M.Tech Admission Advises, B.Tech Admission Advises

What is the difference between BE and B.Tech or ME and M.Tech

Another common question among engineering students and usually a question of an argument between friends is what is the difference between B.Tech and BE, which is better or has a better scope. Similarly for M.Tech too, what is the difference between M.Tech and ME. I searched for it and found many forums are filled with non-satisfying replies. I will present the most reasonable and valid difference between these two.

First please note that there is no difference between these degrees in terms of value and scope. BE and B.Tech have similar scope and future and at the same time, ME and M.Tech have the same scope future.

Before digging deeper into the question lets get full forms of these terms correctly. ME full form is “Master of Engineering”, M.Tech full form is “Master of Technology”. Similarly, BE full form is “Bachelor of Engineering” and B.Tech stands for “Bachelor of Technology”.

Now let’s dig the question little deep. If BE and B.Tech or ME and M.Tech have the same value and scope why the names are different.

Right after the independence of India, we have two types of universities, one that offers degrees in many fields like Sciences, Arts, Education, and Engineering too, and the second set of universities (were named as institutes) offer only degrees in engineering. Universities that offer other degrees along with engineering named their engineering degree as BE (Bachelor of Engineering) and Institute constituted for only Engineering studies named their degree as B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology).

Now as AICTE approves courses most of the courses are the same and identical for BE and B.Tech. The universities those offering BE when started new courses named them to B.Tech too.

No degree, BE, or B.Tech and ME or M.Tech is superior other others in terms of theory or experiment. BE and B.Tech or ME and M.Tech are the same. Both of them are the same and have similar scope and future. If there is some notification for BE, B.Tech’s are also eligible to apply and vise versa.

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