
GATE 2011 Results And March 15th For Inspire n Ignite

This date have a lot to do with most of the students life in India and also with Inspire n Ignite. Engineering students will be paid off for their efforts and sincerity during last one year. Don’t take it so seriously, I don’t mean that if you don’t get a good GATE score you are sincere. Everyone doesn’t need to be sincere to GATE preparation. Many students have their own choices to be sincere to. Find out what is yours. If you are not sincere to one find one thing you would be sincere to as soon possible 🙂

15th March is a great for Inspire n Ignite too. In 2010 it was struggling to get its first 1000 visitors in a day. Even after a year of writing it was getting around 900 visitors and on 14th March 2010 it got 980 visitors. I was going for a coffee with my friend, I told when it will see a 1000 visitors. He told today and that was 15th march 2010. He was just confident that one day Inspire n Ignite will see 1000. Though he just told that to encourage me but on that day Inspire n Ignite crossed 1000 and made a record of 8000 visitors. Unfortunately I got a message from my host that Inspire n Ignite is taking too many resources and was suspended for next 5 hrs 🙂

The good thing is consistency brought constant visitors, subscribers and fans. Now Inspire n Ignite draw around 5000 visitors a day reading over 20000 pages. What I am expecting today is 20000 great visitors with a good future ahead.

I would like put few things about GATE exam and result here.

First thing I would like to tell you, is to prepare for next. Whatever the results are good or bad think about next. There is a lot to do after GATE results. You don’t get M.Tech admission without applying for one. Therefore use Inspire n Ignite search and dig for what are you looking for.

If you don’t get a good score or qualify GATE, remember this is not the end of life. If you missed believe me there are far better things looking ahead for you. Before trying for PhD in IITs I was trying to join PhD in Central Universities, but failed. I never know IIT was the place for me. Therefore getup there is a lot see ahead. Just be honest and sincere in your search.

If you made it great in GATE exam and got scores just don’t waste time and look into M.Tech admissions 2011, IISc Bangalore M.Tech admissions deadline is just ahead and do read What to do after GATE exam. Do cherish your success but on the same time stay humble. It is not that you are super smart, it is that others had bad time during exam. Most of good students miss Exams because of different reasons. Keep humbleness alive and get ready for next stage.

I wish you all a great luck with M.Tech admissions. Whatever the result is keep an eye on M.Tech admissions 2011 for all GATE and non GATE admissions across the nation. Do subscribe to get GATE 2011 analysis and other details in coming days.

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