RTU CAM 2025 Application, Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Pattern, Syllabus

RTU CAM 2025 Examination is conducted by Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) Kota, Rajasthan. RTU CAM 2025 admission in the first year of Postgraduate Programmes (M.Tech and M.Arch.) in Government aided and private unaided technical institutions of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota through Centralized Admission for M. Tech./M. Arch. (RTU CAM- 2025) Candidates possessing B.E/B.Tech or B.Arch Degree can apply without a GATE score.

Admission in RTU CAM M.Tech / M.Arch. is organized once a year for the candidates seeking admission to various M.Tech/ M. Arch. Programs. Candidates can apply online mode. There will be no direct or spot admission by the participating institutions except through CAM-2025.

RTU CAM Highlight

Conducting authorityRajasthan Technical University
Exam NameRTU CAM
Level of ExamState Level
Application ModeOnline Mode
Programme offeredPostgraduate M.Tech / M.Arch
Official website RTU CAM

RTU CAM Important Dates and Tentative Schedule

ActivityImportant Date
RTU CAM Start of Registration and registration fee deposition online by Institutions and candidatesTo Be Announced
RTU CAM End of Registration by InstitutionsTo Be Announced
Start of option (choice)form filling by candidatesTo Be Announced
Last date for deposition of application cum registration fee (Online)To Be Announced
Last date for filling online application cum registration form (including online choice form)To Be Announced
Declaration of tentative merit list of all candidatesTo Be Announced
RTU CAM Round 1st___
Last date for calling objection in the tentative merit list of 1st RoundTo Be Announced
RTU CAM Seat allotment of 1st roundTo Be Announced
Last date of reporting of 1st roundTo Be Announced
The last date of the online acceptance letter for upward movementTo Be Announced
RTU CAM Round 2nd (Upward movement)___
Last date of the online acceptance letter for upward movementTo Be Announced
Declaration of the allotment list of 2nd round (upward movement)To Be Announced
Last date of reporting by candidates at allotted institute for 2nd round (for upward movement)To Be Announced
Last date for online submission of the list of reported candidates by the institute for the upward movement roundTo Be Announced
Special Round- Institution Level___
Starting of registration for the special round (Fresh registration for all)To Be Announced
Last date for deposition of application cum registration feesTo Be Announced
Declaration of merit list of candidates for a special roundTo Be Announced
Seat allotment of special roundTo Be Announced
Last date of reporting (For special round candidates) Submission of payment of registration fees of candidates of SPECIALround by Institutes at CAM portalTo Be Announced
Last dates for online submission of list of reported candidates by institutes for a special round on CAM portalTo Be Announced

RTU CAM Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates appearing in qualifying degree examinations in the academic session 2025- 26 and possessing a valid GATE score card need to submit the marks sheet of the qualifying degree examination at the time of reporting to the allotted institute positively, failing which their candidature shall be canceled.
  • Candidate must have a maximum 55% (6.25 CGPA on 10 points scale and equivalent) marks in the qualifying degree examination (50% or 5.75 CGPA on 10 points scale of relaxation is admissible for SC/ST candidates)
  • Candidates having B.Arch. degree and seeking admission to M. Arch/M. Plan programmes should possess 50% (5.75 CGPA on 10 points scale and equivalent) and 45% (5.25 CGPA on 10 points scale and equivalent) in the case of SC/ST, as per requirement of COA.
  • A candidate must ensure their eligibility for admission in various M.Tech./M.Arch. programmes in the affiliated institutions and University Departments of RTU Kota before filling up the application form of CAM.
Branch /
SpecializationEligibility for admission as per UG Degree
Civil EngineeringEnvironmental
B.E.orB.Tech   in Civil / Chemical /Mechanical / Metallurgy / Agriculture / Bio-Medical / Petro Chemical / All B.Tech. Branches
Civil EngineeringGeotechnical  EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Civil, Construction Technology
Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Civil, Construction Technology
Civil EngineeringTransportation EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Civil, Construction Technology
Computer ScienceComputer ScienceB.E. or B.Tech in Computer / Information Technology,MCA(mathematics as optional in UG) /M.Sc.(Info.Tech.) / M.Sc.(Comp.Sc.)
Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Computer/ InformationTechnology
Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyB.E. or B.Tech in Computer/ Information Technology/ Electronics and Communication, MCA (mathematics as optional in UG)/M.Sc. (Info. Tech.)/M.Sc.(Comp. Sc., Electronics and Communication)
Electrical EngineeringPower SystemB.E. or B.Techin Electrical/Electrical and Electronics
Engineering/EIC/Applied   Electronics
Electrical EngineeringPower Electronics and Electrical DrivesB.E. or B.Techin Electrical/ElectricalandElectronics
Electronics EngineeringControl &
B.E. or B.Tech in Electronics/Applied Electronics/Electronics & Communication / Biomedical Engineering/EI&C/    Electrical and Electronics
Electronics EngineeringDigital CommunicationB.E.or B.Tech in Electronics/Applied Electronics/Instrumentation/   ElectricalandElectronics/ Electronics& Communication /
Biomedical Engineering /EI &C / M.Sc. (Electronics)/Electrical and  Electronics
Electronics EngineeringVLSI DesignB.E. or B.Tech in Electronics and Communication/Applied  Electronics/Computer Engineering
Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial Engineering and Management (IEM)B.E. or B.Tech in Production & Industrial / Mechanical/Automobile/Aero-Space  / Agricultural / Chemical/Computer Science / Electronics and Communication/Electrical/  Information  Technology/ Mining/Industrial/ M.Sc.(Maths) with 60% marks
Mechanical EngineeringMachine DesignB.E. or B.Tech in Mechanical/Production & Industrial/Automobile & Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical EngineeringProduction EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Production & Industrial
/Mechanical   /Production/Metallurgy
Mechanical EngineeringThermal EngineeringB.E. or B.Tech in Mechanical/ Automobile/Aerospace/Energy/Chemical
B.E. or B.Tech in Chemical, Environment, Biomedical, Biotech, Food Technology, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
B.E.orB.Tech.inElectronicsandCommunication, Electronics, and Instrumentation, Electrical, Mechanical, Production& Industrial, Electrical and Electronics, Automobile and Production
NanotechnologyNanotechnology (Structures)B.E. or B.Tech in Civil and Structures and B.Arch.
NanotechnologyNanotechnology  (Textile)B.E. or B.Tech in Textile Technology, Textile Engineering, Textile Chemistry
Renewable  Energy
Renewable Energy TechnologyAny branch of Engineering (B.E. or B.Tech)/ M.Sc.(Physics) with 60% marks
Textile TechnologyTextile TechnologyB.E. or B.Tech in Textile Technology/Textile Engineering/Textile Chemistry

RTU CAM Registration Fee

SC / ST1500/-

RTU CAM Application Form

For RTU CAM application form all candidates whether having a valid GATE score or not having a valid GATE score are required to complete all the stages of the admission process given below. The admission process is divided into the following stages.

Stage 1: Online Registration and Fee Payment

A candidate is required to register online on CAM website to fill following details:-
Name of the candidate –
Mother’s Name –
Father’s name –
Date of birth –
Mobile no. and submit it to register themselves for CAM 2024. A challan no. will be generated which is used for the application form fee payment which a candidate has to keep safe.

Stage 2: Filling out the Application Form

The candidate must enter his/her transaction ID in the appropriate column of the application form. Then the candidate will be allowed to fill out the application form with their personal and academic details as per the requirements. In this section of the application form, a candidate is required to fill.

Personal details
Address for correspondence
Educational qualifications details
GATE score details
Uploading the documents, online choice filling, and locking

Stage 3: Uploading the documents, online choice filling, and locking

The candidates, who have registered, made the payment of application fees, and have filled the application form successfully will be required to upload the following documents as scanned images preferably in .jpg format as follows

Photograph in jpg format (image size Maximum up to 50 KB)
Signature in jpg format (image size Maximum up to 50 KB),
Valid GATE score card if qualified (image size Maximum up to 300 KB),
Mark sheet of B.E./B.Tech. or mark sheet of last qualifying examination

Stage 4: Seat allotment

As per the tentative schedule, the choices submitted by the candidates will be processed centrally and seats will be allotted in the order of merit (as per the rules of merit) on the basis of the locked choices. The allotment of institute and specialization to the candidate will be carried out through the computer software by strictly following the order of merit, seats available, and the order of options filled by the candidate. The allotment result will be available on the CAM-2025 website as per the tentative schedule.

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Do share with friends and in case of questions please feel free to drop a comment.

Wish you All Good Luck !!!


What is RTU CAM?

RTU CAM is Rajasthan Engineering Admission Process (CAM). RTU CAM is for candidates seeking admission to M.Tech / M.Arch program offered by various affiliated and University Department.

What is the RTU CAM 2025 Application Fee?

The RTU CAM Application Fee is Rs.3000/- for general and Rs.1500/- for reserved category.

When will the RTU CAM Registration Process be released?

RTU CAM 2024 Registration Process will be released probably in May.

What is RTU?

Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) is an affiliating university in Kota in the state of Rajasthan, India. It was established in 2006 by the Government of Rajasthan to enhance technical education in the state.

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