GATE Exam Info

How to Calculate GATE Score?

In 2010 official GATE pages have this information but in 2011 I could not find it on any of the official paper. I just extracted this information to understand the GATE score calculation and its impact on M.Tech admissions.

What I conclude from the formula is that it’s highly impossible to calculate or estimate GATE score before the actual results come out. Because there are many prameters those could not be guessed before and after the results are announced.

The GATE score is calculated using the following formula:

GATE SCORE = 10[ag + sg {(m – a)/s}]

m = marks obtained by the candidate.

a = average of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero.

s = standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero.

ag = average (global) of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years 2007-2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero.

sg = standard deviation (global) of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years 2007-2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero.

The GATE score is set to zero if the value calculated by the above formula is less than zero and the GATE score is set to 1000 if the value calculated by the above formula is more than 1000.

GATE Qualifying Score
The Qualifying Score is the minimum mark that needs to be secured to become eligible for availing assistantships provided by MHRD, GOI. The qualifying score for general category in each paper is (a + s) or 25, whichever is higher, where a and s are the average and standard deviation of marks of all candidates in a particular paper, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. The qualifying scores for SC/ST/PD/OBC categories would be 2/3, 2/3, 2/3 and 9/10, respectively, of the general category qualifying score.

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