I wish i would have written this post long before, because it contains all the basic information about GATE exam. As a part of GATE preparation guide, this must have been the starting post. The good thing is that it came just before exams, therefore I also think most of the students will have good time reading it during their break from their focused preparations. This came to my mind when I was writing about how to make the best use of negative marks scheme for GATE exam.
Do drop your comments and suggestions to improve it. Also donβt forget to share it with friends.
General Information about GATE
- The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration.
- GATE question paper contains 65 questions except AE and TF.
- Maximum of marks a student can score in GATE are 100.
- GATE score is calculated on the scale of 1000 based marks obtained by the candidate.
- The question paper will consist of only objective questions except AE and TF.
- For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer.
- For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer.
- Papers in AE, GG, MN and TF will be carried out Online.
- There will be negative marking for each wrong answer, except for the numerical answer type questions.
- Each GATE paper shall have a General Aptitude (GA) component carrying 15 marks.
GATE question paper pattern
- Q.1 to Q.25 (25 questions) carry one mark each (sub-total 25 marks).
- Q.26 to Q.55 (30 questions) carry two marks each (sub-total 60 marks).
- Questions Q.48 – Q.51 (2 pairs) are common data questions.
- (Q.52, Q.53) and (Q.54, Q.55) are linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. (If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is not attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated.)
- Questions Q.56 – Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA).
- Questions Q.56 – Q.60 (5 questions) carry 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and questions.
- Q.61 – Q.65 (5 questions) carry 2 marks each (sub-total 10 marks).
Negative Marking in GATE
- For Q.1 – Q.25 and Q.56 – Q.60, 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- For Q.26 – Q.51 and Q.61 – Q.65, 2/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- (Q.52, Q.53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair i.e. for Q.52 and Q.54, 2/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55.
I hope this covered almost everything about GATE exam. If you feel something is missing or you have something to share please drop a comment.
Do not forget to share it with friends and subscribe for regular updates.
Wish you all a great luck in GATE preparation and Exam.
Sir, is this Question paper pattern same for GATE 2015??
Sir please give Some information About AE, GG, MN and TF & Waht is that height of difficulty. ?
i didnt get first class in degree. i got only 59% in cs branch.Any problem for m.tech placement in iit.Please reply urjent.
Is numerical type question relevant to E.C.E. students? My confusion is that all 65 questions, except 2nd part of linked questions, have negative marking. So why the point 9 of general information section intents no negative marking for numericals?
Sir,can you post some valuable informations (toppers view/preparation) upon electrical engg. to clear the exam.
thanks sir
Can each question have more than 1 right ans in options..like in other online exams or just 1 correct ans??
This Piece of information cleared my all confusions abt the scheme, Thnk you sir!!
this is an awesome site of tech blogging. π
Welcome brother thanks for all the posts still I need to study hard
this is really nice pc of info. The aspirants can get entire marking scheme very easily here.
Thanks a lot.
sir piz sent me success speaks of mechanical previous gate toppers……..
How the cut-off marks are determined in the GATE Exam???
at present I’m in B.Tech 3rd year, please suggest me, how I can do preparation during this time period.
sir gernal aptitude is compulsory means
PLZ rply for this Q
the numerical answer type questions means what?
And what sort of questions belongs to this category
i am subhajit,
4th yr,MECHANICAL engg student,
i am preparing for gate 2012,
so i want to know that what rank i must get in GATE to get into iit surely ,as per my choice of subject for m.tech????
also for IISC..?????
how to prepare for gate exam?
sir, I just want to know that is there any changes in the syllabus of gate 2012 exam as gate 2011 exam?
sir, will they allowed us to use calculators in the examination hall?
hello sir,
i m a 2nd year ece branch student..i want to pursue mtech after my btech..should i start preparing for gate exam now itself??..please guide me sir…
what is aggregate %criteria for admission
to get.i have less than 55% is i m eligible to
admission to m tech cource
what is aggregate %criteria for admission
to get.i have less than 55% in btech is i m eligible to
admission to m tech cource
And m i get placement in good companies on b tech score??
Sir, i just want to know reg that negative marking. For 2 mark questions what is the negative marking -2/3(-0.666) or 2/3rd of 2 mark that is (-1.33). I need clarification regarding this.
Sir, i just want to know reg that negative marking. For 2 mark questions what is the negative marking -2/3(-0.666) or 2/3rd of 2 mark that is (-1.33). I need clarification regarding this.
Hi Sir
I completed my Mtech in vlsi but my percentage is very less (68%).I don,t know what to do next.I like to do Phd but I don,t know whether I will get good institutes with this mark.Pls guide me
Hari T O
There will be negative marking for each wrong answer, except for the numerical answer type questions.
i am not claer about this statement that means their is no negative marking for numerical type questions
I have done my B.Tech on educational loan & till now I am not able to repay it completely. For M.Tech I will again have to arrange for another loan. Is there scholarship or stipend arrangement for M.Tech, which could help me out in pursuing M.Tech without taking any more loans?
Please guide me on this.
sir..is there different different sectional cutoff for both technical and general apptitude???
cdse exams and gate eam dates are clashing.what do v do? will anyone of them be postponed??
would you please tell us how to make the best out of Gate score
with negative marks
sir i want to no the type of questions asked in the written tests after the selection process on the basis of gate score!!
thanks for this it will defenitly save a lot of time during exam thnks
numerical answer type question will be without options…….so there is no negative marking for that questions……… For except GG,XE,XL engineering mathematics will carry 15% of total marks(excluding general aptitude section)
There will be negative marking for each wrong answer, except for the numerical answer type questions. could you explain this a bit please…
Sir, Actually each IITian gets a TA-ship money in their 5th year of dual degree course. For that purpose, either he should be 8 pointer or should be gate qualified. So, please tell me about qualifying marks for that purpose in Gate.
what is aggregate %criteria for admission to get.i have less than 55% is i m eligible to admission to m tech cource
would you please tell us how to make the best out of Gate
with negative marks
Sir, will they allow fx991-es or fx991-ms calculators for exam