GATE Score Calculator Based on GATE 2015 Data is finally here to check your scores on given marks in 2016. Presently the online GATE score calculator give GATE score based on GATE 2013, GATE 2014 and GATE 2015 gate statistics. We call it GATE score calculator for GATE 2016, as it’s based on GATE 2015 stats.
Dont Get confused about different scores in different years. It is possible to get different scores in different years for same marks. Because GATE score is calculated based on top marks in GATE that year and qualifying marks that year. As these two parameters differ each year the score for same marks will also be different.
Please follow the link to check your GATE score for a given marks.
GATE Score Calculator
The resulting GATE score is followed by GATE score cutoff tool that will help you find where you can get admission based on your scores. GATE cutoffs for IITs is on the way and will be updated in few days. You can check this tool during preparations, where you can take a practice test and see where you stand in terms of scored marks and where you can get admission for the obtained scores.
Hope this is going to help you during GATE preparations. For more updates do subscribe to InI, like us on Facebook and follow us on Google plus for updates on your social media.
Wish you all a great luck ahead.