On June 27 2011 I gave a post mentioning we are going towards a community in Are we heading towards a community. I also asked for few early memberships to be a part of the largest community. Within 24 hr I got the early members and closed further entries. But the real game started afterwards.
A huge contribution form Kapil made it possible for me to bring an Inspire n Ignite community. He took care of the smallest details on I n I community. I and whole student community will remain thankful to him for such a huge contribution.
What we are launching today is not just a question answering forum. It’s a community, a community of students who are in same situations as we are now. We call it community because of many reasons few to mention are.
- Students answer and suggest other students. We do it regularly on commenting but this is an individual effort to help each other recognize favors. Have a look at how we help each other on InI now through commenting.
- We have 100 early members on community from different engineering branches, so everyone of us have few friend out here already : ) ( if you are an early member you will get a personal mail about your participation on forum)
- To avoid fooling around with some virtual names IDs passwords we used only facebook login method. This will give almost real names to know community members. Also it helps you with login process, without remembering multiple usernames and passwords. This will bring more real life into community and avoid rude language and personal comments. Best part is you won’t find many spammers here : )
- It’s your community your friends and your own batch mates you understand each other better and help each other too. You can make groups who are in same situation and communicate with each other. For example, after GATE exam if get 600 score and would like to know where other students are applying for GATE score 600 in your engineering stream. This brings lot of information exchange and right information at right time : )
- Not mention you will meet here your future classmate, even before you meet them physically in class room. There is no better place to meet them than I n I , in a simple, easy and efficient way.
Now without wasting time let me take you to Inspire n Ignite community. You can simply click the facebook connect and login to ask question and share information. There is GATE chit chat you can drop your suggestions or just share your thoughts.
Me and Kapil welcome you all to Inspire n Ignite Community . Stay connected with your future class mates here.
Thanks for your patience for such a long time and we expect your support and encouragement to make it a better place. Our Community policies are in line with comment moderation policy.
If you have any question related to GATE application form, just go to GATE Application Form Related Issues connect using facebook and ask the question many would help you in few hours.
Wish you all a great luck ahead and see you all around I n I community.