GATE Cutoff

IIT Delhi GATE 2013 Cutoff Scores

After a long I am back with a very important and useful post. This is possible because of generous help from Saptarshi Pyne, who made this whole table on my request in previous video. I have few more IIT cutoffs to post soon. For IIT Delhi GATE cutoffs from 2013 to 2020 do visit IIT Delhi M.Tech cutoffs.

Once you have you expected marks do try GATE Score Calculator and check where you could land. These cut off marks along with NIT cut off marks would definite make many things clear to you. All cutoffs are officially obtained from IITs using RTI.

For All IIT GATE cutoffs visit the following tool. Cutoff we mean the last rank admitted to various departments in different IITs.

All IIT GATE Cutoff

Without any delay the cutoff marks are here.

GATE 2013 IIT Delhi GATE cutoff Score.

M.Tech Program GEN OBC SC ST PH
Engineering Mechanics 600 540 360 360 360
Design Engineering 600 540 360 360 360
Atmospheric-Oceanic Science Technology 300 300 200 200 200
Molecular Engineering; Chemical Synthesis and Analysis 330 300 200 200 200
Chemical Engineering Direct Admission 525 500 450 400 450
Interview Shortlisting 450 400 300 285 300
Construction Engineering and Management CE 598 531 415 493 200
AR 531 416 238 295 200
Environmental Engineering and Management CE 531 460 347 352 200
BT 486 478 300 349 200
CH 405 309 325 200 200
EN 411 396 272 291 200
Rock Engineering and Underground Structure CE 448 471 281 326 200
MN 300 300 263 269 200
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 639 575 527 516 200
Structural Engineering 661 635 478 441 200
Water Resources Engineering CE 460 407 269 315 200
AG 438 307 381 386 200
Transportation Engineering CE 598 553 411 411 200
AR 304 300 200 200 200
ME 595 524 327 422 200
Computer Science and Engineering Direct Admission 805 805 805 805 805
Interview Shortlisting 740 670 500 500 500
Communications Engineering 735 680 600 450 500
Computer Technology 720 640 520 450 510
Control and Automation 705 640 520 400 430
Integrated Electronics and Circuits 780 715 570 500 500
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives EE 740 685 560 495 520
Others 850 850 850 850 850
Power Systems EE 700 640 500 450 440
Others 850 850 850 850 850
Design of Mechanical Equipment 675 640 500 400 400
Industrial Engineering 575 475 400 350 375
Production Engineering 550 500 400 350 350
Thermal Engineering 675 640 500 400 400
Applied Optics PH 330 300 220 220 220
EE, EC 650 585 400 400 400
Solid State Materials PH 330 300 220 220 220
EE, EC 650 585 400 400 400
Textile Engineering B.E., B.Tech 400 360 266 266 266
M.Sc 550 495 366 366 366
Fibre Science and Technology B.E., B.Tech 400 360 266 266 266
M.Sc 550 495 366 366 366
Radio Frequency Design and Technology 675 605 450 400 450
Computer Applications MA 440 400 300 300
CS, IT 740 690 500 500
ECE 690 660 500 500
Others 600 550 400 400
Energy Studies Phy. 335 300 300 300 300
ME 630 567 375 375 375
EE, EC 650 580 315 315 315
Others 580 522 300 300 300
Industrial Tribology and Maintenance Engineering 550 495 400 350 350
Instrument Technology 650 550 400 300 300
Optoelectronics and Optical Communications EE, EC 650 600 460 350 500
PH 330 300 220 220 220
Polymer Science and Technology CY, TF, Polymer 350 315 235 235 235
CH, Petro 400 360 266 266 266
ME 590 530 390 390 390
Telecom Technology and Management 700 650 500 300 300
Industrial Engineering (M.Des) Arch 55 50 45 30 NA
B.E., B.Tech, BFT 55 50 45 30 NA
VLSI Tool Design and Technology EC, EE, IN 730 730 730 730 730
CS 710 710 710 710 710

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For an interactive support I made a facebook group for M.Tech Admissions 2014, do join it get more details and answers to your quaries by ZaY (that’s me ; ) and other IITians.

Wish you all a great luck ahead.

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