GATE Motivation

One Common Quality of Highly Successful People

I received a mail from HR asking me to join a one day Leadership Training in another city where my company constructed a new training center. My Company is really excellent in too many thing and architecture and construction is one of them. A friend who was offered a course there few days back told, it’s the place to visit and see the creativity of construction division. It just went of my mind due to unexpectedly busy schedules, but when I saw the invitation I was bit exited but timing really annoyed me (they start training at 7.30) and it’s horrible here with -3 degrees and wind that made it look like -9.

I have been working here for almost a decade and saw it transforming from a competitive electronic company to global leader. Along the side I strongly felt like it’s my time to move on as I was feeling that I learned what I have to and it time to explore now. The moment I get this thought, this company thrown me to new challenges and screwed my motivation.

I reached the training premises, I was amazed to see the rather short building, just 5 floors coved in mountains and green from inside. Having a 5 floor building is just luxurious dream as where I live I don’t see anything less than 20 floors. A warm welcome and breakfast with Americano made it excellent. I was just sitting next to glass and when I looked outside it was just amazing. I cannot tell you how beautiful it is look through glass when day is bright and super cold outside and cup of Americano make it kicking energetic. When I saw outside with a cup of coffee I strongly felt, do I really deserve all this?

The kind of love, respect and warmth these guys show when I reached there for training. Such a great place loved every bit I spent there, I took an excuse and spent more than hour stood at glass on 5 th floor looking outside and asking myself hell lot of questions. Where are the smartest people that I met in life? Where are all toppers of my class? Where the life has taken me and taking me ahead? Am I going to be tested severely for something bigger in life? Where I would have been if not standing here today? I don’t think I would have ever had the idea of place where I was standing with such a great feeling. Trust me I really so lucky about myself. I was not listening to talks but I was just planning and thinking what opportunities are in front and what I am expected to contribute. Felt like being chosen because I know what they were talking about and what they want us to do even before they speakers speak about it.

I met some of the amazing people during breaks and have a great conversation with one of my close friend on the direction our lives are moving. In evening we had a music concert (Violin Group) in greatly designed Hall. I walked through the painting and messages on it and loved the concert to some extent. I am not a big of doing things that I don’t know much, after 10 minutes I feel disconnected. As they started with their rehearsal and discussion on perfecting the performance, to me it looked like of a programming. Both look ugly, complicated and difficult at the beginning but the final product really charms the end users and audience.

After everyone left, I want to cafeteria to take dinner, while walking to food court I saw a quotation and that boosted my moral and energy to next level. That said “The Common Quality of All Successful People is That They Work Extremely Hard”. One quotation summarized the whole training for me. I have been a strong believer in hard work and really saw how it helped me to go to IITs, Industry and most importantly reach you all.

With GATE exam on heads I like ask you to take time and think. How much hard work you need to chase the success and your dreams. When you reach there, trust me you feel you were blessed with more than you really deserved.

Wish you all a great luck ahead.

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