
IISc PhD Admissions for 2010 Jan

These admission are also called as mid year admissions in India. IISc invites applications only for PhD program for mid year admissions.

This is just list of departments and every department have many specializations. Please visit the department website to find specialization and area of research.
Departments inviting applications are :Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science & Automation, Civil Engineering, Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing, Electrical Communication Engineering, Electronics Design & Technology, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Supercomputer Education & Research Center, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Centre for Earth Sciences.

Selection Procedure:
Selection of candidates for admission to Ph.D program is by an interview to be held at the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, during the period 25-27th November 2009.

Short-listing for interview:
1. Candidates with ME/M Tech or an equivalent degree will be short –listed based on their academic performance including GATE; or CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; or UGC NET for JRF or IISc Entrance Test.

2. Candidates with BE/B Tech / M Sc or an equivalent degree should have qualified in any one of the test given below (a to d). They will be short-listed based on their performance in the qualifying test.

a) Entrance Test held on 26th April 2009 (who had been called for interview for August 2009 admission based on the IISc Entrance Test)
b) GATE 2008 and 2009 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
c) Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF (with a valid certificate)
(Please note that CSIR-UGC NET for Lecturership is NOT considered as the qualifying test for admission to research programs).
d) UGC NET for JRF (with a valid certificate)
(Please note that UGC NET for Lecturership is NOT considered as the qualifying test for admission to research programs).
3. Candidates with BE/B.Tech/M.Sc or equivalent degree who may not have qualified in any of the above mentioned National Entrance Tests will also be considered for the Ph.D Program in Engineering. Short listing
for interview of such candidates is based on their academic performance in the qualifying degree (upto 3rd year in BE/B Tech, or 1st year in M Sc), and their performance in 10th and 12th /PUC examinations.

How to apply:
Information Brochure and Application form can be obtained :
(1) from the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012, by sending a Demand Draft for Rs.700/- (for SC/ST candidates Rs.350/-) drawn in favour of the Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012.
(2) Application form is also available in pdf form which can be downloaded. You have to submit the application form along with a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (for SC/ST candidates Rs.250/-) drawn in favour of the Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012.

Important dates:
Last date for submission of forms – 9th November 2009
Interview dates – 25-27th November 2009
Commencement of Session – 1st January 2010.

Official Site: IISc Mid year admissions 2009-2010 and Admission brochure.

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