GATE Preparation

GATE Study Material for Electrical Engineering

This post is a compilation of result of the survey conducted during 2009 among GATE qualified students. Students recommended books they used for GATE preparation.

To learn about the use of multiple books for GATE preparations please refer to GATE study material. You would also find GATE preparation guide helpful for understanding GATE preparation and M.Tech admission process.

Many students participated in this survey but we pay our special thanks to Anil, Chandan Rai and Devendra Kumar for their great contribution and effort to help a great student community all across the nation.

Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Transform Theory
Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal

Calculus, Differential equations, Complex variables:
Intermediate Mathematics, S.chand publications by B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember ) both the volumes

Probability and Statistics:
Probability , statistics and queuing theory by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor

Numerical Ability:
Numerical Methods by S S Sastry

Electrical Engineering

Electric Circuits and Fields:
Electrical Technology by B.L.Theraja
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering by Leonard S Bobrow
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman and Halkias,

Signals and Systems:
Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition by Alan V. Oppenheim Alan S.willsky with S.Hamid Nawab

Electrical Machines:
Electrical Machines By I.J Nagrath, D.P Kothari
Electrical Machines by P S Bimbhra
Electrical Machines G B Gupta
Electrical Machines by SK Bhattacharya, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi

Power Systems:
Power Systems by C L Wadhwa
Power systems by J B Gupta
Power Systems by V. K. Mehta

Control Systems:
Control Systems : I.J.Nagrath, M.Gopal

Electrical and Electronic Measurements:
Electrical and Electronic Measurements by A K Sawhney

Analog and Digital Electronics:
Digital Electronics And Microprocessor R.P.Jain
Digtal Electronic Moris Mano

Power Electronics and Drives:
Power Electronics – P S Bhimbra
Fundamentals of Power Electronics Robert W. Erickson

Other books and reference material
Previous GATE Question papers(Made Easy Publishers,GK publishers etc)
Previous Engg Services question papers(Made Easy Publishers)
Aptitude Test-D R Choudhary

I tried my best to make it as accurate as possible and if you find something wrong or missing please do not hesitate to drop a comment. Your suggestion and comments would help thousands of students across the nation.

Do never hesitate to ask a question, some us of would definitely answer your queries. On the same time I would recommend you to used search on the site to find out if we have already discussed it. There are many things that we have already talked about and visitor asks them again and again.

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Wish you all a great luck ahead. Keep working hard and realize the dreams.

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