MP PET, Syllabus

MP PET Syllabus 2025 Subject Wise Syllabus Pdf Download

MP PET Syllabus and Exam Pattern: MP PET is a  State level examination for admission into Engineering Colleges. Candidates may check the Syllabus. MP PET Pre-Engineering Test conducted by the Government of Madhya Pradesh is for those who want to join the Undergraduate courses MP PET Syllabus for B.E, B.Tech, B.Sc, and B.Pharmacy. Candidates may read the complete syllabus and prepare for the exam.

MP PET Paper Pattern

Type of QuestionObjective type-based only
Time DurationThe duration of the exam is 3 hours
SubjectsQuestions will be asked from
LanguageEnglish language
Negative MarkingNo negative marking for any wrong attempt
Marking SchemeThe marking scheme is +1 for correct answers
No. of QuestionsThere will be 200 questions in the paper

MP PET Syllabus Pdf Download

MP PET Syllabus Chemistry

Chemistry in ActionPurification and Characterization of Organic Compounds
Bio Molecules and Biological ProcessesHydrocarbons
Surface ChemistryTransference of Heat
Synthetic and Natural PolymersRedox Reactions and Electrochemistry
Nuclear ChemistryChemical Equilibrium
Coordination Chemistry and Organs MetallicsChemical Energetics and Thermodynamics
Transition Metals including LanthanidesSolutions
Chemistry of Representative ElementsChemical Bonding and Molecular structure
Chemistry of heavier Metals and lighter MetalsThe Solid State
Chemistry of Non-metalsAtoms
Organic ChemistryMolecules and Chemical Arithmetic
Magnetic Effects of CurrentsStates of Matter
Occurrence and extractionElements 
Atomic Structures___

MP PET Syllabus Physics

Units and MeasurementUnits and Measurement
Description of Motion in One, Two, and Three dimensions dimensionElectrostatics
Laws of MotionThermal and Chemical  and Magnetic Effects of Currents
Work Energy PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Rotational MotionRay and Wave Optics
Gravitation and gravityElectromagnetic Waves
Properties of MatterSolids and Semi-Conductor Devices
Oscillations and waves___

MP PET Syllabus Mathematics

1) Sets and Relations
2) Complex Numbers
3) Matrices and Determinants
4) Permutation and combinations: -Calculus
5) Differential Calculus
6) Integral Calculus

Vector algebra
1) Statistics
2) Probability
3) Trigonometry
Two and Three Dimensional Geometry
1) Two-Dimensional Geometry
2) Three-dimensional Geometry

MP PET Question paper will consist of the following subjects & Marks

Physics50 Marks
Chemistry50 Marks
Mathematics100 Marks

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Wish you All Good Luck !!

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