
Pondicherry University M.Tech Admissions 2010

Pondicherry University is a central university established in year 1985 to promote higher education and opportunities to ever growing youth community of the nation. It has good infrastructure and placement and the most important thing is HEAVEN FOR NON GATE (as of now, I know they are conducting their own written test) for M.Tech admissions. I am waiting for their update on official web site.

Pondicherry University invites application for M.Tech program in Computer Science & Engineering, Network & Internet Engineering and Environmental Engineering & Management.

Selection Process
The selection of candidates for admission to the P.G./M.Phil./Ph.D. programmes will be based on the marks obtained in the entrance examination only.
The NET/JRF qualified candidates with fellowships will be given direct admission to Ph.D. programmes.
The miimum cut off mark for general candidates in respect of Ph.D. and M.Phil. admission shall be half of the average of the entrance examination marks scored by all the candidates in the respective subject. The minimum cut of mark for OBC/SC/ST/Physicaly challenged candidates will be 10% below the cut off marks of the general category candidates.

For the purpose of working out the average, only ‘O’ and above will be taken into account, i.e. the negative marks, if any wil not be counted for working out the average of the entrance examination.

Official Website:
Pondicherry University M.Tech Admissions 2010 Thanks a lot to Rakesh for reminding me about pondicherry university admission.

Important Dates:
Last date of issue of application by Post : 21.04.2010
Last date of issue of application in Person : 28.04.2010
Last date of Submission: 28.04.2010
Date of Entrance Examination: 29-30 May 2010

You can refer to M.Tech Admissions in Central Universities 2010 to see other notifications. For more admissions notices visit, M.Tech admission 2010. Do not forget to subscribe by email for updates regarding M.Tech admissions and other details.


  1. jay prakash singh

    Is pondicherry a better option for,cs&is) comparing to deemed universities like kiit,vit,manipal etc..Please reply.As i have been selected for admission in some deemed universities and also pondicherry university,what should i do.Which one should i prefer.

  2. sooraj

    sir,what abt receiving hall tickets????any last date??

  3. swetha

    pondicherry university has released notification….i saw it in the newspaper.

  4. k.Praveen kumar Reddy

    When I was trying fors to M.Tech course for 2011,I got the information about the dates of 2010 0nly.

    Whether the 2011 dates are not not decided?

    With Regards

    K.Praveen Kumar Reddy.

  5. viji

    hello sir/mam,pls reply me that when will be the hall tickets for M.Tech admission entrance examination will be issued…

  6. Athira Sudarsan

    Could you please conduct the mtech admission entrance 2010 after or before May 30 since the particular day is having many exams scheduled already like BARC

  7. pradeep nanduri

    Please inform me abt non- gate admissions in Cad-Cam or Machine Design or Production engineering in any TN Universities


    please give me information about non gate admission in in Electronics & communication engineering.and also provide me information about NIT Silchar Mtech admission.Thank you.


    please give me information about non gate admission in in Environmental Engineering.

  10. pradeep

    please intimate when ever the new iit’s releases the notification for
    and also infrm about the bhu university notification for

  11. Shikha

    Hi Zahid, you are doing a wonderful job on “All About Education”. Thanks a lot. Keep it up.

  12. abhinand

    please provide details about anna university admissions

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