
Have You Done It?? Do Share It…

What a pleasant way to start an awesome Friday. Wow every single individual love this day, it’s a hope for another two days of rest. We see stores with that name in west and now a days India too with the name “TGIF” Thank God Its Friday.

But today I had to go to office early to come back early to finish some work back home. I didn’t get time to check emails this morning. I went to office ordered a nice ICE Amricano and went to park and sat there to check my mails. I was just thanking God for everything I have and do. These days this feeling just too high, don’t know why though. I checked mails and to add more joy to my day I had two mails from single digit AIR in GATE 2012 just thanking for the support during GATE 2012 preparation. I don’t know if you feel, what it means, but that made my day.

Now I came back home and read those mails again. I felts its just not me who have to do it. I mailed them back with a request to come back with their story of GATE preparation. We live in a nation where everybody die for education and think it as only mean of surviving, on the same it’s the most neglected area. I never saw any new paper or TV channel publishing the interviews of toppers in any domain.

Way back in 2006, I was awarded IBM outstanding researcher award (Received it from a Noble Laureate in a great event at IISc). I had so much to share but there was no platform and no one cared the biggest event in a great engineering institute of the nation. It all went unnoticed by media. I felt strange and thought there must be something that cover these events and inspire millions of young engineers. This and other events made me pursue the dream of such a place and I n I finally became that place. Inspire n Ignite ( I n I) played an awesome role of being an alternate media for students looking for information regarding and GATE and some motivation to go ahead, especially when feel nothing is working out.

With this post I would like to start a new tag called “We Did It” to compile all those stories of hardworking student who rocked one of the most competitive exams to knock the doors of finest engineering schools of nation.

If you have a single digit or double digit all India rank in GATE 2012, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] . Do write your details and mobile number and suitable time, I would call you before your story is published to make a sweet intro for you. I would recommend you to write 5 to 6 para and give a solid message to make aspirant energetic and hungry. Don’t worry about English, we can do with that.

Do share this with your friends who secured a good AIR (single or double digit) to help and encourage millions of students now and in coming days. It’s time to pay back to the nation of largest student community. Many are looking at as you were few days before.

Sharing is caring. So don’t hesitate and don’t be lazy. It’s time to reflect, do reflect and pay back.

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