GATE Cutoff

DTU GATE Cutoff 2015

DTU GATE Cutoff 2015 are finally available form official sources. We have been collecting all GATE cutoff for IITs, NITs and IIITs for years and present them in the form of a tool to help students. Do check IIT GATE cutoffs, NIT and CCMT GATE cutoffs for more details. If you are looking for M.Tech Admissions advice and help do join InI M.Tech admissions facebook group.

Delhi Technological University (DTU) offer M.Tech admissions in Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering,Electrical, Mechanical,..etc. The details of 2015 GATE cutoffs are as follows.

Delhi Technological University (DTU) GATE Cutoffs 2015

Department OC BC SC ST PWD
Applied Chemistry 386 316 373
Applied Physics 518 467 302
Biotechnology 374 317 228
Civil Engineering 551 435 325 349 286
Computer Science & Engineering 656 583 417 322 325
Electronics & Communication Engineering 655 562 440 265 452
Electrical Engineering 639 581 416 264
Environmental Engineering 516 432 393
Mechanical Engineering 673 526 426 332 268

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