A search for accurate and useful information about about GATE cutoff score or percentiles for admission into Master of Engineering degrees (M.Tech) in IITs always lead to the forums that and only questions. After investing a lot of time I decided to carryout research about IITs and NITs cutoffs for GATE scores for different department and give a generalized analysis for students to figure out where they stand. To make this post I depended only on official web sites of IITs and different departments. A genuine effort has been made to help students with cutoff scores analysis. I collected information related to different categories like Open, BC, SC and ST in departments like computer science and engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering departments. For more details refer to GATE 2010 cutoffs, and GATE 2009 Cutoffs.
You can find the sources of information from where the data is collected and extracted. As there are many departments I tried to represent an approximate score that may help you to get into IITs for master of engineering (M.Tech or ME). On the same time, I would like to tell you that your GATE score is just a necessary but not sufficient condition to get into IITs. The other factors I mentioned GATE Percentile for IITs. You can also refer to GATE Cutoff for IITs and NITs for details about master degree admissions in Top Institutes in India. You may also find GATE 2010 analysis useful
If you get close to these scores you have high chances of getting interview/written test calls from any of the IITs. This is just an approximation. The other point is, if it is direct admission then scores will be high and if there are interviews and written tests they little lower scores may also get chances to appear for exam and interview.
The GATE cutoff scores for IITs are as follows.
Branch | Category | Score |
Computer Science | Open / General OBC SC ST |
610 589 430 410 |
Electronics and Communication | Open / General OBC SC ST |
620 615 430 375 |
Electrical Engineering | Open / General OBC SC ST |
610 570 425 360 |
Mechanical Engineering | Open / General OBC SC ST |
640 620 465 411 |
Civil Engineering | Open / General OBC SC ST |
450 395 295 265 |
Every engineering department have many specializations I considered the scores little higher than minimum scores to give a margin for error. For a detail analysis you can visit IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, and IIT Gowhati. ( these links were visited on 10.07.2009 No one take any responsibility if they are not not active when you visit them).
Please do remember getting master of engineering degree M.Tech, ME or MS admission in IITs is dream for thousands of student. As every student know that GATE is conducted for Admission to all engineering course right from Computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical and civil engineering. The number of admissions offered in these engineering courses are very limited therefore getting less score not able to get admission doesn’t mean that your are not capable of studying M.Tech or MS.
There are lots of good universities all over the world specially if you an average student should try Master of Engineering programs in Germany, France and other European countries, as Education is free and you get good scholarships there, you can also consider master degree admissions in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and US. Getting admission in MS same as M.Tech or Master degrees courses is easier than getting in IITs. On the same time These universities give you good facilities for research and development. Usually Master degree in Computer Science or Master degree in Electrical, Electronics have good findings and support many students. Try all the possibilities to go for higher studies if you are really on to it.
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