Top Colleges

IIT Ranking 2010

In 2009 I made my first serious effort to find out best engineering colleges in India and came up with Top Engineering colleges and Top privates engineering colleges lists. For the first time I added new IITs to ranking because of certain factors and most important was to help students, who were taking admission in 2009.

To answer all the questions related to adding new IITs in ranking, I wrote posts such as New IITs or old NIT and Universities, and also for M.Tech admission in New IITs or old NITs. I also mentioned why these New IITs are and should be top preference for students in India.

As I mentioned in earlier ranking posts that I rank Engineering colleges in Indian base on student quality and preference, Faculty, Infrastructure and Industry interface or placements. I still rank engineering colleges on these criteria. For ranking new IIT’s the major factors were faculty research and educational background and also locations. I also relied on the data presented in comments and personal mail by students from IITs regarding ranking of IITs.

Ranking of IITs in 2010

Rank Institute State
1 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Maharashtra
2 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
3 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Delhi
4 Indian Institute of Technology Madras Tamil Nadu
5 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur West Bengal
6 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Uttarakhand
7 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Assam
8 Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Punjab
9 Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
10 Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneshwar Orissa
10 Indian Institute of Technology Patna Bihar
10 Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Gujarat
10 Indian Institute of Technology Indore Madhya Pradesh
11 Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Rajasthan
12 Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Himachal Pradesh

As I predicted 2009 that faculty will be great in these new IITs compared any other institute in India including NITs, excellent faculty from India and abroad is recruited. Anyone still doubt their great success in future arena please visit the faculty pages in these new IITs and in any other institute and compare the faculty. I feel this is just a right start for new IITs and they will be in line or better than old IITs.

If you need a broad ranking of new IITs, in my view IIT Ropar and IIT Hyderabad are first and then IIT Patna, Bhubaneshwar, Gadhinagar and Indore are developing fast, I strongly believe IIT Jodhpur and Mandi will in race soon.

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