
IISc and IIT PhD and MS (Research) Admissions: Spring (Jan 2010)

IISc and IITs take admissions for PhD and MS by Research twice a year. Mostly students apply for Spring (June) semester and most of then don’t know about spring admission. Usually if they miss admission in Spring, they wait for a year for admissions.

Here in this post I tried to give audience a common place to find PhD admissions for spring semester (Jan) details in IISc and IITs in a single common platform. From here one can easily go any IIT or IISc admission notification with a quick note about departments offering PhD, Eligibity criteria and Important dates along with link to official site for detailed information.

IISc and IITs offer PhD degree in almost every Engineering and technology field. The time duration depends on the quality research and publications. Usually it varies between three to five years.

This is work in on similar grounds as NIT M.Tech Admission 2009.
1 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
2 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur
3 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai
4 Indian Institure of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur
5 Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai
6 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Delhi
7 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee
8 Indian Institute of Technology Guwhati Guwhati

Hope these IIT phd admission 2010 notification and MS by research PhD Admission will help you. For further information please subscribe through email. Also feel free to comment and read comments and answer to the readers comments for more information and discussion.

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