
Its 3.30 In The Morning

What a time I am going through. Last 15 days were or a drama in life. I desperately wanted to visit family for Eid, have a big demonstration of work on 5th of November and my work is at major focus. I am working on parallel programming and because early good results everyone became excited initially and now ambitious.

In all these one fine lunch I realized that I am screwed. My tooth that root canaled 8 years back started hurting and here changed the life. All plans messed up, I couldn’t visit India and that shattered all plans of Eid here in Korea as well as in India.

November demonstration is getting close and everyone expect a great performance some of the poorly performing medical image reconstruction algorithms. The thing that excites me is speed and consistency. I loved to work on before and now loving it.

Since last two weeks I return to home from work around 12.30 in night and be there at work around 8.30 AM, with sever tooth ache I dont know how I managed to pullout the 250 times higher performance finally and didnt felt tired when I left office over mid night. My boss got an email from HR asking me to leave office because my stay in office exceeded the normal working hours and maximum overtime limits.

Now when in Writing this post its 3.30AM in morning. I wakeup got fresh and prayed, I wakeup because of sweet pain in tooth turned horrible. Now when I felt better I was just thinking what kept me going in these sever health and social conditions. How come I left work over midnight and how didnt I realized that two weekends in row passed on. I felt that there is something always keep up going in all sever conditions. Whether its gate preparation or preparing for any other thing in life.

First and foremost thing that kept me going was love for what I am doing and its visible reward. Speed it is the game I was always in though I couldn’t make thing fastest in the world I made them presentable. I made them run fast beyond my peers imagination. This it I was trying to trigger the power of 192 core to compete the best in the world and it turned out to be fastest way to make an image as far as we know.

Second thing that fascinated me was learning. If learning is not there my mind is totally blocked and supportive for that work and usually I land in a low performing guy in team. This time I got a chance and resources to make use of every single nano second of the graphic processor. Every single day I learned something that made me happy and gave an edge over others.

Third is deadline. My work is totally deadline based if we miss a dead line you will get to showcase your work with next deadline and naturally people lose interest if they know in hand whats coming. If you are doing something great make sure it reach all when the expect it. I respect deadlines a lot and choose them carefully. 5Th of November is so close, therefore I got to do what I want to before that so that I can relax after that. Because of this everyone think that I am always having fun : D

Now put all these things together consider preparing for GATE exam. You may most of the time feel demotivated, distracted, unfocused, and weak at concentration. All this is because we lack the above basic factors. Make sure that you care find these thing for GATE preparation you will definitely learn thing that will make your preparation exciting and more productive. Even if you don’t make it GATE you will have satisfaction of learning and that would definitely help you later in life.

Use ever second of your day, keeping the GATE exam deadline in view because you have limited time. After exam you can definitely do a lot fun stuff, but if you lose this time you will have to wait for a year again to show your performance an d one year in life is really a bigger time.

I just wanted to share with you all these before starting my day. I wish you all a great luck ahead with GATE. Do keep me in your good prayers, specially tootch ache.

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