GATE Score Calculator 2020 is ready and live now. It gives the most accurate score is based on official information obtained from GATE organizing institutes. It can be used during preparation to check how many marks you are getting and where do you stand.
I could see many not accurate gate score calculators are there just based on guesses. To make the most accurate and authenticated GATE score calculator we studied GATE score calculation formula. The most important information to replicate the GATE score is the stats of that particular year.
If you look into GATE score formula you will quickly realize that stats such as maximum and minimum marks play an important role scores during that particular year. Given that we can understand that for same marks score can change drastically year to year. We collected that information for years and you can see that in GATE Stats.
The Resulting GATE Score Calculator 2020 is below. It also covers gate stats from 2013 to 2019 to make give the most accurate GATE score during that year.
GATE Score Calculator
All information presented here is from official sources and the calculator is based on this information. If you have already taken GATE exam you can verify your GATE score with this. In case you find any difference please drop comment by giving details such as GATE exam paper, Marks obtained and Official Score. This information would help us to verify and improve the calculator in case of differences.
If you are preparing for GATE, download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier. .
You can also look into IIT GATE cutoffs and NIT and other institute GATE Cutoffs after you check the score you are obtaining. This will help you preparing for GATE and staying focused. It will also motivate you to do better based on your current scores.
Wish you all a great luck in preparations and final exam.