This post is written by Rahul Sharma at InI M.Tech admission group, do join the group for more updates on M.Tech admissions. A valuable information so sharing with you all. Do say thanks to Rahul for this great help.
System and Control ( interdisciplinary )-
1. last year in this branch their was no interview/written , this year their is wriiten.
2. average package 10 around.
3. branch consist of probability , controls of industrial plants etc
Technology and Development ( interdisciplinary )(CTARA)-
1. package is ohke ohke(not so good).
2. too much site visit(hectic schedule).
3. 2 written then 2 round of interview. general questions
like why you want to join this brnach and so on. and few questions related to your background subject , how it can be used in branch.
4. future scope is good, innovative work can be done.
Energy Science ( interdisciplinary )-
1. package is between 4.5 to 9.
2. written is more important than interview
3. branch fully orient around different energy forms and energy sources.
Earth Science ( interdisciplinary )-
1. branch and content are good .
2. placement and future scope are dim currently.
Environmental Science and Engineering ( interdisciplinary )-
1.branch is interesting if you are nature lover.
2.includes minimizing and managing waste generation and improving the quality of surrounding.
3. placement is ohke ohke.
4, future scope (in consultancy)is good.
Design Engineering –
1.placement is almost 100 %.
2. focus on strength analysis of machine parts , facture mechanics, vibration etc.
3. future scope is good.
As soon as someone update this info I will up be updating this post. Dont forget to like and subscribe for more information on M.Tech and beyond.