and start preparing for GATE 2014. Also refer to GATE recommended books for details about GATE preparation books.
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Wish you all a great luck and ask you to stay focused.