Top Colleges

Top Engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu

Top engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu ranks best engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu region. Ranking of engineering colleges in a any state not only Tamil Nadu needs a tedious job, and having a consensuses upon is another difficult task. In these posts I tried to rank engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu based in the last TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission) rank admitted to the engineering colleges affiliated to Anna University.

Department of Technical Education (DTE) conducts a centralized counselling process Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA) for admission into engineering. To know about last year cutoff and colleges ranks, do visit;

TNEA college predictor and cutoff marks/rank.

Last rank admitted to any engineering college is considered to be one of the best measure measure for assessing the position of the college at state level. In general, top rank students admitted to colleges will have good quality students and eventually leading to good results and placements opportunities for them.

While ranking top engineering colleges (affiliated to Anna University) in Tamil Nadu, we have considered the last ranks admitted to Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). In case of tie I further considered Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME) ranks as well. Usually top engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu in particular and other states in general trends remain same and every college gives its best to at least remain in the same position or grow higher.

It is observed that the list of best engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu doesn’t see any unexpected switch between colleges over years but sometimes the ranking is up or down by one or two positions. Student often end up opting subjects that is of not their interest. B.Tech admission advices are provided for engineering aspirants by the expert engineers to help students in selecting best possible college and course for themselves. Kindly visit to explore the world of engineering education in India.

If you have passed intermediate and aspiring to get into engineering you may find Engineering Courses: Future, Prospects, Institutes and Studies in India, and Which is the best engineering course, useful. If you already graduated and looking for M.Tech you may find M.Tech colleges in IndiaM.Tech admissions and useful tips for M.Tech aspirants useful. There are lots of other articles please use search to explore more.

Don’t forget to download iStudy app, it’s all about education. Complete Syllabus, Cutoffs, Result, Timetable etc will be at your fingertips. University updates will be notified to you as soon as university releases.

Top Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu 2020

Rank College Name Region
1 University Departments of Anna University, Chennai – CEG Campus Chennai
2 University Departments of Anna University, Chennai – MIT Campus Kancheepuram
3 Edayathangudi GS Pillay Engineering College Nagapattinam
4 IFET College of Engineering Villupuram
5 Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering Kancheepuram
6 K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering Tiruchirapalli
7 St. Xavier Catholic College of Engineering Kanniyakumari
8 Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology Dharmapuri
9 Thiagarajar College of Engineering – Autonomous Madurai
10 Coimbatore Institute of Technology – Autonomous Coimbatore
11 VV College of Engineering Thoothukudi
12 Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology Madurai
13 Amrita College of Engineering and Technology Kanniyakumari
14 KSR College of Engineering – Autonomous Namakkal
15 Government College of Technology – Autonomous Coimbatore
16 Sethu Institute of Technology – Autonomous Virudhunagar
17 PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research Coimbatore
18 Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College Thiruvallur
19 Rohini College of Engineering & Technology Kanniyakumari
20 SBM College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul
21 Ganadipathy Tulsis Jain Engineering College Vellore
22 Karpagam College of Engineering – Autonomous Coimbatore
23 Arunai Engineering College Thiruvannamalai
24 Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women Salem
25 Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Enginering College Kancheepuram
26 Loyola Institute of Technology Kancheepuram
27 Srl Venkateswara College of Engineering Kancheepuram
28 Panimalar Institute of Technology Thiruvallur
29 Jansons Institute of Technology Coimbatore
30 Pollachi Institute of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore
31 RMK College of Engineering and Technology Thiruvallur
32 Ramco Institute of Technology Virudhunagar
33 Paavai Engineering College Namakkal
34 Sri Venkateswaraa College of Technology Kancheepuram
35 Anna! Mira College of Engineering and Technology Vellore
36 Kumaraguru College of Technology – Autonomous Coimbatore
37 Mohamed Sathak Engineering College Ramanathapuram
38 KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore
39 Dr. NGP Institute of Technology Coimbatore
40 Jeppiar Engineering College Kancheepuram
41 Anna University Regional Campus – Madurai Madurai
42 Government College of Engineering – Autonomous Salem
43 Einstein College of Engineering Thirunelveli
44 Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore
45 Agni College of Technology Kancheepuram
46 Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering Kancheepuram
47 M Kumarasamy College of Engineering – Autonomous Karur
48 Alagappa Chettair Government College of Engineering and Technology – Autonomous Sivagangai
49 Karpagam Institute of Technology Coimbatore
50 National Engineering College – Autonomous Thoothukudi

Don’t forget to download iStudy app, it’s all about education. Complete Syllabus, Cutoffs, Result, Timetable etc will be at your fingertips. University updates will be notified to you as soon as university releases.

In case of doubts or question drop a comment and please feel free to drop a mail at [email protected] for suggestions. Do not forget to subscribe by email for more information about engineering studies in India. A subscription box is given on top left corner.


  1. Vikash

    Respected sir/madam
    I have scored less marks in my hsc exam can I get seat I bannariamman institute of technology in management quota.

  2. d.selvam


  3. anas

    I have 186 cuttoff in bcm quota, is valliamai is good or velammal which is better
    reply me soon my counselling date is 8.7.15 so i want to know early please

  4. PRiya

    Dear Sir,
    My son has opted for ECE in AC College of Engineering and technology. As we are from Chennai, we are not sure about the College. Can you please let us know, If it is a good college?


  5. ARA


  6. saran

    Sir,university college of engineering ,thindivanam placement oppurtunities i need to know .it is best college or not

  7. Raghul

    sir my cutoff is 183.75 will I get Rajalakshmi engg college for civil engg

  8. mohan gabriel

    my cut off 147 ,can i get coiabothur college

  9. hassan

    dear sir,

    my son completed ice on 2013.he got a job in tcs and joining last month.somebody said this line not related his course.others said ice related with software,in future he joining core company this experience not considered its future he want to joining control and instrumentation giid for his career.explain me sir.

  10. vijayakumar

    I choose valliammai engg college. Do you know about this college?

  11. reshmitha

    I want to get a top 200 colleges in tamilnadu

  12. sub

    cutoff-146.25 (oc) what college could i choose in coimbatore to get a good placement in CS/IT? disciplined and decent ones please…

  13. A.Dharmesh

    My cut off 187.I need for valliammai eng.,clg

  14. Antony David

    Hey, PSNA ranked No.7 in AICTE ranking! Mind it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sir, am an graduate of Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Saranathan College of Engineering,Trichy. I wish to pursue my P.G in process control and instrumentation. my TANCET score is 30.45 and GATE score is 21. Please suggest me the colleges which will be wise to choose during my councelling.


    Dear sir, I am completed diploma in civil engineering with 91.25%. Now I like to B.E studying. Any Govt. colleges or Govt. aided college available for my mark. Caste SC. Please tell me sir… I am waiting for your answer…..

  17. Arvind

    sir/mam what colleges i have for cut off 122 for SCA and which college i can select from it…. iam interested to study EEE!!

  18. Arvind

    what colleges i have for cut off 122 for SCA?

  19. shankar

    Sir/mam my cutoff is 147..75 (BC) which colleges can I gets through counselling

  20. vandana

    i wanna join btech it through counselling (anna university chennai) my cutoff is 157 which college will i get in coimbatore dist

  21. chandra kumar

    sir my cut of mark in 12 standard is 168[BC].in which college can i join CS or IT.pls list the colleges within tamilnadu.i also expect a good campus and placement.

  22. vijay

    sir/mam i got a cut of mark 160.2 tell me the good couse reply me fast

  23. meiyar.s

    my cut off 185.5 I need for thanthai peareyar college

  24. veni.l

    my tancet mark is 36.117, what range of college i will get, (in chennai),plz tell me sir/mam

  25. m.s.sohail

    sir,I want the rank of DACE(Dhanish Ahmed College of Engineering in kancheepuram)in Tamilnadu.

  26. m.s.sohail

    sir ,my cutoff mark is 150.Is Dhanish Ahmed College Of Engineering(DACE),in Kancheepuram , a good college,Will it come under top 50.My course interest is it a good career course,nowadays?please give me a good suggestion.

  27. m.s.sohail

    sir , cutoff mark is 150.Is Dhanish Ahmed College Of Engineering(DACE),Kancheepuram , a good college,Will it come in top 50.My course interest is it a good career course?please give me a good suggestion.

  28. c.priyadharshini

    hello sir,
    i hv completed my 12th with 185.5 cut off for engg. i need the list of top 50 engg colleges for ECE. please give me soon as possible. bcoz my counselling date is july 20.

  29. B.Divya dharshini

    i completed in +2 & my cutoff is 150.75 B.C. in which college i can get through counseling in ECE r EEE

  30. B.Divya dharshini

    i completed in +2 & my cutoff is 150.75 B.C. IN WHICH COLLEGE CAN I GET THROUGH COUNSELING IN ECE R EEE

  31. raj

    my question is:::
    my cut off mark is 117.75 and i belong to sc community and i have applied for ex-service men quota.. i want to know the list of colleges i can get in counselling.. awating for ur reply..

  32. vijay

    my cut off is 186 BC. In which college can i will join in best department

  33. thanraj

    my cut off is 177.6 BC. in which college can i will join in ECE

  34. thanraj

    my cut of mark is 177.6. which college available in my cut of mark

  35. Jemima

    My cut of is 125. In which collage i can get sheet


    I am studying diploma in E.C.E i want study B-TECH in tamil nadu.
    to get seat what type of exam can write.

  37. M.aboobacker siddik

    sir my cut off mark 144.3 my caste was BCM intha markuku entha best engineering college ketaikum

  38. S.P.Arun

    I am arun. My cut off is 189.75. I belongs to S.C category. Whether i could get government colleges in coimbatore?

  39. sounder

    my cut off is 189.5 wich gud clg i can get???





  42. Naveen

    My cut off is 165 M.B.C. In which college can i join ECE

  43. sabbi

    what colleges can i have for cutoff 183 for oc…

    1. ram

      you can choose thanthai periyar vellore

    2. hari

      this is all too much

  44. Sathish kumar

    How can u ranking the colleges based on the cut off mark? Because, most of the colleges are belongs to minority and some of the colleges belongs to non-minority, in this situation, government of Tamilnadu has fixed the norms that for minority institution only 50% of the seat will be filled by the government and the balance will be filled by the management itself, in this situation cut off for the college will be very high and automatically they will be ranked with in top 50 colleges, but in the same time, for non minority colleges, government shall fill 65% of the seat and automatically the cut off mark for these college will be lower than the minority colleges, hence the parametre fixed for ranking the colleges may be wrong. It has to be fixed based on the result, infrastructure, accreditation, faculty turnover, consistency of growth, placement record, beyond the class room activities etc… This would be humble suggestion.

  45. Abhi

    Now Tamil Nadu, North Kerala colleges could compete with North Indians in Raging related crimes! Well done, no wonder no matter how much technological institutes develop they still cannot make it ! Wait for the day people like me come into police and start finish off raging criminals come from wealthy families!

  46. padmavathi

    now in 2011
    1.rmk college of engineering and technology
    2.rmd college of engineering
    3.sairam institute of technology
    4.rmk college of engieeering
    6.sairam engineering college
    7.velamal institute of tech
    8.meenakshi soundarajan
    9.velammal engineering college
    10.prince shri venkateswara padmavathy engineering college

  47. lakshminarayanan

    sir/mam i want the rank of Ranipet engineering college in tamil nadu


    my cutoff is 153.5.what range colleges will i get?


    my cut-off marks is 153.5 B.C .i want to know colleges for me and my courses is e.c.e on through counselling


    SIR i am complet diploma in ece i need placement collage in coimbatore plz say any 15 collage my cut off mark is 91.166 my conciling date is 26.7.2011 soone replay me

  51. kumar_salem

    what is the SONA college rank…,

  52. amjath

    hai sir/mam.i fnshd my +2 cut off mark is low(152.75).in want s
    ome top colleges in coimbatore dist.plz sir i want to sturdy me to get good clg

  53. ramu

    these are false information don’t believe them

  54. poorvaja

    i have secured 35 thousand rank in tnea and wud want to know if i can get a seat in top 20 college in chennai also i prefer to take up information science , please reply as soon as possible

  55. poorvaja

    i have secured 35 thousand in my tnea ranking
    i would like to know if i can get top 20 colleges in chennai
    also i would like to bring to your attention that i want information science

  56. s.sujithra

    sir/mam Iam a diploma student and my 6 sem persentage is 91.33,and 5sem Iam applied cousling from karaikudi.Sir,I want any government college offer in my marks please replay immediatly
    thanking tou

    Email (required):[email protected](or)[email protected]

  57. nivetha

    sir i want the general cutoff to join the engg. colleges ( self financing) through councelling

  58. ramdevkishorereddy

    i dont belive it panimalar and rmk is far better than vellamal, kumaraguru, a.c.,kongu,meenakshi sundarrajan,srikrishna, thaiagarajar…………it is a fake report doooooooooon’t belive it.

  59. ram

    my cutoff is 193…and my preference is computer engineering or information technology…..which college in coimbatore can i get ????for this cut off
    plz do reply

  60. mounika

    sir,i want to know about the cut off mark for st.joseph`s college of engineering. i have got 92% in pls kindly let me know weather i can get a seat in that college.

  61. ajit

    sir gud evening i do have an agregrate of 93.99 in mpc so do have any chance of geting the ece or biotech course in any of best colleges in tamil nadu pls let me know sir





  64. suhail

    sir/mam i want the rank of aalim muhammed salegh college of engineering in tamil nadu

  65. kannan

    sir , i want to know which rank is csi collage in india…..kindly pizzzzzzzzzzzz

  66. santhosh

    dear friends,i am the student of st.joseph’s college of engineering chennai.2011 batch .it is one of best college as for my concern.u’ll get worth for ur money u pay for.right from food,placement,hostel eveything u’ll feel best.dont be fear of rules and present college has slashed all most every strict rules.though it is a christian minority insitution,you wo,nt feel that u ar in christian gives equal short of things for every studnts. this year placement has reached almost 950.all eligible students got placed.only drawback is that opportunity in core companies for non IT students is less.specially for mechanical engineering students.for IT related courses it should be ur first preference.after anna and psg.hostel facilities are best and hygine. u wont find food like st.joseph’s in any other colleges.u ‘ll get non veg 6 day a week.cut of194 for oc 192 bc 185 for sc 175 for st will be suficiant to join st.joseph.

  67. Dilip Kumar

    Sir, i wanna know wats the ranking of SRM university…..plsss///

  68. Murugan

    I want the best engineering college at coimbatore for the major of computer science and chemical engineering

  69. Majeed

    sir i want to know about Paavai Engineering college, Pachal, Namakkal
    please do reply inspite of the troubles.
    Thank you

  70. bavi

    hello sir,

    i just wanted to do IT but all were saying that if i do IT i cant grt job or i will get job with low salary…..what is your suggestion

  71. aruna

    I m studing in polytechnic college.which college best in virudhunagar

  72. kumar

    sir,rajalakshmi should cme above sona and valliamai

  73. mani bharathi

    sir i want the rank of muthayammal engineering….

  74. mani bharathi

    i want the “muthayammal engineering college” ranking…..

  75. Prahadeeswaran

    Good Afternoon Sir,

    I am a +2 studying student.In future I prefer to take up Petroleum Engineering.For the past 2 weeks in an advertisement I came to know about the Research going on for the alternative product for Petrol.What my question is the research will affect the petroleum field and the i want to know how long is the future of Petroleum.

    1. MINA K B

      dear sir,
      i hd finished my in kerala university…2015 batch..but i am not gate qualified…sir..i would like join for M.E. in ANNA UNIVERSITY ..but i dont about the good colleges..pls do reply sir. sir..yesterday i found a add on newspaper..for sem only 20,000 rupees…sir , i prefer to study at low fees…sir..i got 2265 rank in DTE..


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