
GATE 2014 Exam Pattern

After a long Ramadan Vacation from InI, I broke the ice with a small but fruitful first InI meet at Hyderabad. I was really awesome to see future of nation in a small room. Let me take you to the topic without getting into details of meet : )

Finally a detailed GATE 2014 notification came out with good amount of details about changes in GATE. I hope these will carry out in coming GATE exams too, along with other improvements. In this post I will sum up the pattern for GATE 2014. Please refer to GATE General Information: Something That Every GATE Aspirant Must Know for more detailed split of questions and marks.

As mentioned earlier in changes in GATE 2014 video, all papers will be conducted online during Feb 2014.

Question Paper Pattern

  1. There will be 65 questions carrying 100 marks
  2. Out of 65 questions 10 questions are for General Aptitude carrying 15 marks
  3. Engineering Mathematics will carry 13 marks
  4. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): Student have to choose an answer from multiple choices. Remember there will negative marking for wrong answers for this type of questions.
  5. Numerical Questions: Students have to enter the numerical answers in the text area given using a virtual keyboard. Remember there is no negative marking for this type of questions.

I will be updating more on a strategy to make best use of negative marking, meanwhile you can refer to an old post regarding negative marking strategy in GATE exam.

I don’t feel there are too many changes in GATE 2014 pattern except being done on computers. For more details on GATE preparations and updates do refer to GATE 2014 Preparation Guide. Sit tight and keep preparation going high. Don’t be scared or lose hope, just focus on your preparation honestly and sincerely.

Wish you all a great luck ahead.

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