This is being the most common questions asked to me for couple of days. But if you little google this topic you will find my quite old post New IITs vs Old NITs and Universities. This post was followed by a huge argument people support new IITs and old Universities, specially BITS alumni and supporters, as I ranked new IITs above BITS in Top Engineering colleges in India list. Read all comments in New IITs or Top NITs.
To answer this question you need know why you want to go some place for studies. Is it job or placement that matters most immediately after your degree or it’s a long term plan that makes you to go for higher studies.
First let me put my stand for the readers who don’t want to waste time reading all the post and want to know my choice to go ahead further. I personally go for new IITs rather than old NITs or Universities. I have high respect for all institutes in India but IIT was and still are biggest brand in education for whole world. All IITs irrespective of old or new, established or converted, represent a community of Engineers who contributed and contributing significantly in the growth of humanity, and the world recognize it.
I think by the time the first batch of new IITs for M.Tech comes out it will be 2013 and they will also be preparing for their first batch of B.Tech to come out in 2013 and 2014, therefore, I strongly guess that if new IITs don’t have enough infrastructure for placements their placements will be conducted along with their parent institutes.
It is also mentioned that the mentor institutes will support new IITs until they are able to function independently and are under direct supervision of existing IITs, refer to this official note I strongly believe if classes can take place in existing IITs for new IIT students then placement too can be conducted along with the student of mentor IIT until new IITs have independent placement cells.
If you have a long term plan of leading the world around you then IITs are best places to be in. Every top university of the world knows what IITs are and what IITians can do. A good academic record with few good recommendations can show you worlds top universities, which is not so easy with any other institute in India. IITs have a definite edge for higher studies or MBA in world’s leading institutes.
All leading companies and leading projects in India are backed by IITian and being from this class will definitely make you more confidant and trust of people in you. In IITs you not only learn engineering you will learn organizing and managing, which eventually help one in later life to be a leader and a contributor.
According to a common person in India, which constitute a 90% of educated people still think and believe that IITs are highest places of education and there is nothing beyond them. If you are from NIT or some other university you still have a place called IIT to reach the excellence. You will realize it when you travel a long distance in train from north India to south India wearing an IIT T-shirt.
This is my personal opinion and reader may disagree 90 degrees with it. Please drop your comments if you agree or don’t agree with this. This discussion will help may students across the nation.