Advises, Personals

People Might Surprise You, Just Give It A Try

I was in pain to get out of my routine life. I don’t know where did I borrow this gene? Once I settle down somewhere it’s hard for to me move out of it for a longer time. This happens to me always and at the end when it comes to packing I just keep crying till last minute. Thanks to my good friends who always come to my rescue.

I was preparing to go on Eid to see my family and was crying like a kid that I have to do this and that. Finally a friend came home a night before and packed my stuff. A PhD student but spent all night long helping me. Next day I went to office at 5.30 AM, of course I didnt sleep that night. Finally, with a great sync and effort reached Airport.

The trip was surprising, both ways I was upgraded to business class and luxury lounge, yes I am not used to them, rather never used before on airports. Reached home comfortably. Next day dad joined us and we did celebrate a great Eid. I forgot the pain of thinking about traveling just the moment I met my brother at airport. He is a surprising guy got married on the day of Eid. It was all fun.

As he moved on in his life with marriage, pressure started to mount on me. I rarely shared my ventures with my family and relatives thinking that they might not support it as its all about blue-chip applications (not related to them) and they always give preference to academics whereas I broke everyone’s expectations and came to industry.

However, when pressure mounted I asked them to give me sometime to make things happen. Then I had to tell them my plans and show them my products and ventures. The biggest surprise to me was the support of my dad. My dad loves academics and I always thought he don’t like moves in industry. He always asked me to join academics and contribute to tech and humanity. We also had an argument on why industry will not help contributing to society and how capitalist thinking is overtaking the sense of contribution.

Considering all the, I felt he and other elders will never appreciate my talk. To my surprise, when I shown the first prototypes and results and some of the things that I have been doing in last months, they were totally in my support. Dad was in big support, he not only gave me time to work on things I am doing but also mentioned that he would like to invest in the product and company. Everyone came forward to support and help and we kept talking on those lines.

I am sitting in a lounge at Hong Kong, feeling that how wrong I was about my idea. On the same time, I feel the importance of working on ideas before talking to elders. They loved the first prototype and their trust in me increased. They see it coming and understood why I am asking for time. I thanked Allah SWT for all the opportunity he gave me to talk to my family in such a close manner for the first time. I just felt I am going to make it happen and felt its coming as the next day is coming.

I think, its all same for different things in life. The confidence to move ahead is very very important. Parents will support when they see we are confident, but the moment they see we are reluctant they tend to suggest and sometimes force us to take safest routes. And that is just because of their immense love and affection for their children.

If you are confident of cracking GATE and need a year time, I strongly recommend you to sincerely start preparing for it at home, show them you are highly committed to crack it. I am sure even if they don’t agree with you for now they will give you a chance. Once you get a chance prove it and I strongly believe one day they will stand and say my son or daughter has done it with proud.

When we decide to live by a dream and pray to almighty he will make ways easy for us. The most important thing is to never ever give up and keep trying for excellence, whether its IITs or beyond IITs. Lets make it a goal to live life with excellence in all walks of life.

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