GATE Preparation

GATE Study Material for CSE and IT

In a survey conducted on Inspire n Ignite regarding GATE study material we received over 600 responses and not to be surprised most of them were for Computer Science (CSE).

This is the result of contribution from lots of people, most of the books are really standard and most of friend shared the same books. I would like to acknowledge few of the for sure as their effort is enormous and almost everyone gave the list of all the books. Specially Amol Warade for his detailed information based on syllabus.

The contributors for this are Ashish Gupta, Amol warade, Jainendra shukla, Arti Patidar, Partha Sarathi Sen, Kaushal Kishore, Dinesh, Ilthsafg and many others who gave only two of three names. But the names mentioned above gave a full list of books needed to prepare for GATE. Whole Inspire n Ignite community is thankful their efforts.

Do visit GATE study marital to learn about how to use multiple books for GATE preparation. The reference books for GATE CSE and IT students are below.

Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic; First Order Logic, Set Theory & Algebra: Sets; Relations; Functions; Groups; Partial Orders; Lattice; Boolean Algebra.
Textbook :
” Discrete Mathematics ” by Tremblay and Manohar .

Probability: Conditional Probability; Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation; Random Variables; Distributions; uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson, Binomial.
Textbook :
” Probability , statistics and queuing theory ” by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor

Combinatorics: Permutations; Combinations; Counting; Summation; generating functions; recurrence relations; asymptotics.
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.Chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry and K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal for generating functions and recurrence relations . ( Bessel’s formula , Lagrangian Polynomial )
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS ) for recurrence relations and asymptotics

Graph Theory: Connectivity; spanning trees; Cut vertices & edges; covering; matching; independent sets; Colouring; Planarity; Isomorphism
Textbook :
” Intoduction to Graph Theory ” by Narsing Deo

Linear Algebra: Algebra of matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Textbook :
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal

Numerical Methods: LU decomposition for systems of linear equations; numerical solutions of non linear algebraic equations by Secant, Bisection and Newton-Raphson Methods; Numerical integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.
Textbook :
” Numerical Methods ” – by S.S.Sastry

Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivatives, maxima & minima.
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )

Formal Languages and Automata Theory: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Un-decidability;
Textbook :
” Formal Languages and Automata theory ” , J.D.Ullman etal

Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity: Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average case) of time and space, Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems, NP-completeness.
Textbook :
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
A very good textbook on “Algorithms ” coming soon from Dr.M.N.Seetaramanth ( Tata Mc Graw Hill publications )

Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of Combinational and Sequential circuits; Number representation and Computer Arithmetic (fixed and floating point);
Textbook :
” Digital Logic circuits and Design ” by Morris Mano

Computer Organization: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and Data-path, hardwired and micro-programmed control, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Serial communication interface, Instruction pipelining, Cache, main and secondary storage.
Textbook :
” Computer Organisation ” by Morris Mano
” Computer Architecture ” by Briggs and 2 chinese authors ( blue cover pad ) { for pipelining }

Data structures: Notion of abstract data types, Stack, Queue, List, Set, String, Tree, Binary search tree, Heap, Graph;
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )

Programming Methodology: C programming, Program control (iteration, recursion, Functions), Scope, Binding, Parameter passing, Elementary concepts of Object oriented, Functional and Logic Programming

Textbook :
” Programming with C ” – Byron Gottfried , Schaumm’s outline series
” Principles of Programming Languages ” by Robert W Sebesta , Addison Wesley
” Programming with C++ ” – Balaguruswamy

Algorithms for problem solving: Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching; Design techniques (Greedy, Dynamic Programming, Divide-and-conquer);
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )

Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environment, Code generation, Linking (static and dynamic);
Textbook :
” Principles of Compiler Design ” , Aho , Ullman etal .
” Systems Programming ” by John . J . Donovan

Operating Systems: Classical concepts (concurrency, synchronization, deadlock), Processes, threads and Inter-process communication, CPU scheduling, Memory management, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and security.

Textbook :
” Operating system concepts ” by Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Galvin
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by W. Richard . Stevens
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by N.B.Venkateswarlu , BPB publications

Databases: Relational model (ER-model, relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control;

Textbook :
” Database Management systems ” – Raghu RamaKrishnan
” Database system concepts ” – Silberschatz , Korth , Sudarshan
” Database systems ” – C.J.Date { normalisation is very lucidly written }
” Principles of Database Systems ” – J.D.Ullman { This is a very good book }

Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, sliding window protocol, LAN Technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), TCP/UDP, IP, Basic concepts of switches, gateways, and routers.
Textbook :
” Computer Networks ” – Tenenbaum
” Data communications and Networking ” – William Stallings

Some more important books :
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers { follow it only for questions , answers are all wrong in it }
“Aptitude Test” -D R Choudhary
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers

Do not hesitate to drop a comment in case you have a question, suggestion about a book we missed here. Don’t forget to subscribe by email to get updates in email. You can also choose to like Inspire n Ignite on facebook to get updates in facebook.

Wish you all a great luck with your preparation and wish you the best in results.


  1. Ashish kumar kasdekar

    hello sir….
    please sir mail me study material.
    and sir can you suggest me any good book which is having correct ans.

  2. Ritu Dhull

    I have gk publication book for gate but as u had mentioned that its answers are wrong.then can u please suggest me a website for gate preparation material because I have only one month for gate preparation and I really want to work hard but don’t have material to study.also tell me from where I can get the right answers for gk publication. Reply as soon as possible

  3. yasmeen

    Rajat sir…
    Plzzz could u mail the gate study material to me also..
    Any body could send me the gate cse study material.. Plzz
    Email id is [email protected]

  4. chandu

    sir,im a2nd year student from cse.i want to start my preparation to gate from now it self.please tell which books i have to refer.i wil wait for ur response.plz suggest.

  5. Saikiran.p

    Hi sir,i am in final year m not taking any coaching for should i start my preparation.plz reply me

  6. Junaid

    Roger Pressman

  7. ishwar

    Hii….. M appearing for gate 2015
    Can u plz tell which notes are better….made easy or ace academy or brilliant???

  8. mamta

    what are the study material for computer science n engineering and how to prepare. i am 4th yr student

  9. Karun

    Can you tell me which book to refer for Information Systems and Software Engineering?

    1. Dibyendu Paul

      rajaraman ….
      Information Systems

  10. shyna

    I need the materials to prepare for the exam…
    Can you please mail me the materials…

  11. khushmeet

    hello..i m a 3rd year student,i want 2 take preparation for gate 2015..what r the initial steps regarding this approach? what are the study materials for computer science engg and how to prepare for it?plzz reply .will be wait for ans?

  12. Abhinay

    Sir, I am confused about one paper Engg. Mathematics, one of my friend told me that this paper is going to be compulsory for everyone..and i have tried to access the syllabus link given but its not working i don’t know will you please clear my doubt about this ..thanks

  13. patel urvashi

    hello sir, i am 2nd year student for computer plz send me gate material 2012/13.plz i am waiting your good response.

    1. Rajat

      hey urvashi……mail me [email protected]……i have all study the materials…so just tell me ur id …i’ll send u ……or contact me on my email

  14. patel urvashi

    sir plz send me 2013 new study material for computer branch.

  15. jyoti mishra

    sir i have 1 more query ………………..
    if certicates like oracle certified java programmer help in pursuing from iit or not

  16. jyoti mishra

    sir i have heard it is not possible …. to thorough aal t sylabuss so can u plzz provide a statiscal chart for the important topics need to be covered compulsarily ?????? if u can it would be extremely helpful i guess ………. 🙂 :O

  17. Ammrit

    Y do we need to stdy unix along with operating system?? it is nt explicitly specified in GATE syllabus

  18. Manohar Siriki

    Helllo!! Its just mentioned about the study material.. where can i download.. or would you really be so kind to post it to my email??

  19. Pratima

    Hello Sir,I am appearing for GATE 2014 with CSE branch,can u tell which GATE question bank book we shld refer for MCQ’s and practice questions..?

  20. arghyadeep

    hello!i m a 2nd yr studnt,gonna be in 3rd yr soon..i want 2 take preparation 4 gate 2015..wat r the initial steps regarding this approach?what are the study matesials 4 computer sc n engg n how to prepare 4 it?will wait 4 ur response..

  21. Dilip

    Hi Zahid, I think its being one of my lucky day to come across this website. You have answered the questions for which I never found a good answer unless you experience it all by yourself. Would really like to thank you for your effort. 🙂

    The articles on M Tech Specialization Courses and Total no of seats are one of best ones.

    Also, would like to let you know about one of the wrong spelling for the ‘material’ in this page, its being written ‘marital’ for one of the link. Its nothing big as such and its understood though.

  22. Divya

    thank you sir………

  23. madhanxavier

    sir actually this year syllabus is changed. but in ur site study material is develop based old syllabus. please upload new study material

  24. priyanka

    plz provide me the gate prepration material for computer Science………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

    plz ….plz…

  25. Anitha

    Pls provide me the course material for gate CS

  26. Shristi Bhute

    Please Provide me gate study material for cse on my mail id.

  27. Ketaki D

    Dear Friends..
    plz provide me the gate prepration material for electrical engineering………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

    plz ….plz…

  28. ASIK ALI S


  29. Ak Dhiraj

    Is “RK Kanodia
    ” Multiple choice questions book ” a good book for mcq for CSE and IT branch.
    plz help me…?????

  30. shailendra

    Hello sir will you please tell me priority list of subjects based on marks..for C.S.E.
    does any one knw?

  31. rahul

    sir, i want study materials of CS for gate
    can you send me

  32. RAVI

    Hello pls provide me gate material on [email protected]

  33. mani

    hello friends…………….
    plz provide me gate prepration material………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

  34. Sandeep Rajagopal

    Dear zahid ,
    Please provide me the gate prepration material for computer Science
    please send me the this mail address
    [email protected]

    Thanks in advance

  35. Nikunj

    is forouzan a good book for computer networks? kindly suggest the one which is apt according to the syllabus of gate because I find most of the books to be titled as data communications and computer networking and am skeptical that most of the information provided is futile for my preparation

    1. Amit Kumar

      Hi Nikunj,

      You can use Frozen for computer networks. It is one of the best book for clearing basic concept of networking.

    2. Gaurav Mishra

      Go for it.. Forouzan is good. Many times few direct questions were asked from Forouzan.. that too linked questions 😉

  36. annu

    Dear friends ….. is anyone tell me which multiple choice question book i should study for computer Science …. plz help me …


    Dear Friends..
    plz provide me the gate prepration material for computer Science………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

    plz ….plz…

  38. begum

    thanks ………its very helpful.

  39. iranna

    hi everyone,
    if you have gate material please mail me to [[email protected]]
    thanks in advance

  40. Shahbaz

    Sir, i want to know that why have you not suggested for Data Communications and Networking by Forouzan???? It is a very good book… i think

  41. pooja

    plz provide sumthng for maths formulas

  42. Pankaj

    Dear Friends..
    plz provide me the gate prepration material for computer Science………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

    plz ….plz…

  43. vinod

    could you help me which “materials” have extent information to prepare
    for gate exam

  44. vvs naveen

    hello friends…………….
    plz provide me the gate prepration material………….
    please send me the this mail address ([email protected])

    plz ….plz…

  45. Uday

    Sir, Someone referred me “GATE 2013” by G.K. Publication for C.S.E. I am taking it as reference for preparation.
    Is it okay to reference this book ? and solve its problems ? (I am referencing it as all in one syllabus is available.)

    Or should i look into other books suggested above?
    I want to grab a good rank in GATE 2013.
    Please suggest.

  46. amar pratap singh

    Sir I am IT student of 2006 pass out from PTU jallundhar.Sir I am very weak in CS subjects mainly DATA analysis,ALGO,COMPILER ETC.Sir I purchase some standard books for study but I could not succeed in achieving very good grip in the same.
    Please suggest me some basic books so that I can get good knowledge of the above mention subjects.
    Sir I get 16 marks in gate 2012, my roll no was CS 5513187.

    Thanking you sir.
    09307651916 lko.

  47. k.santhosh kumar

    iwillbe applie gate-2013 in which way wefallow for getting good result
    and after completion of my gate via next wich course we will choose pls sir iwant this matter very urgently

  48. shubham

    sir,is there any good book for question which have solved and unsolved question answers and have correct answers particularly for technichal part of gate exam.
    please othere then gk publication

  49. avinash

    please send me all matrial for gate 2013 thanks

  50. siddharth

    sir gate ki best coaching konse h

  51. Renu

    sir, can we crack gate without coaching.
    do reply

  52. Ranjeet Kumar

    hello sir,

    sir actually i need a formula book for computer n/w.Plz sir provide me the important formula book used in computer n/w. and also suggest me which book is good for computer n/w.

    thank you sir

  53. vamsi

    sir plz send me cse gate exam metireal for my mail id.
    [email protected]

  54. vaishnavi


    plz send me a best study meterial for gate exam

  55. goutham

    Hai sir.. You didn’t provide the details of web technologies ..
    So i ask you to upgrade your database.And make use to all of them…
    Thank you…

  56. sarika datir

    I have ace academy notes for gate preparation. if any one wants contact me on email [email protected]

  57. vidya

    am preparing for trb Lecturers for government polytechnic colleges..Am B.E cse graduate… pls send me the question bank and previous solved question papers..kindly suggest me some ideas..

  58. pawan kumar

    hello friends…………….
    plz provide me the gate prepration material………….

  59. smriti

    Respected Sir,
    could you please mail me the comprehensive study material for GATE 2012 Computer Science ??(a fomulae book)

  60. Arpit

    Sir can u pls suggest or provide a formula book for cs it syllabus for GATE 2012

  61. Sonveer choudhary

    You give all the informatiön about gate exam is very useful thanking you,

  62. jay k singh

    Hello sir, I had cover 90% of topic but still i make frequent mistake in test paper, what should i do to remove my mistake..!!

  63. sourabh khotiwale

    hello dear sir/madam…have you me suggess the book name of data base management system and operating system….thanks

    1. Anubhav Saxena

      for DBMS concern Navathe.
      for Os go for Galvin.

  64. asha


    Could you please provide more information on which books can be referred as far as Question banks “with solutions” are concerned , which can be relied to a great extent atleast.

    1. prashant

      ace academy que bank are good.

  65. himanshu

    hello sir,

    sir actually i need a formula book for computer n/w.Plz sir provide me the important formula book used in computer n/w. and also suggest me which book is good for computer n/w.

    thank you sir

    1. prashant

      tanenbaum for theory and peterson for numeric .

  66. Jeevitha K

    I’m a BTech IT student and i’m appearing for the GATE 2012 exam..
    I need the materials to prepare for the exam…
    Can you please mail me the materials…


    i m a btech cse student..would u plz mail me the useful materials for gate preparation…i will be grateful to u


    hi sir,

    i completed my engeniering in 2011 and appeared for GATE in feb 2011, but could not clear it now am taking another chance and appearing for same in 2012. so pls help me and provide study materils for computer science stream am wasting one year and i dont want to waste another ols send1

    thank you

  69. Pratik Bhatt

    will you please mail me the study materials at [email protected]

    thanking you in advance

  70. Abhishek

    i m a btech cse student..would u plz mail me the useful materials for gate preparation…i will be grateful to u

  71. chetna dewangan

    Good morning sir……….I’m a student of IT…………Can u send some study materials on my id……………and also tell me how to prepare well…………….have a nice day sir.

  72. vinayak joshi

    hello sir,

    i’m doin btech in IT… can u plz provide me some useful study material!! kindly help me to prepare well..

  73. shreyas

    hi sire,
    please tell me wt score is requied 2 get seat through gate.& study materials link for cs

  74. mahi raj

    sir i m cse student preparing 4 gate,will u plz send me comprehensive study material ?

  75. mahi raj

    sir really your analysis is very usefull.will u please send me study materials ?

  76. shijil

    Respected Sir,
    could you please mail me the comprehensive study material for GATE 2012 Computer Science ??

  77. yugandhar

    hiii sirr………. I had once did my GATE exam last yr and I got 450 marks (90 perctile) in COMPUTER SCIENCE.. could u mail me study material so dat i can improve myself.. please mail me study material… my id:[email protected]

  78. Suman Halder

    sir, i am Suman, in IT student ….can u please send me the study materials download link….sir can u please tell me : approx how many marks is required for IIT and for NIIT college for general quota?

  79. sailesh singh

    sir, i am sailesh , in IT student ….can u please send me the study materials download linK
    sir can u please tell me : approx how many marks is required for IIT and for NIIT college for general quota?

  80. sathish

    sir or any readers pls send computer science materials

  81. Grace

    Respected Sir,
    could you please mail me the comprehensive study material for GATE 2012 Computer Science ??

  82. santhanakrishnan

    i am student of B.Tech-IT, shall u plz mail me study material for cs….

  83. shalaka

    sir, really gud work done by you..will u plz mail me the study material for CS and IT paper. Thanks in advance !!

  84. Nandhini

    sir, I am student of BE Computer science branch.will u plz mail me study material

  85. maneesh73

    This information is very useful to me.i’m student of final year from IT,will u plz send me the study mateial of maths,database,compiler design,algorithm.

    thank u in advance ………..

  86. sandeep

    sir, I am student of BE Computer science branch.will u plz mail me study material.

  87. Ajay yadav

    hi.. your information s useful..
    i’m doing B.Tech cse..
    can u plz mail me the study materials..
    thank u..
    my email id is [email protected]

  88. Ajay yadav

    hi.. your information s useful..
    i’m doing B.Tech cse..
    can u plz mail me the study materials..
    thank u..

  89. karthik

    sir, i am karthik, in IT student ….can u please send me the study materials download link….sir can u please tell me : approx how many marks is required for IIT and for NIIT college for general quota?

  90. P Vasanthi

    hiii sirr………. I had once did my GATE exam last yr and I got 450 marks (90 perctile) in COMPUTER SCIENCE.. could u mail me study material so dat i can improve myself.. please mail me study material… my id: [email protected]

  91. gaurav

    i m student of c.s .will u plz mail me study material


    hello sir,
    The information you provided is very useful, i will refer this for my study. And it will be very easy for me to crack the GATE2012 with good marks if you send me the study material. I am waiting for your reply.
    Thank u!!!
    your’s faithfully

  93. partha

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science Engineering.

  94. Dushyant Kumar Tyagi

    sir…i cant afford coaching.but i need help for gate prepration.plz send me best study material for gate 2012 IT/CSE .by which i can prepare my best in less time.thanku so much.

    my email id is [email protected]

  95. nitish

    sir pls send me study material for gate…
    for computer science on [email protected]


  96. kittu

    sir…i cant afford coaching.but i need help for gate prepration.plz send me best study material for gate 2012 IT/CSE .by which i can prepare my best in less time.thanku so much.

    my email id:
    [email protected]

  97. Renu

    sir…i cant afford coaching.but i need help for gate prepration.plz send me best study material for gate 2012 IT/CSE .by which i can prepare my best in less time.thanku so much.

    my email id is [email protected]

  98. rajasekhar

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is C.S.E plz send it to my email id. ([email protected]). sir i am preparation for gate 2012 exam. . . .
    sir i am in general quote. . . sir can u please tell me : approx how many marks is required for IIT and for NIIT college for general quota?
    sir plz mail me study material..

  99. nirmala

    hello sir……….
    I am doing MCA and I want some study material for preparation.pls send me……………

  100. Ravikant Sharma

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is C.S.E plz send it to my email id. . . sir i am preparation for gate 2012 exam. . . .
    sir i am in general quote. . . sir can u please tell me : approx how many marks is required for IIT and for NIIT college for general quota?
    sir plz mail me study materail..

  101. sneha mehta

    sir plz provide me the study material….

  102. sindhu

    I need GATE material for CSE. Please send it to the mail Id mentioned.

  103. christa

    sir I am christa.I’m preparing for gate2012.Will u pls send me gate study material?

  104. Riya Ganguly

    Thanks for this information…
    I am Appearing in gate 2012 .My stream is Cse.Idon’t get admission in any institute.I prepare myself for gate. can you please help me by sending study material for mathematics.
    As you say the maximum answer of the previous gate exam papers in gk publication is wrong,so can i plz mail me these papers with correct answer..
    Thank you

  105. amresh

    Thanks for the Gate Information .
    I’m studying B-Tech IT. I need some previous year Gate question paper n solution.sir, Plz send me the question paper with solution on my email ID.

  106. satya

    sir, i want study material for branch is cse.pls mail me the material

  107. yella krishna

    hii sir i want gate material pls send that to my mail id
    thank u sir.

  108. swati

    sir i m doing mca plz give me some study material thankyou sir

  109. molay

    I am the 4th year student of cse, now i prepared for gate exam, if you send the study material with cover the all sub as well sample question, it will help me a lot, please send it into my email.
    thank you

  110. anchal

    sir please mail me the study material for gate Xam preparation….thank you so much for sharing your experience..

  111. Md.Belal Shafi

    It would be realy kind of U, if anyone can share the latest links to download the PDF version of the books mentioned herein.
    Thanx and regards.

  112. leela prasad

    Respected sir/mam i am dng B.TECH IT, nw am preparing for gate 2012. plz send me a study material for information technology.plz mail me.

  113. Mahesh MENARIA

    which book i refer for IT for gate

  114. priya

    hi.. your information s useful..
    i’m doing B.E cse..
    can u plz mail me the study materials..
    thank u..

  115. Ravikumar

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science Engineering.

  116. Manoj

    Hello Sir Please tell me any best coaching in Delhi/NCR like Madeeasy for gate CSE which also start batch from first Novemember or in October month. Because i join only after October.

  117. chandu

    I’m studying btech cse i am preparing gate exam in 2012 plz send me gate materials to my mail

  118. neeraj

    dear sir….you provide here a good list of books which are very useful to preparing gate exam ….can u plz provide us links where we can easily download books or if u have some ebooks or material plzz post here…

  119. Manish Sinha


    I am looking for part time M.Tech from IIT Delhi.
    Can you please send me study material for the same.


  120. priyal

    sir, I am studying in computer engineering.Please, mail me study material for GATE 2012 (or link of it.)

  121. madhu

    can i know the exam pattern and also study material that has to prepare for gate if possible plz mail it

  122. asif basha

    sir,thank u very much about such an information.can u send the study material to my mail

  123. sekhar

    sir i want gate materials for c.s.e if we have plz forword to this mail

  124. anil

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is I.T plz send it to my email id

  125. ankita dewel

    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  126. Druvi

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science.

  127. udayakiran

    thank u for giving information about gate

  128. Swasti Bose

    i am studying btech cse, i am preparing for gate exam in 2012 ,plz send me gate study materials in my mail id


  129. Surbhi

    Please snd me GATE study material for CSE-IT, E-books, in the form of MCQs it would be great if anybody could help me out…..

  130. sai

    sir send me gate material for cse

  131. Prajakta

    Thanks for giving the syallabus + books.
    Sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send me study material for GATE exam.
    I hd cmplted my BE in Computer Science……….
    Thank you….

  132. khagga mohan babu

    sir i am studying mca ,i am preparing to GATE-2012 please send some material for my preparation to my mail ,i am waiting for ur raplay sir,thankyou

  133. moumita ghosh

    hi…thank you for such a wonderful information.
    please mail me appropriate study material for gate exam.
    i am doing mca.
    thank you.

  134. moumita ghosh

    hi…thank you for such a wonderful information.
    please mail me appropriate study material for gate exam.
    i am doing mca.
    thank you.

  135. balakrishna Mannepalli

    i am studying btech cse i am preparing gate exam in 2012 plz send me gate materials in my mail

  136. balakrishna Mannepalli

    respecte sir
    i am studying btech cse plz send me gate materials my mail id

  137. pradeep

    how many times can we write GATE exam

  138. upendra

    Respected sir/mam i am dng B.TECH IT, nw am preparing for gate 2012. plz send me a study material for information technology.plz mail me.

  139. ramesh

    Thank you for the great information.
    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  140. krupa

    sir,could you send me the question bank of gate for cse

  141. aarti

    i m just a beginner for gate, can u suggest me from were to start and should i join any institute for preparations…..sir please do reply

  142. Monica

    Can u pls mail me the material for CS ?

  143. neelam agrawal

    sir please suggest me for the study material of gate for cse??

  144. sankeerthi kondisetti

    hai sir ,iam studying final year with C.S.E branch.
    sir ,please send study material for C.S.E

  145. Vikas Sharma

    sir very very thnx for this valuable information…

    bt sir i have a different query …

    actually sir i m from Electronics and comm. branch bt i want to do from computer science branch. so i m trying to crack GATE exam this year…

    sir i want to know if fortunately i will get very good gate score then there is any problem will be there to get admission in iits due to my branch change…

    plz guide me im in dilemma.


  146. aarti

    sorry sir it was for gate 2012.
    i m just a beginner for GATE quite scared can u help me out how to start and from were to start. i have the above list of material should i join any institution for the study or should i do my self study.
    sir please do reply on my mail.

  147. aarti

    sir,i m just a beginner for GATE quite scared can u help me out how to start and from were to start. i have the above list of material should i join any institution for the study or should i do my self study.
    sir please do reply on my mail.

  148. syed asgar

    plz send me gate material of cse

  149. syed asgar

    sir, i am preparing for gate 2012.please send me gate material of cse.

  150. manivannan

    I want gate study material for CSE

  151. manivannan

    I want gate study material for CSE


    sir, i m comp sc 5th sem student,i want to purchase a guide for preparation,which guide will be best for me and i hv already purchased previous year qestion bank from made easy publication.And also suggest me book for general aptitude and reasoning,reply soon

  153. gautam

    sir i need study material for GATE …plz send it to my email id …my branch is CSE.thanks sir

  154. gautam

    sir i need study material for GATE …plz send it to my email id …my branch is CSE.tankx sir

  155. deepak

    Hi.. Thank you for the great information.
    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  156. chaitanya

    SIR,I need study material for gate branch is cse,plz send it to my email.

  157. smita

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science.

  158. jinal trivedi

    sir, can u send me question bank of gate for cse??

  159. krishnamoorthy

    Respected sir/mam i am dng B.TECH IT, nw am preparing for gate 2012. plz send me a study material for information technology.plz mail me.


    Respected sir/mam i am dng B.TECH IT, nw am preparing for gate 2012. plz send me a study material for information technology.plz mail me.

  161. boopalan

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. In belong to IT.

  162. ankita

    sir ,
    you give very useful knowledge about the book…
    thats very useful to me.
    please send me useful material of GATE for CSE on my mail.
    thank u…

  163. vipra

    sir,i need study material for gate please mail me the study branch is IT.

  164. vipra

    sir,i need study material for gate please mail me thhe study branch is IT.

  165. soumya

    please mail me the which book to refer because i can’t buy all the books .. please help me

  166. shubhangi

    sir , i am shubhangi BE (cse)
    please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science


  167. kangan

    hello sir,,,
    thanku 4d above information bt i need one more favour of urzz..
    plzzz send me gate study material 4 cse(branch)..plzz mail ol d material asap…hoping 4ur cooperation..

  168. Shashikant Mitkari

    sir ,please mail me the appropriate study material for my GATE-2012 exam.
    My branch is computer science.

  169. arivarsan

    hello sir,
    i do not have syllabus of gate for cse.please send me the syllabus on my email account
    please sir.thank you sir

  170. nisha

    plz mail me certain study material of IT…
    I shall b greatfull 2 u…

  171. soumi banerjee

    sorry study material for gate preparation on cse and soon as possible.

  172. soumi banerjee

    sir please mail me an appropriate study material for cse and civil.thank you

  173. anjuli khare

    hello sir

    thank u for all informations..they all r very helping.

  174. rashmi

    Hi.. Thank you for the great information.
    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you

  175. venkateswara reddy

    please mail me important books and material for computer science

  176. anil kumar

    sir, whether information scince and computer science syllabus is same or different……

  177. teju

    I need gate material am from cse plzz send it to ma mail………nd i evn need material for web technologies plzzz help me

  178. teju

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is C.S.E plz send it to my email id………nd i evn need material for web technologies plzzz help me

  179. Ganesh

    Sir,Thanks for the materials..pls tell me wat r the iits which do not conduct any interviews or written tests..

  180. anushathumu

    sir thanks 4 useful information, please send me privious GATE model question papers,iam persuing 4year I.T

  181. tiya

    sir please mail me the study material of computer science branch.And thank you for the great information.

  182. Rishav kumar

    i am final year student of mca from ignou.i had passed second division in matric and
    please suggest me what will i do to apply much better in GATE exam.
    i want to qualify the CS and IT subject in mtech. please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science in software. my email is :- [email protected]
    [email protected]
    thank you.

  183. Rajani Kulkarni

    Thank you very much for the useful information sir.

  184. reema

    Respected sir,
    i want to know which book is better for objective question Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications or Gate Question Papers – G.K.Publishers? plz reply..

  185. prannoy

    sir..dis an amazing website dat inspires me to attempt GATE 2012…it wud b really great if i u cud pls mention the marks according to each of the topics in CSIT..thanq.

  186. Rubeena Mohammad

    Thank you very much sir for your valuable information.

  187. shilpa

    hello sir….
    please sir mail me study material.
    and sir can you suggest me any good book which is having correct ans.

  188. Shilpi Chakraborty

    Is it true that all answers of G.K publication are wrong?

  189. shyam

    good work bro. . .thanx

  190. pratyush

    Sir, I would like to ask you about the G.K. Publishers…aren’t they good enough for their study materials(short referrence books-the king size one)? or is that only good for their MCQ’s.And what would you like to say about the Materials of Brilliant Tutorials(the one which we can buy off Second hand from the seniors)?

  191. vidya

    Hello sir,
    Thank you for the above information. I kindly request you to mail me good study materials for my gate preparations…my branch is IT.

  192. bandi sampath

    hai this is sampath from cse & it

  193. wineetha

    sir i need subject wise marks for cse of gate exam

  194. wineetha

    weightage for each subjeCt of CSE FOR GATE EXAM 2011

  195. wineetha

    i require marks for each subject 0f cs for gate exam 2011

  196. soniya

    thanks, for giving such information.
    please send me all the regular updates and notifications for gate.
    and also send me tips to fill up application form for gate 2012.
    i need also study material, I’m from computer engg. branch

  197. divya

    thanks for the valuable information provided.
    kindly send the required material for gate to my gmail.
    I belong to CSE

  198. sanjaya

    hello sir
    Plz,send me gate study material
    to my email

  199. Jayashree

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science.

  200. Jayashree

    I would like to know exact study material needed for GATE…

  201. mustafa

    please send me the study material of gate for IT branch

  202. goutham

    Hai sir i need all the textbooks for preparing the gate so send my the text books list

    Thank you sir,

  203. varuntiwari

    Sir,plese just share cse syllabus.&study material

  204. mohan

    Hi.. Thank you for the great information.
    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you

  205. priya

    sir ,please mail me the study material for my gate exam ,my branch is computer science.

    1. anand

      i am also it student so if you intrest to share your experience with me just send message to my mail

  206. karna soneji

    Thanks for the useful information

  207. Chekuri V sateesh Kumar

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is I.T plz send it to my email id

  208. prasanth

    i need study material for gate in cse

  209. sk

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is C.S.E plz send it to my email id

  210. sneha soman

    hello sir… i just went through the study materials mentioned abv for cse n if u appreciate more references other than the mentioned ones please be kind enough to mail me…..

  211. sandeep katre

    hello sir!!!
    i do not have syllabus of gate for IT,please send me the syllabus on my e-mail account!!!!
    thanks you sir!!

  212. Rajkumar

    Hi.. Thank you for the great information.
    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  213. divya

    sir i need study material for gate preperation branch is cse

  214. divya

    sir,i need study material for gate preperation 2012. my branch is cse

  215. Vishnu Mohan

    Give me study material of computer science and engineering

  216. akta

    sir,plz send me what should i do for preparation of GATE??
    and aiso send me all GATE preparation reference ebooks
    My branch is COMPUTER ENGINEERING.i m studying in GECR

  217. Achyuta.bala yesu

    please send me the e-books for preparing HTML and XML for GATE.

  218. tilak

    Hi, I completed my graduation (AMIETE in CS&E) from IETE Delhi in 2007 and working in a multi national company. I want to know can a foreign national appear for GATE? and as it’s been 4 years since I graduate, is it a wise idea to appear for such tough exams? Your opinion will be helpful for me. But I really want to do masters in CS from a good college.

  219. mansi

    sir pls mail me d e-books of all subjects of cse branch….
    thnk u…..

  220. Neeta

    Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs on GATE Preparation .Kindly forward study material and ebooks if possible for Computer Science branch.
    Thanks in advance

  221. Shruti Thaneshwar

    sir, i need the gate study material of computer science.please send it to mu email id.

  222. shailendra Rathore

    hello! sir i do’nt have any study material of gate of cse branch please send it to my email account.

  223. piyu

    will u please send me effective study material so tat i can crack gate,my brach is cse

  224. VIPIN

    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preparations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  225. jyoti chhikara

    sir, i m preparing for gate 2012. please send me study material for cse………

  226. divya

    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  227. Shivu


    Can you please send the study materials for CSE branch to my email-id, so that i will start preparing with those materials for the upcoming GATE exam.

  228. dhanshree kadam

    sir, plz suggest me some study material for my GATE preparations. thank you.

  229. arvind kumar tripathi

    sir please send a short gate slabees on compuiter

  230. arvind kumar tripathi

    sir i am eand i asked to engineering students

  231. swapnil

    sir,please mail me study materials for gate branch is computer science.thank you

  232. dolly

    sir,please mail me an appropriate study material for my gate preprations. my branch is computer science
    thank you.

  233. sreeja

    Hi.. Thank you for the great information.
    plz could you tell me a single book for my reference. plz inform about the books where i could get complete reference.

  234. prashant

    requesting you to mail me ebooks of computer science. thank you

  235. yash sharma

    sir, I need study material for GATE preparation. my branch is C.S.E

  236. raju k viswanad pratap reddy

    provide meterials to me

  237. arpan tripathi

    hello! sir i do’nt have any study material of gate of cse branch please send it to my email account.

  238. neha sharma

    hii sir..thanx 4 dis…can u tell me a single book with all the itz not possible for me to afford all books for every kindly put a mail in my account asap..thank you.:-)

  239. kuheli sai

    if any reader of this site has those ebooks then plz mail me in the above maintioned mail id.
    plz help me.

  240. kuheli sai

    sir plz give some links of sites from where we can download ebook of different subjects on computer science and engineering. if you can do it for all branches of engineering then many students will be benefitted for it.
    Sir if you have pdf format of the book computer organization and architecture by CARL HAMACHAR, then plz mail me at [email protected].
    i also need the ebook of automata by MARTIN.
    sir plz help me.
    it is very much needed.

  241. ritesh tiwari

    hello!sir i don’t have no any study material plz help me to find study material for I.T.
    If you link then tell me.


    I am in 6th sem (CSE). I want you to please write some article on how to synchronize between college study and GATE study. Article on time management would be a great help.
    I gave GATE 2011 and scored 95.31%ile.

  243. renu dwivedi

    hello!sir i don’t have no any study material plz help me to find study material for C.S.
    If you link then tell me.

  244. renu dwivedi

    please send me a copy of gate material of Computer Engg./I.T. branch.. i will be very thankful to you

  245. Aditi

    hello sir,
    please provide me with the gate 2012 syllabus of CSE department.

  246. anik

    please provide me with the gate 2012 syllabus of IT department

  247. palavi gupta

    Sir, i would like to join an all year round test seres, so that i could evaluate my performmance, while preparing by myself at home. Ill be gtrateful if could u please suggest an institute whose test series( test and discussion) i can join?

  248. nutan jaitwar

    i want meterial of gate exam for cse plz… send my email id

  249. amit pandey

    i wana total material of gate paper for my preparetion plz… send in my email id

  250. ashish

    hii..can you send me a study material for cse branch in my email id ……

  251. harika

    pls can u say the website which give complete previous queston paers with solved answers of gate immediately……..

  252. kranthi

    i don’t have ur meterial plz send ur meterial to my mail plz………… prasent im 3rd year student i am prepar next year

  253. ankita

    hi …i no its too late but i want to give a serious try to clear GATE 2011.I dont have any material Brilliant tutorial etc..can i study from the books list u specified and solve questions from G.K publications .as much as i can….is that approch help me …please reply

  254. nithya

    i dont have any material 4 d gate… i need one guide for my preparation….. now i need help…….. plz reply…..

  255. nitesh chandani

    can you plz provide me last years paper for entrance exam of IIIT hyd mtech

  256. prathiksha

    hiiiiiiiii……. tell me whether i can get any website for prepairing gate syllabus………my stream is IT.PLEASE REPLY SOON………..PLEASE.

  257. abhijit

    can anybody tell me whether i can get one complete guide for prepairing gate………my branch is IT.PLEASE REPLY SOON………..PLEASE.

  258. MONIKA

    Sir d stuff available on ur website is really very helpful..Thanx..

  259. Neha

    hi …i no its too late but i want to give a serious try to clear GATE 2011.I dont have any material Brilliant tutorial etc..can i study from the books list u specified and solve questions from G.K publications .as much as i can….is that approch help me …please reply

  260. Kiran

    thnk u so much for all d info….
    if u have any study material for cse plsss send it on my mail

  261. shalni

    plz send GATE 2011 IT study material 4 me

  262. satyam rajpoot

    its amazing………..

  263. ankit

    please send me a copy of gate material of Computer Engg./I.T. branch.. i will be very thankful to you

  264. prashant

    hello!sir i don’t have no any study material plz help me to find study material for I.T.
    If you link then tell me.

  265. pragya

    If u leave a complete study material for computer science it will help us and thank you sir for the syllabi..

  266. rabeen shihab

    pls send me GATE 2011 study material for IT

  267. pratik

    i don’t have any materials of GATE preparation
    plz,help me to find the materials of CS ..
    if u hava link then tell me ..

  268. ranadeep

    pl send me GATE 2011 study material for CSE branch

  269. ranadeep

    Sir, i think for digital logic …. “digital fundamentals” by floyd and jain

  270. arjun

    sir i am a 1st year stdnt cn u tell me the best book for practising mcq
    which has ample of ques frm each topic
    for eg. in c++ having 400-500 ques.
    i will be very grteful if u rply!!!

  271. manisha

    plz send me gatye study material of cse

  272. manisha

    plz,send me gate material of cse

  273. Deepak

    how often gate syllabus changes?

  274. rambabu

    please send to me GATE IT material

  275. rambabu

    sir please send me it gate material and previous papers

  276. kalyan

    sir you are doing a good job.these information helps alot.

  277. eswar

    sir plz send me study material for cse branch

  278. Sarath

    Very very thanks for giving this valuable information to aspirants. . Thanq u so much boss

  279. GOPI

    If u leave a complete study material for computer science it will help us and thank you sir for the syllabi..

  280. Ved Prakash

    pl send me GATE 2011 study material for CSE branch


  281. K. Priya

    Sir, Thanks for the list of books. Definitely will make searching for the right books easier. One question is that what is the weightage given to each of these topics in the GATE paper. Because, for someone who has less time to prepare, it would be good to get an idea of their weightage so that some topics can be left out.

  282. Bikram Ballav

    best automata book is MIchael Sipser , try to download it, here theory and problem is very very good…

  283. gaurav dhruv

    thanku so much sir for your great work in helping us for prparing gate…..please provide me previous year gate paper if you have

  284. Pritam

    If u leave a complete study material for computer science it will help us and thank you sir for the syllabi..

  285. Anusha

    the information that you provide is invaluable for gate candidates.
    you are doing a very good job.

  286. amit

    hello sir,
    you are doing an good work for all the students who are gate aspirants….

  287. Karthik

    Sir, i think for digital logic …. “digital fundamentals” by floyd and jain is a better book than marris mano’s

  288. vinay

    hello sir,
    you are doing an excellent job for gate aspirants..i m currently in 3rd year… i would stand grateful to you, please provide us with the good study materials for ece.. thank you sir….

  289. saurabh

    Sir Its D Best Help For Any Aspirant.

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