GATE Exam Info

GATE 2011 Official Keys

Many people visit I n I and get benefited with the content it has and few come forward and try to share most valuable information too. Long back Arunanand T A mailed GATE 2011 official keys for CS and ECE. I neglected it for a long time because of I was thinking that there are hell lots of institutes offering GATE coaching and they definitely release keys. But I was wrong until I got mails from many readers for keys.

Arunanand T A got this information from IITM based on RTI and was very generous enough to share with me to share with bigger community. You can download the key from the below links.

GATE 2011 Official Key for CS
GATE 2011 Official Key for ECE

Do remember that both the keys are for set D. Hope this will help many students across the nation. Whole I n I community is thankful Arunanand for his generous sharing. Do have a look at GATE 2012 preparation for more details on GATE preparation and other details.

I request you all to share this with your friends too, because sharing is caring. Do subscribe for more updates and like I n I on facebook to get updates right on your facebook profiles. Also feel free to share any valuable information you have with others.

Wish you all great luck for GATE preparation and GATE exam.

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