Personals, Post Engineering Confusions

I Want To Do B.Tech Or M.Tech In… Field, Do I Get A Great Job?

I have been writing since last three years about engineering studies and close to admissions I get this very common question. I myself have been wondering about an answer to this question and with experience in life I got an answer for this.

Things around us usually give pointers for us to decide upon what kind of course we take up and what kind of decision about the courses we take. These pointers would help you and have been helping many others for years to make decisions in their careers. This is one of the reasons why we see many kids in doctors’ families opting medicine and students from families having many engineers opting for engineering course. This is also very common in business families too. Now peers also make a great in making career decisions.

Now let’s begin with the question, what is a great job for you. Is that pay makes a job great or something else? Answer this question would help mostly deciding where you will be rest of your life. When I was at verge of finishing my engineering the most importance parameter for evaluating job was money. I seriously felt that nothing can fetch me more money and in dollars than a PhD and I started working for that. Why I thought that PhD would fetch more money? It’s just because I used to read a lot of research magazines during engineering. At the end of magazine there used to be academic jobs, like jobs for Assistant professor, post doctoral researcher. Every job would fetch at least $30000, as IEEE magazines are international the pay used to be mentioned in USD. This attracted me in 2001.

Similarly for many students the influencing factors can be their siblings, friends’ siblings, relatives doing cool jobs, or class toppers jobs. All these people make us think that certain job is great and make us desirous to work towards that. If you are exposed to high profile job or business early in life you would opt for that otherwise its takes time to understand what is actually great is. Few get that chance earlier than others, because of their endless desire to explore and luck support those kinds of kids.

After almost a decade of running after this question of great job I concluded few things. Having a great job is a never ending process. Once I grow higher the next higher position look great to me. The more I grow the more I work hard and look ahead. Almost everyone feels that I am doing the best but still I feel I have a long way to go. On the same time I see I am not happy. There is something missing somewhere. Finding that is more important. That was the question asked many people who changed tech industry at early stage. Right from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates to Zuckerberg asked this question and in return they did what they are doing.

After studying longer, working longer both in academics and industry and travelling all around the world and seeing what all people do in life, I realize that one can make money with any profession. The most important thing is to do what you love. Find out what like to do and enjoy and jump into it. Trust me you will have an excellent job, because every domain need very good people in the world and the first spot is always vacant.

With all my experience put in one place I can bet that you spend most of your life time at job or work place and if you want to be happy just choose a stream that interests you and you think you can do great. Money is same in every place you just need to know where to go to get that with the work you love. Don’t get influence with money and showoffs, it’s just not important. The most important is how do you do what you like.

I suggest you to keep in mind that you are here to make world a little better place. Just try for that little contribution through the field you like and think really contribute. Money is a lot there on table and trust me it’s searching for you if you are good in whatever you do.

Hope this will help you in making your decisions. Do share it with friends and help them too. Subscribe for more updates on engineering and other reading that motivate. Do like InI on facebook for updates right on your facebook profile.

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