M.Tech Admission Advises

My GATE Score is … Which college should I apply for M.Tech (or Master of Engineering Degree)???

This is my most commonly asked question since GATE results were announced. This is neither an easy nor tricky question to answer. But before we get into a deep discussion about it, I recommend you to take a look at GATE cutoff and M.Tech college predictor to get some insights about your score.

First, let me discuss the Master of Engineering Admissions in India. We usually try to optimize our admission race to the best possible Top Engineering colleges in India. So, first, I consider IITs to be best, Then NITs, then Central and State Universities, and finally, I think Deemed or private universities and colleges for Master of Technology Admissions.

Now let me put the Admission Analysis based on a question,

My GATE score is XXXX and AIR is YYYY GATE percentile is ZZZZ, and to be more specific, my marks are MMMM and my paper was PPPPP Engineering. Now Zahid, TELL ME WHERE I SHALL APPLY????

I receive a similar set of more than 2000 questions from all the students from every corner of India. Let me put my views honestly with a few assumptions.

  • Few good students will for sure for jobs in the industry. (Job market is good this year)
  • Few of them may go abroad for higher studies too.
  • Few missed a top college because of a clash in institute written test or interview dates.
  • Few go to IISc and save our lives. ( few for sure go there)

For a detailed analysis of M.Tech admissions, do follow

These assumptions are just to be too optimistic and try our luck for admission to a Master of Engineering or Master of Technology Degree (M.E/M.Tech).

I will start with two questions: We usually look for GATE Cutoff Scores for M.Tech admissions; doest they matter for admissions? What is more critical for M.Tech admission is the GATE Score, Percentile, or All India Rank?

The first question has no straight answer because it may be yes or no. To me, it depends on the difficulty of GATE papers. If we have cutoffs of two years, one in which the GATE paper was tough and another in which it was not very tough, then looking at and comparing GATE scores may help. But comparing cutoffs of difficult paper with easy paper may lead to wrong conclusions.

For example
In GATE 2009, for CS paper 670 GATE Score had around 280 AIR
In GATE 2010, for CS paper 670, GATE Score had about 898 AIR

Now if in 2009, some IIT had 670 as their last admission in CS, does it mean that someone this year with a similar score has a chance for IIT? With the above stat, the answer seems to be NO..

In this scenario, what matters most is AIR (my personal opinion)

Now considering that all 7 IITs ( as I don’t have information about new IITs yet) have 30 seats in CS ( few have more, and few don’t fill all). So we have 210 seats. Considering few have other fellowships and admission quotas, the total number of seats can go up to 350. with this, we can assume where to apply if you have 1000 plus AIR. Similar to NITs.

For all latest IIT GATE cutoffs please visit

All IIT GATE Cutoff

And for all the latest NITs and IIITs GATE cutoffs, Please visit

All NITs and IIIT GATE Cutoff

If your AIR is close to following, I strongly suggest you try. In either case, you can apply anywhere once you are GATE-qualified.

For Admissions to computer Science M.Tech Admissions:

Institute AIR
IITs 700
NITs 1200
Central Universities and reputed universities
Good State Universities
IITs ( few offer admission based on GATE)

For other Engineering Streams:

Institute AIR
IITs 900
NITs 2500
Central Universities and reputed universities
Good State Universities

For all information and discussions on M.Tech admissions in 2016, do join InI Facebook group for M.Tech entries in 2016.

These are my calculations. You are in a better position than me to judge. These don’t stand for any legal obligations. It would be best if you wisely decided where to apply for admission. I will only advise and try to help you. I wish you a stroke of incredible luck with M.Tech Admissions.

For the latest GATE related information visit latest GATE information For an updated GATE syllabus, don’t forget to visit Updated GATE syllabus.

“Unlock success in your GATE journey with iStudy App,
your one-stop solution for the latest syllabus, schedules, and updates – share with fellow aspirants and conquer together!”
Get it on Google Play

Do subscribe for updates about M.Tech Admission and Analysis by email. To help us by commenting and suggesting and correcting if I m wrong, I am ready to learn. Thanks for the support and encouragement.


  1. Supriya

    My gate 2021 score is 10.33 computer science and information technology can I get admission in mtech

  2. Vikas

    Gate rank – 13616
    Marks – 28
    Category – EWS
    Branch – CSE
    which college i apply for m.tech, suggest me some top college iit, nit, iiits that i will sure get.

    Please suggest
    Email – [email protected]

  3. sai kiran

    My gate score 257 AIR30925 from EE will i get in NIT’S


    sir i have scored in gate 2015
    branch: EC
    gate score:505
    which college i shuld apply for mtech program, NOW I WANT TO TAKE ADMISSION IN M TECH…PLEASE CALL ME ON 9999781326…

  5. Faizan Bagwan

    Can a Mechanical Gate student apply for M. Tech. in Manufacturing and Automation Engineering in College of Engineering, Pune.

  6. sunita

    i got scored 0.18 in gate exam out off 100 so to which colleges i should apply for me/mtech 2017 in entc field . plzz suggest some good colleges in pune based on this score

  7. anju thomas

    my gate 2017 score is 357 & AIR 1787. I have given gate exam under instrumentation branch. can you please tell me the list of colleges offering mtech admissions in biomedical engineering based on gate score.

  8. Ganesh

    I have scored 369 in GATE 2016, but I want join in 2017. is that possible, if yes how.

  9. NabeeIfral

    i got air of 17990 from EC, for which colleges can i apply for mtech and on what arears is best for communication background?
    Please suggest me some colleges.

  10. raj kumar

    raj kumar

    sir i have scored in gate 2016
    branch: civil
    gate score:395
    which college i shuld apply for mtech program
    will i get any nits plz guide

  11. srikrishna

    sir i got in ee branch 505 gate score and 5900 rank so can i got NIT’s tell about something.

  12. sujith m s

    sir my score is 420 rank 10800
    i am an electrical student
    is there any chance for admission in nit

  13. vishal

    Sir my gate score is 391 , St catogary from mechanical stream , air 20000. any chances in iits ?

  14. Shraddha Taksande

    hello sir,I am shraddha..my gate score is 301..category-SC..branch-EC.
    Plzz can u explain me which collage is good for me at this score in Maharashtra..
    and wheather i get any nit till final round?

  15. manisha


  16. manisha

    my name is manisha . my gate score is 367 in 2016 and i am oc. can i get seat in nit in civil engineering irrespective of specialization

  17. Soumya

    Sir pls explain how the integrated phd program goes? (In NIT Surathkal)

  18. vinod deshmukh

    Gate score 314(26.18) and I am obc handicapped category. Which college is best to me

  19. Vishal

    My GATE CSE Rank is 8655
    and GATE Score is 397
    Please tell me list of colleges where I may get admission?

  20. rajesh contractor

    my son got AIR 71 rank and Score 660 in AE in GATE-2016 . in which IIT he may be get admission

  21. nivedita

    marks out of 100:25.74
    Gate score:359

  22. Rajen

    SIR,please tell me which college I will get for M-Tech admission? My GATE score is 372,All India rank 24385 in Mechanical Engineering.

  23. suuny paul

    zahid sir my gate rank is 7714 in 2015 cat open brnch civil engg score 400 cn i get any nits upto spot round and other insts lyk coep,vjti,spce mumbai,pec,dtu,thapar,bit mesra plz do rply its urgent

  24. g sudheer kumar

    sir my score 25666 and cast sc in Marks out of 100* 18.57

  25. ankit kumar

    My GATE score is 444 and AIR is 6439 and to be more specific my My marks are 31.95 and my paper was EE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  26. vikash swami

    My GATE score is 361 and AIR is 25796 and to be more specific my My marks are 33.81 and my category in obc my paper was mechanical Engineering in gate 2015. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  27. sanika

    my gate rank is 6741 and a score of 487. I have a scored 36.03 marks.
    i wrote exams in ec .i would like to know about various mtech institutions where i can get through my rank.i want to know about core mtech programmes available. i also would like to kno about open mtech courses like energy eng,environmental,opto electronics etc..

  28. A sushmitha

    sir my gate rank-19254, which college can i get for my masters

  29. charitha

    My gate score is 354 and my marks are 25.27. My gate rank is 12257. Iam from EEE stream.. I want my M.Tech course to be either in Control Systems or Power Electronics in and around Krishna District of Andhra pradesh.. Could any one help me…….

  30. aditya jain

    I got gate score 681 marks 51.68 rank 1262 AIR general category. Ece branch which colleges should I apply for.GATE 2015

    1. PRAVEEN P

      Hi Aditya,

      May be coincidence.. I also have got gate score 681 marks 51.68 rank 1262 AIR general category. Ece branch.. Please contact me.

  31. yash verma

    In ece

  32. yash verma

    Sir my gate score 362 in 2015 tell me what i can do

  33. amrish Pandey

    My AIR 20725 and gate score 333 which college i can expect branch ECE

  34. Sachin

    My gate score 505
    AIR 5966
    Caste SC
    Branch EC
    Can I get IIT?

    1. Priyanshi jain

      My gate score is 406 in cse general. Which college i can get.

    2. InI Labs Inc.

      check gate.collegepredictor.ai

  35. Honey Goyal

    My Gate 2015 score is 550 & AIR is 2791 in Computer Science Engineering. Please tell me which college I’ll get for M tech admission ?

  36. kriya

    My gate score is 505 in 2015. Stream ece. Rank 5970. Marks 37.51. Which collge will I get????

  37. abulaish khan


  38. Pranay padade

    i have gate2015 score 324, rank 12531, marks 22.76 n open catg., civil engg., whether i am eligible for NITs.

  39. MANNU


  40. Niranjan chincholkar

    I which m.tech college will i get admission as i got +10.33 Marks in gate. Plz tell me

  41. Arti Gujar

    Sir my gate score is 11.37 my category is scheduled caste is this valid for mtech admission

  42. malvika singh

    sir my gate 2015 score is 350 and my gate marks are25.02 and my AIR is 13,603 and i am og genral category student plz guide me out which colleges i shoud apply for…

  43. AnI

    Gate score 471
    Rank 4966
    Which college should I apply?

  44. pooja

    My GATE score is 408 and AIR is 8625 GATE percentile is 29.81 and to be more specific my paper was CS Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  45. satyanarayana reddy

    sir my rank is 6108 score 452
    cai i get admission in andhra university,visakhapatnam

  46. Arayan

    My gate-2015 score is 394 (in general) in which college should i apply?

  47. vishal

    i score 432 gate score.
    With 7168 air
    would you like to suggest me what to do.


    sir i got gate 2015 rank 6366 with score 496 belonging to genaral, can i get seat in universities

  49. Pawar Nilesh prakash

    Branch=CS, AIR=2014,Gate score=590 pls help me about top colleges for mtech .


    My GATE score is337 and AIR is 15032 .which government collage i can apply.

  51. rahul

    my GATE marks in GATE-2011 is 38 and GATE SCORE is 517,air -5400 can I get to IIT’s or any of the NIT’s


    my GATE score card is 261 . am i deserve to any college.
    please tell me soon.
    my branch is computer science .

  53. Anil Kumar

    Igot 49 marks, score is 517(SC) which psu i can get?

  54. bremmy

    sir my gate rank 51387 score 281 fore which college was come sir please



    2. Mayur

      check your english first….!!!
      then we’ll think about your college…!!

    3. Yatheesha S

      sir, i have got GATE score 250 and rank 46670 in mechanical,in which college i want choose.

  55. b raja sekhar

    SIR,please tell me which college I will get for M-Tech admission? My GATE score is 364,All India rank 11751 in electrical Engineering.

  56. b raja sekhar

    SIR,please tell me which college I will get for M-Tech admission? My GATE score is 364,All India rank 11751 in Civil Engineering.

  57. khalandar

    i got 333 score in gate can i apply for nit colleges

  58. gaurav kumar

    are there any companies hiring through gate score if my branch is computer science and engineering. please kindly guide me.

  59. manikashi chougule

    I got 13marks in gate exam.

  60. manikashi chougule

    I am a married girl from Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur district. please tell me which college is best for my location.


    please reply me as soon as possible. my AIR is 14912 and my gate score is 333 in which colleges I will get admissions and I belongs to electrical department.


    sir, my gate score is 333 , my All India Rank is 14912 and I am from Electrical and Electronics Engineering branch. Please suggest me in which M.Tech college can I apply in Andhra Pradesh

    1. Gaddala Mounika

      Sir in which college do i get m tech seat for air 24138,marks20,scor243 plz sir tell me the information by mailing [email protected]

  63. Shan

    Sir, I am a yearback/yeardown student, but I am very good at programming. Ive had backlogs many times but I will score 60%+. Will it help if I do GATE? or MTech? Do I have any chance of getting job at programming? How? Programming and Math are my strong fields

  64. Divya

    my gate score is 372 in 2014.AIR 26536 and i’m belongs to SC category.do i get admission into OU or JNTUH.please inform me?

  65. Vidya S

    Sir, My GATE score is 595 and my All India Rank(AIR) is 4652. I am from Electronics and Communications branch. Please suggest me which M.Tech college can i apply in Bangalore.

  66. Vidya S

    Sir, My GATE score is 595 and my All India Rank(AIR) is 4652. I am from Electronics and Communications branch. Please suggest me which college can i apply in Bangalore.

  67. masood

    i got gate score 317 obc catg in EE
    which college i get for mtech addmission in West Bengal

  68. Vicky

    My gate score is 705 in ECE branch rank 1489
    Expected institute

  69. Saurabh Shashank

    My GATE score is 412 and AIR is 19818 GATE percentile is 90.84 and to be more specific my My marks are 30.86 and my paper was Electronics & Communication Engineering. Now please TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  70. Akshay Agrawal

    I am in civil engineering.My gate score is 636.My AIR is 1510.I am intersted in structural engineering and construction management.Are there any chances of getting into iit?


    my gate score is 425and my branch is civilengineering whether i will get structural, gt or transportation in any of the nit

  72. SNEHAL


  73. Neha Goyal

    Hello sir,
    My gate score is 490 and AIR is 11175 in ece stream.plz suggest me in which college( govt or private ) i can apply??

  74. madav

    my gate score is 366for 2014in CE which clg will i get and i am intrested to knw abt central universities which ever is best pls help me sir …………………………………………

  75. manikantareddy boya

    sir my gate scr is 43.08 in civil eng .percentice was 533 and AIR 3464
    can i get any good universities ?

  76. k.kusuma

    i got 30,000 rank in stream of ece which colleges i can get in the satate of Andhra pradesh


    sir i got a gete score in 2014 is 307 EC
    category SC
    what colleges do i have plz tell me

  78. Durjoy Lodh

    SIR,please tell me which college I will get for M-Tech admission? My GATE score is 380,All India rank 10268 in Civil Engineering.

  79. Preksha Gangal

    MY GATE SCORE IS 24.95 AND MY AIR 13002 but the Qualifying Score is 25 .
    My Percentile is 91.6 !!
    Kindly guide me regarding the admission and colleges to which I can apply.

  80. vasudharini

    My gate 2014 rank is 112; branch-chemical engineering; gate score-729; gate mark-65.33; will i get admit in iit-bombay

  81. BALAJI

    my gate score is 475 in gate 2014 from EC which colleges should i apply

  82. rekha

    Sir my score is 516 & rank is 8966 where should I apply sie…plz help me…

  83. dharma singh

    sir i get 17.70 marks in gate my trade is cse can i get any nit for m.tech

  84. A.Abhilash

    My gate score is 486.i’m from hyderabad.OBC CATEGORY.FROM ECE.I THINK I WON’T GET NIT.But please tell what are the colleges i may get.

  85. avinash rathore

    Sir,I got 19.60 marks in gate and my score is 281 and ranks is 52722. I am from SC Category. Please tell me Can I get admission in any government college.

  86. vijayasri

    My gate score is 436 and AIR is 16773. Can I get any top universities for M.Tech

  87. kundan kumar

    my gate score is 28.33. my normalized marks is 26.04 and AIR is 13164. I am from civil engineering. which college i will get for m.tech.

  88. murugesan

    I got 8mark in gate exam. which college I ll get for M.Tech?

  89. Devashree

    I am OBC candidate with score-411, nm- 29.55, Rank-8164 where to apply?

  90. rajesh ingle

    sir, I am rajesh shahadeo ingle .my gate score is 22. on the basis of this score I want a good college .so please tell which college I get on this gate score

  91. ramu

    sir i got 26 marks in gate2013. for 2014-2015 the gate score is 356.
    can i eligible to applying M.tach using this score

  92. Aekansh Jain

    My gate score is 501, general, Mechanical engg, All india rank is 10118
    Which college can i get

  93. Swati Jain

    My Gate 2014 marks is 31.33, score is 407 and rank is 8441. I want to know which college can i get for taking admission in M.Tech? Please tell me

  94. Anwesh

    Sir my gate 2014 score is 610, rank- 1889, normalised marks is 50 do i have a chance of making it to the iit’s for mtech in either of the three branches:
    Structural Engineering,Geotechnical Engineering or Earthquake Engineering.

  95. Darshan Shah

    I found your inspirenignite most helpful…
    I m Instrumentation student…

    I got

    Marks – 28.67
    AIR – 690
    GATE score – 419 IN GATE-2014

    can i get some guidance ???

    Thanks a lot…

  96. Prateek Bhatnagar

    Sir , my branch is EE
    GATE 2014 score 412
    AIR 8275

  97. Aakanksha

    upto what rank NIT colleges will be allotted for M.Tech Biotechnology? plz reply

  98. mohsin

    sir i have got 38 marks in mechanical and score card is 456 and rank is 14046 so plz suggest me where i can apply for MTECH …. any NIIT?h

  99. rijilraj

    My GATE score is 333 and AIR is 14912 GATE percentile is 23.78 and to be more specific my marks are 21.33 and my paper was Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Now TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????



  101. manish

    Sir…my gate score is 559 and AIR is 35 in agricultural engg. …where and for wht should i go for ……

  102. pruthvi

    i got 490 gate score in ec 2014 .can you tell good colleges for which i can apply

  103. patel ravikumar mathurbhai

    I got 28.67 score in gate 2014 can I will get addmision in m.tech or M.E .. pls reply me on my mail id of [email protected]

  104. shruti gupta

    Sir my gate score is 434 and AIR is 6820 in cs branch from obc category in gate 2014, which college can I apply 4 mtch pls provide me d list

  105. shruti gupta

    Sir my gate score is 434 and AIR is 6820 in cs branch in gate 2014, which college can I apply 4 mtch pls provide me d list

    1. shruti gupta

      Sir my gate score is 434 and AIR is 6820 in cs branch from obc category in gate 2014, which college can I apply 4 mtch pls provide me d list

    2. shruti gupta

      From obc category

  106. Lavanya

    Sir,I have scored 24.33 and AIR is 15675,Gate percentile is 92..And i’m confused whether to go for core company or Higher studies.Could you please guide me in this?how about the fees structure if i go for Higher studies like M.E,M.Tech in Chennai etc?Could I be able to join IIT,Madras after an year with the GATE Score valid for 2 years?How much rupees will they grant us as scholarship per month for this score sir?
    And what is the scope of this score?And will it help me in getting a good job in MNC’s or Core companies?

  107. thota srinu

    sir my gate score is 474 in mechanical can i get seat in nit thirichi /warangal in any coars

  108. md.sarwar

    My gate score is 325 and AIR is 37241. marks 24.00 in ece. can i get admission in m.tech in any NIT

  109. md.sarwar

    my gate score is 24.00 and my AIR is 37241. my gate score is 325. can i get admission in m.tech in any NIT

  110. shyamsunder

    My son got Gate score 530, AIR 8199, in Gate-2014. He wants to take specialization in automation and robotics, will he get admission in IIT.please reply

  111. samineni vidya sagar rao

    sir, my gate 2014 score is 643 in EC. which clg will i get or should i apply for m.tech. (OPEN CATOGERY)….reply me soon..

  112. supriya

    Sir my gate 2014 score is 524 and my rank is 3501. I would like to kmow which college can i get with this score?

  113. Aditya kumar

    Sir i have done ‘B’ level (equivalent to MCA from NIELIT.) befor this i did ‘A’level and ‘O’ level
    and i have done my senior secondary with (PCB) with 55% ,
    now i want to do M’TECH from NIT college ,in 2012 i gave exam and i got 39 mark’s now i m trying to give the exam in 2014 for M’TECH , so according to 12th marks and if i have good gate score card in 2014 ,i can get good NIT college or not plz suggest me i m very curious to know about………

  114. ashok

    my gate score is 478 for 2014 in EE. which clg will i get or should i apply for m.tech. reply me soon.



  115. p mahesh

    hi sir, i am p mahesh,i got AIR:7202 in gate 2013 in EEE with good gate scour of 400.can i get m.tech admission in state good universities,please give me reply sir,thank you sir.

  116. p mahesh

    hi sir, i am p mahesh,i got AIR:7202 in gate 2013 in EEE.can i get m.tech admission in state good universities,please give me reply sir,thank you sir.

  117. Khan MOhsin

    i have got 23 marks in gate score and 70% aggregate in B-Tech.which college is suitable for M-tech in Mumbai in which i can easily got admission and around Mumbai.Please suggest me colleges as soon as possible.

  118. rahul babu

    sir my gate rank is 2300 in Instrumentation whether i got admission in good mtech college

  119. Mohan Reddy

    Hi Sir,
    Am Mohan, my rank in Gate-2013 is 5140 with a score of 336 in CE. Wher can I get admission in Mtech…..??
    Is ther a chance for me to get admission in structures in JNTU-H….???
    Please reply to me sir………

  120. sathe sangram

    my gate 2013 score is 470 and i am in gen ph catagary.i have got direct admission in iit bombay. where and what branch i can gate ADMISSION in iit and nit in my core branch ET&C pl convey

  121. Nivesh sharma

    sir my gate score is 328 and marks are 28.67 can i get good college for mtech(ece).

  122. p babu

    sir ..
    i got 4700 rank in gate EE 2013
    there is any chance to get nits or central universities.

  123. Nipendra singh

    sir my gate score is 374 and my AIR rank is 10788.plz tell me which college is suitable for me

  124. prasad

    my gate score is 28.6 AIR 22700 ECE , where can i get admission

    1. hari

      i don’t know

  125. shashanka sekhar behera

    sir my gate mark is 37 in EC.can i get a seat nit?

  126. kasarapu kranthi kumar

    sir my gate score is 365 and my AIR rank is 17183. plz tell me which college is suitable for me

    1. ravi

      please tell me if u any information. i got same rank


    sir my gate score is 341 in mechanical engineering with marks 30 and rank 12945, can i apply NIT and other central institutes.

  128. anand bihari


  129. Masroor

    My GATE score is 23.33 and AIR is 34555 GATE percentile is 86.50 and my paper was ECE Engineering I belong to OBC Category. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????Any chance of getting Good college anywhere in INDIA ??
    govt MHRD college??
    With scholarship or without scholarship??
    Integrated M.tech/PhD.??
    how is North Eastern Hill University Shillong M.tech Nano Tech??
    Thanks for helping me and so many students.

  130. vipin

    sir my gate score is 348 in civil engineering with marks 27 & rank 9215.
    can i apply for nit.

  131. yadav

    sir my gatescore is 273 obc where should i apply for MTECH ….i m to do MTECH it is must for me is there ny way to take admision in MTECH other then GATE score….plz plz plz reply me

  132. arjun

    i got 16 marks in gate …is there any possibility to get any college? plz inform me

  133. tanvi

    i got 20marks in ec. please help how i get admission in good college please suggest the colleges

  134. rave

    my gate score is 520 in ee can i get any iit
    in obc

  135. akanksha

    my gate 2013(cse) score is 416
    my rank is 7024(general)
    do i get any gov college
    plz reply soon
    thank you in advance

  136. Minhaj ahmed ansari

    Sir, my air is 1388, branch ee and general category
    i have applied for inter disiplinary branches of old iits and core branches of new iits …..
    What chance do i stand to get admission there ??

  137. sindhu

    i got a score of 270,marks 25.33,air-21105 in EE.i belong to OBC.plz say me that is there any chance of getting seat at O.U or JNTU

  138. Vineeth

    which nit (surathkal or warangal) is good for construction technology and management?

  139. kr

    i got 33 marks, ece branch, general category and 372 score.
    is there any chance of getting any of the 22 nits.

  140. p.vamsipraveen

    I got 365 gate score in general of 2013gate and my marks are 32.33, and my AIR-17,183…
    PLEASE .i have any chances for M.TECH ece branch plz inform me any college which i will get and if any provide stapin

  141. satya prakash gupta

    30.00 number
    AIR 12945
    GATE SCORE 341

  142. satya prakash gupta

    can i got iit Roorkee

  143. siddhidatri kumari

    hi sir
    I got 26.33 marks in gate 2013 with score 379,my rank is 10308 in computer science branch, i belongs to OBC category ,can i get admission in any NIT ..plz reply me i am waiting for your suggestion

  144. zinta

    sir i got 30 mark in ec branch in 2013….i m belong to obc category…can you suggest me good m.tech college

  145. Hinduja

    sir i got 17.67 MARKS
    213 SCORE
    57140 rank
    I am belongs to sc,can i get admission in ou campus or else plz inform me any good govt r private college in hyd(andhrapradesh) which will provide me admission through my gate score with stipend, plzzz sir rply

  146. suriya boominathan

    sir i got 33.33 gate score in 2012
    plz inform me any college which i will get and if any provide scholarship…

  147. sujitha

    my gate score is 348 & AIR rank is 19592 belonging to SC. Can i get admission in NIT college?

  148. vinit

    my gate score is 388 , gen 2013 .i have any chances fot M.TECH IT branch plz inform me any college which i will get and if any provide stapin….

  149. rounak sahu

    Sir my rank is 13077.can i get govt. College.i am from cs branch.and obc category.percentile is 94.61.plj help me.

  150. Naveen

    sir ….i got 37.67 marks and the rank 7637 in GATE 2013 in EEE stream and my gate score is 394 and i am belongs to General category please tell me list of colleges i can apply…..
    thank you sir

  151. kamal bhugra

    sir i got 395 score general
    ece branch
    35.67 marks
    rank 13146
    plz inform me any college which i will get and if any provide scholarship…

  152. shanthi

    my score is41.33 and my rank is 2406,percentile is 96.48 plez tell me which coll i wil get?..

    1. kiran

      plz mention ur branch…reservation category

  153. isha

    sir i got 380 score general
    me branch
    33.47 marks
    rank 9428
    plz inform me any college which provide scholarship and gud placement….

  154. Nitish

    Please suggest me a good college for m tech
    AIR- 17129
    gate 2013 score is 306, marks- 26.67 in Mechanical stream…

  155. satish

    Sir, I belongs to OBC category, ECE branch.
    GATE 2013 marks 32
    AIR 17,618
    For which Universities/ Colleges I apply for

  156. abhijeet shete

    Sir, i belongs to gen category ,Chemical stream
    GATE 2013 marks 42.33
    AIR 949
    Score 370
    GATE 2012 marks 35.00
    AIR 1083
    Score 374
    For which score n which iits/ nits should i apply for

  157. sujith r kumar

    gate score 412 in 2013
    AIR 7354
    category OBC

  158. rajeswari

    my gate score of 2013 is 289 with 42 marks in metallurgical engg dept…air 371..where can i apply for..

  159. Kishor mohite

    Dear sir, gate score-290 gen, air-30309 , marks- 25. Am i eligible 4 any central univrsity? Or state univ or govt clg? Does stipent is paid regularly? Or wil need 2 face any curuption at clg levl?

  160. raghuram

    my gate score of 2013 is 32.00 in ece and AIR is 17618.please tell me how to apply
    m tech.

  161. pragya shubhnum

    my gate marks of 2013 is 36,score-377 in electrical engineering and AIR is 8785. please suggest me which college should i apply???

  162. patel nikita

    my gate score of 2013 is 307 in electrical engineering and AIR is 15525. please tell me how i apply for ME/MTECH? and am i eligible for gov. college? please give me reply.

  163. arpit mehta

    sir, i got 98.3 percentile(gen ) and 46.33 marks and gate score 514 in mechanical branch…in which college i will apply…

  164. lalit

    My gate score is 435 and AIR is 5837 GATE mark is 30.33, my paper was CSE. Now tell me where shall I apply?? and I get admission in any govt college in Haryana/punjab/Chandigarh. Plz reply

  165. lalit

    my gate score is 435 in cse branch and AIR 5837, my marks are 30.33/100. which college I should apply.

  166. rahul tiwari

    sir my gate score is 368(gen) and AIR (16717) …. my branch is ece .. plz tell me can i get any universities help me sir………….

  167. payal

    my gate marks is 22 with a score of 237 i’m a sc student for which colleges i sud approach, plz help me sir m in a big fix…

  168. jagan

    sir, i got 27 marks in gate 2013 (obc) ,score 388 and 9315 rank.suggest me some good colleges including NITs..
    cse branch.

  169. rajila

    My GATE score is 346 and AIR is 12490 GATE mark is 32 my paper was electrical Engineering. Now TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY???? and i get admission in any gov engineerin college in kerala.. plz reply

  170. mohan krishna

    my gate score is 380,can i get any university
    i am belongs to eee

  171. avi

    my score is 260 in ee gate 2013 category: obc. What colleges should i apply for?


    plz guide me which college i should m.tech with scholarship.
    my 2013 gate marks is 26(electrical),score 277,air 20011(gen).
    Plz help me sir plz…
    Thank you

  173. naveen kumar

    plz guide me which college i should m.tech
    my gate 2013 MARKS- 24.33,AIR- 31919 (OBC-NCL),SCORE- 284,PERCENTILE- 87.538
    Plz help me sir plz…
    Thank you.

  174. MANISH

    i got gate 2013 score 399 in ece, anyone intelligent and experienced please tell me in which university I can get admission?

  175. Nitin

    Sir .. Iam a EC sdudent and my gate score is 612 and my rank is 1441. Should i apply for iits ?if yes then for those?

  176. kartick

    i scored 298 in 2013, will i get any govt college……. Sorry for asking this question. A little Hope of luk.

  177. RANJANA

    sir.. i score 337 in GATE 2013 in obc category girl candidate (rank 15850), my percentile is 92.92… my branch is IT… in which college i can get the admission??? and can i apply for m.s. programme…??? . plzz send me details in my e.id : [email protected]

  178. deepak

    plz guide me which college i should m.tech
    my 2013 gate marks is 25(electrical),score 342,percentile 85.75,air21750(gen).
    Plz help me sir plz…
    Thank you.

  179. ruchika gupta

    sir my gate 2013 score is 280, in chemical engg. and my rank is 2160(gen). should i apply in iits or the new iits, and what are the possibilities of getting an nit. do guide me sir because the cutoffs and ranks of respective iits and nits on different sites are very confusing. thank u.


    i have got 12243 rank in gate 2013 which college i can have for m.tech.

  181. abc

    sir my rank is 229,score 735 can i get admission in iits with good specialization??pls give a reply,i am really confused and tensed,i prefer iit kgp,is there any chance to get computer science and tech there??

  182. chitra

    Sir my GATE score is 310(obc) & AIR is 6713, and i got 30.33/100 in. could u let me know where i would get the admissons for Mtech


    Sir, my GATE 2013 score is -247 (SC) & AIR is -43105,i got -20.67/100 in EC…..Please sir if you suggest me some colleges for M.tech,i’ll be very greateful to you…I will be wait for your reply …Thank You.

  184. Nikita

    sir, my gate score is 460 and air is 8757, with sc category. pls let me know where can i get admission for m.tech

  185. vishnu

    Sir my rank in gate 2013 is 9742(AIR).My gate score:384
    information technology . i also have obc(ncl) reservation
    Where can I expect a seat for doing M.tech?
    pls rply me sir..

  186. hemant

    sir,my gate mark in 2013 is 25.33/100 ,AIR- 19134 [mech] ,(OBC). will i get seat in good reputed colleges,list some colleges as per my score ????? waiting for ur kind reply sir.

  187. vedhi

    my gate score is 248 air: 40181 i am sc female candidate which college for me ?Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?is there any possibilty for me to take admission in government colleges in rajasthan?

  188. annonymous

    Sir my gate score is 520..I got 36.33 marks and 2571 AIR in computer science category..I am a girl from general cateogry..
    In which govt colleges should i apply for Mtech

  189. bhupendra

    my gate score is 374 CS..AIR 10788..please give me better options for MTech. Please send me the list of colleges where I can get a seat…..

  190. hanusha

    my percentile is 90.87 and air rank is 413(aeronautical engg). there is any possibility of geeting seat in either iit or nit

  191. anusha

    sir, my score is 37 and air is 413. i belongs to aeronautical branch where can i get admission for mtech

  192. sandeep

    Sir my rank in gate 2013 is 19336(AIR).My gate score:318
    information technology . i also have SC reservation
    Where can I expect a seat for doing M.tech?
    pls rply me sir..

  193. ANUSHA

    sir, my gate score is28.33-general female in mechanical stream… which colleges can i expect??

  194. puneet

    Sir my rank in gate 2013 is 27307(AIR).My gate score:304
    gen. electronics and comm. Engg.
    Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?
    pls rply me sir

  195. jayanth

    Sir my rank in gate 2013 is 18662(AIR).My gate score:296
    obc Mechanical Engg.
    Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?
    pls rply me sir

  196. jayanth

    Sir my rank in gate 2013 is 18662(AIR).My gate score?:296
    obc Mechanical Engg.
    Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?
    Is there any possibility to get into nit’s and iit’s

  197. sasikala p s

    sir, my gate marks in 2013 exam
    are (EEE): percentile 23.67, score 253,
    air 24406, obc. will I get seat in
    any reputed college?


    sir,my gate mark in 2013 is 19.67/100 ,AIR- 31657 [mech] ,(BC). will i get seat in good reputed colleges,list some colleges as per my score ????? waiting for ur kind reply sir.

  199. Ram Prasad

    sir, my gate marks in 2013 exam
    are (EE): percentile 23.67, score 253,
    air 24406, obc. will I get seat in
    any reputed college?

  200. Ram Prasad

    sir, my gate marks in 2013 exam are :percentile 23.67, score 253, air 24406, obc. will I get seat in any reputed college?

  201. Yaswanth

    i am gate 2013 aspirant. i got 35.67 marks (EC) and my rank is 13146.my score is 399. I am general category. Can i get admission for mtech in the universities available in andhra pradesh in VLSI/ Chip designing specializations. If not can i get seat in best private colleges in Hyderabad for the above specializations.

    Thank You

  202. naveen

    Sir, my GATE 2013 score is 209 (SC) & AIR is 59086,i got 17/100 in Ec…..Please sir if you suggest me some colleges for M.tech,i’ll be very greateful to you…I will be wait for your reply …Thank You.

  203. Amal

    All India Rank (AIR) : 2230 (CS)

    My GATE 2013 Score : 534

    can i get in NIT calicut, or any government engg. college in kerala??

  204. amit sardar

    sir my 2013 gate score is 360 (sc), (air) 12000, marks 25/100…

    Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?

    Is there any possibility to get into nit’s and iit’s

  205. Tushar

    Sir, My rank in GATE 2013 is 5794 with gate score of 427 and marks is 41/100 in EE stream. I want to know where can I get admission through this rank?

  206. sanjeev kamal

    sir my gate 2013 score is 28.67(gen category), name some colleges in which i can get admission in ece stream for m.tech

  207. sangeeta yadav

    hello sir…
    i got 1060 rank in ECE….gate score 632 for 2013-14….how much chance is there to get into IITs as new IITs also taking M.TECH admission…and which IIT should i expect on this rank???
    sir plz rly…i’m very confused about it…
    thabku sir..

  208. Pooja

    Sir,i got 19 marks only n AIR is 30033..gate score is 276.. i belong to SC category.SC cutoff is 16.67.
    Is there any chance of getting admission in m.tech in better university other than IITs N NITs.plz prefer me the colleges name in DELHI N HARYANA..I will be very thankful 2 u.plz find any solution 2 my prblm..w8ing 4 ur rply Sir..

  209. Pooja

    Sir,i got 19 marks only n i belong to SC category.SC cutoff is 16.67.
    is tere any chance of getting admission in m.tech in better university other than IITs N NITs.plz prefer me the colleges name in DELHI N HARYANA..I will be very thankful 2 u.plz find any solution 2 my prblm..w8ing 4 ur rply Sir..

  210. Shruti

    My gate score is 9.67 and the rank is 102892 then what chance for getting the admission In M.tech In sugest the name of govt. college

  211. Shruti

    My gate score is 9.67 and the rank is 102892 then what chance for getting the admission In M.tech sugest the name of college

  212. mahi

    i am from CSE i have two valid gate scores 2012 and 2013 but 2012 score was much higher.. i want to ask that how the institutes take my score into consideration if i apply through that score….! how they compare with new score ??? another question is if i had applied to some XYZ institute and didnt get it last year… with the same score if i apply this year.. is there any chance ???

  213. Swati

    Sir,I got GATE 2013 score 412(based on old formula) and 490(based on new formula) in EC, AIR is 11744 in which universities I can get mtech seats.

  214. gsk

    my gate score is 360 and my marks 34.33/100 ..AIR 10037 of EEE,, IS am eligible for NIT’S or IIT”S…….can u reply as early as possible.

  215. Sheik Nousheen Taj

    Sir, I got Gate 2013 score 398 in CS, AIR is 8459 In which university in A.P. (icluding NITs,Central Univsty.) I get mtech seat. please let me know. Iam in confusion.

  216. Pradeep

    Sir my rank in gate 2012 is 14075(AIR).My gate score?:337
    obc Mechanical Engg.
    Where can I expect a seat for doing Mtech?
    Is there any possibility to get into nit’s and iit’s

  217. Koushik

    Sir, my GATE 2013 score is -213 (SC) & AIR is -34905,i got -19.67/100 in EE…..Please sir if you suggest me some colleges for M.tech,i’ll be very greateful to you…I will be wait for your reply …Thank You.

  218. Koushik

    sir i got in gate 2013 19.67/100(SC).
    My score is 213 and AIR 34,905 ..and my stream is EE .Please, sir help me for expected college name for m.tech.I’m waiting for ur reply…
    thank u.

    1. Chandu

      Hey niku m.tech seat vachinda…. vaste which college? ?

  219. asad

    dear friends/sir,
    i got 11000 rank in cs(general),percentile is 95%.so can i get admissions in nit’s or government college.

  220. hsizan

    sir i ve got 7 out of 100 and my AIR is 133753 in gate exam can i get admission in any reputed college stipend

  221. prashant deshmukh

    sir my gate score is 28.6 n my AIR is 22732. My category is obc n my stream is ece. Sir plz tel me d name of expected colleges..

  222. Bharti Mulchandani

    My GATE score is 557 and AIR is 1800 GATE percentile is 99.19 and to be more specific My marks are 39 and my paper ws CS Engineering.
    Pls suggest me any clg for M.tech

  223. Ajay Naikal

    Sir my gate score is 23.33 in PI and AIR is 701 and cut off for my category is 23.5 so is der any use of it???? Can i get admission to M Tech through it??? Plz reply sir… My email id is [email protected]… Thank u….

  224. sankar

    sir i got in gate 2013 20/100(SC).my score is 240 and AIR 45483 ..and my stream is ece .kindly sir help me for expected college name for m.tech.i’m waiting for u…
    thank u.

  225. indrajit

    sir i got in gate 2013 27.33/100(GEN).my score is 314 and AIR 25174 ..and my stream is ece .kindly sir help me for expected college name for m.tech.i’m waiting for u…
    thank u.

    1. Dolly

      hey same here.if u get any reply,plz do mail me.

  226. GAURAV

    ALL INDIA RANK= 5116

    GATE 2013 SCORE= 449


    [email protected]

  227. anvesh

    my gate score is 35.33 and my AIR(3661) and gate score is 240 and my department is biotechnology. can u please specify which college i can get?

  228. akanksha

    sir i got 29/100(general category) marks and gate 2013 rank is 7024 do i get niits my score is 416 cs branch.

    1. Sartre

      Hi akanksha…..I too got the same Marks and Rank…Marks 29 and rank 7024 and also Score is 416…..If u get to know any details can u just forward it to me…. my mail id [email protected]

  229. akanksha

    sir i got 29/100 marks and gate rank is 7024 do i get niits my score is 416 cs branch

  230. anand

    hi Sir,

    My all india rank is 3995 and marks 43.00 in mechanical branch.
    Which college i should apply for and which is the best branch.
    While taking the college what should i prefer most , college name or branch.

    Please help me out

  231. Ch.Sandeep

    Sir my gate air is 8101
    my gate score is 288 for 2013-2014 ,365 for2014-2015
    which colllege i can deserve please sent to my email id

  232. anu

    sir my gate rank 22395 and i got 24.68% in general catagory.
    shall i get admission in any clg for mtech or not??

  233. SUKI

    sir, my AIR is 1012 from me stream.can i get iit’s.my marks is 55.

  234. pappu

    general category

  235. pappu

    sir my gate rank is 3004 mark 48.33 which colllege i can deserve please sent to my email id

  236. Ravi Verma

    My Gate score will be 384 (marks 34).
    Shall I get admission in any NIT.

  237. sujitha

    sir my gate rank is 32000 and my marks is 19.33.i am a ST candidate in which colleges i can apply for admission.plz rply

  238. Nagendra

    hai sir i got

    ALL INDIA RANK=12625

    GATE SCORE=375



    My GATE score is 492 and AIR is 597 & My GATE marks are 33.33 and my paper was Instrumentation Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  240. Shri Ram

    This year i’m going to give gate on 20th feb.
    So pls suggest me how to start preparation
    i’m final year student of mech from nit kkr.

  241. sankar

    my gate2012 rank is 7200 and my gate score is 400+ in which nit i may get seat for mtech for the year 2013. In which coll in AP i can seat???

  242. sheela d

    my gate2012 rank is 5200 and my gate score is 475 in which nit i may get seat for mtech for the year 2013. In which coll in karnataka i can seat???

  243. Sreekanth

    Hi Zahid,
    The following line in your article caught my eyes :
    “Few go to IISc and save our lives. ( few for sure go there)”
    Why do you say “save our lives”? It would be really helpful if you explain it.

  244. Udit

    My Gate Credentials are
    Gate Score-393
    Gate Marks-38

    I dint get any seat in any NIT.
    now please tel me what should i do

    whether should i go for GBTU counselling nd try for HBTI or any govt. aided institute and den do side by side preparation and try 2 crack xamzz?? or
    should i join any private core company and do side by side preparation nd try 2 crack xamzz??

    also i wanna ask you whether it is good for me to wait for MS or research program of winter session of IIT and NIT whether it is fruitful for my branch

    and the last one whether taking admission in govt. aided institute of GBTU will be fruitful for me..in terms of job and placement

    I am a fresher and in a big dilemma and creates a confusion in my mind.

    Please suggest me some great and fruitful suggestion.I wl b hghly gr8ful 2 u…

  245. shweta

    hi zahid sir
    this is 2010 nit trichy cutoff.can you tell us 2011 nit trichy/warangal/surathkal cutoffs so as to have an idea of this year ongoing ccmt 2012.
    my score:563
    air: 1570
    gen electrical
    can i get top nits
    as u know i have to surrender my any allotment in 3rd before going in 4th or spot round.please suggest shoud i surrender my seat and go for 4th roundor spot.please suggest
    sir now till 2nd round i have nit kurukshetra
    please reply

  246. A.Naga Jyothi


  247. a.kalavathi

    my gate score is 230.can i get seat in embedded systems in m-tech.

  248. f.a. rahmani

    i have done b.tech [it] with 65% from distance mode , from deemeduniversty.now i wanna to a lecturers in engineering coolege. i am working in private it comany.what should i do now. plz tell me .i am so confuse.


  249. KAPIL

    Sir,my gate score is 434.In which college should I apply, are there chances of nit’s or panjab engineering college?

  250. vijay

    hai sir…..my 2012 gate score is 428 with 26.33 marks and air of 8500 in ECE stream…..in which nit’s do i have a chance to get admission…sir will i get admission into ou,jntu or cbit collegs in andhra pradesh….. pls reply me sir

  251. vijay

    hai sir…..my 2012 gate score is 428 with 26.33 marks and air of 8500 in ECE stream…..in which nit’s do i have a chance to get admission…pls reply me sir

  252. jaydeep

    can u tell me in which decending order IITs admission becomes full??

  253. durga shanmugam

    my brother gate score is 183.marks 15.33 and all India rank is 37000+. sir, please tell me some of the college names in pune and chennai.


    Please tell me ranking of NIT’s accourding to placement record


    My GATE score is 443 and AIR is 6932 GATE percentile is 95.57 and to be more specific my My marks are 41.33 and my paper was CS Engineering. Now Zahid please TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  256. ayush

    My gate-2011 score is 412,all india rank is 9700 & gate-2012 score is 366,all india rank is 13000. Sir through which score should i apply and do i have any chace og getting NIT through CCMT-2012.

  257. divya

    sir, my gate 2012 score is 131 and mark 13.67 in EE branch.. my cgpa is 8.5… sir help me which college i can get for M.E either in power electroinics or power system engineering??

  258. guru t v

    I got 39.33 marks and gate score is 416 in cs. and i am OBC candidate. Is there any chance to get NIT. Please suggest best M.TECH colleges for my gate score.

  259. SUMANTA

    My gate-2011 score is 378,marks 30.00 and all india rank is 6300 in EE branch.
    Sir please help me by suggesting the name of nit’s in which i can apply.

    1. Koustav

      CCMT as per this year

  260. m.praveen

    my name is ms praveen and i got 29.99 marks in gate 2011 and gate rank is 15226 and i would like to know about did i got seat in any college to do M.Tech?

  261. bhargavachari

    i get 296 gate score & get 12,000 rank
    category obc which college i get

  262. premkumar

    my name is prem kumar and i got 25 marks in gate 2012 and i would like to know about did i got seat in any college or weather i eligible for that?

  263. P Nagendra Babu

    sir, i have gate score is 375
    percentile is- 36.33
    rank is-12468
    i hope, is there any chance to get set in state Universities

    plz reply me sir

  264. manish anand

    CS – Computer Science and Information Technology
    Marks Obtained: 28.67 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 271
    All India Rank: 30615
    Category: SC

    what kind of college i can get. can i apply for NIT’s or Others wellknown colleges. plz suggest me any.
    thanks in advance
    my Email id: [email protected]

  265. Ravichandra G

    sir i have a gate score of
    (Qualified under OBC Category)
    All India rank-27273
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??

  266. Ravichandra G

    sir i have a gate score of
    All India rank-27273
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??

  267. Sree Chandan

    My rank is 249 in Instrumentation Branch Gate score 576, marks 38.
    Please let me know which clgs can i get and also please tell me the order of preference of specialisation that would be better regarding jobs for my branch


    plz tell me about ST cut off in all IIT’S and NIT’S

  269. sathish

    My 2011 gate rank in ECE is 12060 with gate score 386 and I want to do MTech
    I heard that this gate score will be valid for 2 years, but are there extra procedures?
    How should I proceed?
    category: SC
    can i get into NITs with this score?????

  270. preeti sha

    i m of ece branch………….my gate marks-29.67
    gate score-489
    i want to know in which colleges i can apply

  271. subhashini

    my mark is 38.33 actually i belong to obc but i have done the gate exam in general catogory what shall i do there is difference in cutoff

  272. Aryan

    Hello sir, M an electrical engg. i am a little bit confused on whether to select NIT or DA-IICT.
    My GATE 2012 score is 30 of 100, 95.5 percentile. AIR 4954.
    please help me out

  273. kuldeep singh

    sir , i got 14555(357 GATE SCORE ,90.7% IN CS). NOW in which colleges can i apply for mtech. please suggest me.

  274. PD

    Sir, My rank is 3397, SCORE 507 in CS, GATE 2012, Where shoUld i apply? please, guide!!

  275. Siva

    Marks Obtained: 25

    All India Rank: 44241

    Hw to calculate cutoff sir?

  276. Siva

    Examination Paper: CS – Computer Science and Information Technology

    Marks Obtained: 25.33 Out of 100

    GATE Score: 225

    All India Rank: 44241

    May i can do My ME sir?

  277. shreya

    sir,my gate score is 26.6/100 in cse,which college should i apply?

  278. AKHILA

    i got 1804 th rank in gate in ece stream.suggest me where i can join

  279. Radha.R

    my gate score is 134 cse dept

    OBC gategory may i get mepco schlenk engg clg..sivakasi

    or which clg may i get pls inform to me sir…..

  280. Gayatri


    my AIR rank is 20084 marks 32.33 and my gate score is 320 in gate 2012 in Computer science & engg branch and in General category can i can any β€œNIT” or some other college please reply me.

  281. gowtham

    Sir,My 2012gate score is 356,and my mark is 22.33,AIR is 15775.
    i belongs to sc. can i get any government college to do my m.tech?
    and suggest me the good colleges….plz rply to my id [email protected]

  282. Ankita

    sir i have a gate score of 484
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??whch IIITs i can get???

    1. Ankita

      branch 4above is cs and gen category
      plz help

  283. prateek

    sir i got 434 gate score and 7981 rank.is there any hope for NIT plz suggest me………….

  284. raj

    sir i got 6600 in sc caste in gate.can u please tell me which college i will get for mtech

  285. sud

    i got 96.06 pecentile and scored 42.33 ,rank is 6600,which college i can get? Can i get admission in NIT’s?

  286. robin

    my gate score is 34 and rank is 13500
    can i get admissin i any college
    plz tell me

  287. ravi teja

    sir i m got gate score26.33 in eee,catogiry:obc,wich collage i will get

  288. srinivasarao

    sir i got 6163 rank and marks-43.33 in gate 2012 which colleges i will get….??? please answer me sir

    Thankyou sir

  289. Prasanta

    Hello sir
    my gate score was 518 in 2011 in EE paper.
    Please suggest me which college i should apply for m.tech.

  290. jaspreet kaur

    my gate score is 557,with rank 2517,and marks are 49.67 in cs
    can u suggest is it possible to get top nit
    if not then ehich college can i get with 98.36 percentile

  291. viswamraju

    sir i got 482 gate score any all india rank in ece stream is 5374.please suggest reputed m tech colleges for my rank


    My GATE score is 31.67 and AIR is 21681 GATE percentile is 86.17 and to be more specific my My marks are 311 and my paper was CS Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  293. sameer

    sir my gate score is 398 in cs branch in 2012 can i get any nit in this year pls suggest??????????

  294. pankaj

    and i belongs to obc category.

  295. pankaj

    gudnoon sir, my name is pankaj saini. i want to know about my eligibility criteria in iits and nits. my gate score is 365 in 2011 gate paper and AIR id 6828 and percentile is 90.6.

    please sir reeply me.

  296. suni

    hai.. sir i am doing b.tech from it branch
    my gate score is 466 and my rank is 5709 and gate percentile is 96.36
    is there any chance to get seat in any nit for m.tech otherwise give me the name of institute i can get

  297. don

    halo…i got gate score 245..am belongs to sc catogary..where i get admissions?

  298. Gouthami

    Whats the eligibility of gate score in civil engineering? and whether a positive score can help me to get in any university??

  299. Prashant Thakare

    and my percentile is 91.56.. so sir where i can apply?
    plz sir give me reply??

  300. Prashant Thakare

    and my percentile is 91.56..
    so sir where i apply?? sir plz give me reply..

  301. Prashant Thakare

    Sir, i got 38.67 marks out of 100 in gate 2012. and my gate score is 379.
    but i got only 53% in 1st sem of B.E. civil engg.
    is there any cricteria of B.E. percentage to take admission in Btech.
    and is there any hope for me in NIT??
    plz sir reply me..

  302. rajesh

    hi, my gate score is 352, AIR=11955, percentile=89.356% in the mech engg. stream. could you please advice on some good colleges to apply. also is there any NITs where i can apply?

  303. Arpit Singh

    My gate score 140 i want to know at which college i get admission in M.Tech (vlsi)

  304. masood

    sir i have a gate score of 452
    branch-computer science and tecnology
    is there any hope for me in any IIT
    if not IIT then which NIT. can i hope for MTech in??
    and also suggest central University
    guide me

  305. Vivek Ahire

    Sir My gate score i 299 and 23 marks in EE. I am in obc, which college should i try to get admission for M.Tech

  306. ravi kumar

    actually sir i m getting 1300 rank in gate 2012 and score is 630 and i also belong to sc category. sir it is possible to get any psu. plz give me rply at mail.

  307. Supradeep

    My 2012 (SC) gate marks is 23.33 and my gate score is 190 and AIR is 13092 my stream is civil.which college should I apply?

  308. Supradeep

    My 2012 (SC) gate marks is 23.33 and my gate score is 190 and AIR is 13092 which college should I apply?

  309. pradeep

    sir i got 25 marks in gate,rank-11232,score-335,category-general,(ee) i had qualified gate so please can you suggest me which college can i get for doing my m.tech in (electrical engineering) is there any possibility get seat in (nit) please reply fastly

  310. nikita jain

    At gate score 348 in gate (CS) which colleges which get?

  311. SHEENU

    SIR my branch is CS nd my GATE score is 216 and air is 47511.
    so what could i do to get better college….nd how to apply for it…????

  312. Tanvi Pareek

    hello sir,
    I am from electronics and communication branch my gate 2012 score is 314 and my all India rank is 22700. what should i do or which colleges i can apply for M. Tech.
    How to proceed further
    10th %= 80%
    12th %= 68%
    btech(agreegate till 6th sem.)= 68%

  313. mayank

    hi sir,
    i got 139233 AIR through cs GEN category.which college i can apply.help needed

  314. Jestin James

    Sir,I have a gate score 218 and my AIR is 53720 frm ECE stream,I would like to know in which college will I get admission

  315. Jestin James

    Sir,I have a gate score 218 and my AIR is 53720,I would like to know in which college will I get admission

  316. Nidhi

    Sir, I have scored 38.67 marks and 407 gate score and 9467 in cs in Gate 2012. Category General.
    In which universities and colleges will I get the seat.
    Plz guide me.

  317. Nidhi

    Sir, I have scored 38.67 marks and 407 gate score and 9467 in cs in Gate 2012. Category General.
    In which universities and colleges will I get the seat.

  318. Ashish

    sir my gate 2012 score is 561…and rank is 2445 in cs branch…i got 50 marks…category obc…
    is there any hope for me in iits or nit…

  319. satish soni

    My GATE score is 324 and AIR is 2453 GATE percentile is ZZZZ and to be more specific my My marks are MMMM and my paper was IN Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  320. Avinash Agrawal

    My GATE score is 429 and AIR is 7809, GATE percentile is 95.01 and to be more specific my marks are 40.33 and my paper was Computer Science Engineering. Now Zahid Sir, TELL ME WHERE should I APPLY????

  321. raghu

    sir i have a gate score of 116
    is there any hope for using gate score and this gate score using admit m tech?

  322. vinay

    sir i have a gate score of 257
    which colleges may get……..sir please reply me

  323. jay

    My AIR is 20823 and score 316.I belong to OBC category.Is there any chance to get admission in IITs or NITs.My branch is CS.

  324. kailash

    i got 585 score in gate an all india rank is 2172…………which college shud i apply for mtech?????/ plz reply

  325. kuruva soma sekhar

    sir i have scored 26.6 in gate 2011.can i get seat in universities in ap?

  326. tana yami

    sir m frm eee n st category..m goin to give gate exam..how much score i sud get for iit n AIR rank?

  327. chandu

    my gate all india rank is 9428 in 2011 …
    am i eligible to any university in AP….???


    Thank u,for your suggerstions.Can you please suggest me about gate2012 cut off regarding electrical engineering

  329. Mayank

    hey buddy,
    U r doing amazing work. Thanks for ur effort…wud love to co-operate. I am also collecting info related admission. My last year score was 481 and planning to take admission this year. Please suggest me colleges.

  330. shahid rcks

    my gate score is probably close to 43 which nit should i apply in year 2012 branch mechanical engineering

  331. shahid

    my gate score is probably close to 43 which nit should i apply in year 2012

  332. SHAHID U


  333. tashi

    what is the lowest marks for getting any engg. college for m.tech. plz do tell….

  334. khushbu

    i m appearing for gate2012 plz tell me the min. required percentile for any IIT
    for Structure (Civil Engg)

  335. hiren

    will i get styphone if i am getting admission in any college through gate score? or styphone facility is only limited to IIT’s


    sir,i have a GATE score of 223
    branch-mechanical engineering
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT,i hope for MTECH in??

  337. rahul

    Hey Zahid, thanks for the info. Really useful.

  338. Rohit kumar

    Sir my self rohit kumar ..am a civil 2nd yr student i want to start gate preparation so plz help me to start the preparation..my email id is [email protected]

    1. AKHILA

      i suggest u to join in ACE academy , hyd, abids after 3 rd year and from now onwards keep in touch with basics.After crash coarse in ACE , u start original preparation for gate. serious study of 5 months is enough to get a good rank

  339. jeevita

    Hello Sir/madam,

    My 2011 gate score in ECE is 4098 and I wanted to do MTech with this last year gate score in 2012.
    I heard that this gate score will be valid for 2 years, but are there extra procedures?
    How should I proceed?
    Could you please let me know?
    Thank you in advance.

  340. sudarsan

    i am 2010passed out student.sir just now i am starting to prepare for GATE will i be able to get in to IITs please do guide me. i am desperate.

    1. rahul

      Done be desperate.. Be sure.

  341. Saheli

    sir i have a gate score of 421
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??


    sir i am studying B.Tech 4th year.In my 3rd i wrote GATE-2011 exam and i got marks:34.33 out of 100.And gate score :439,and my gate all india rank:3689.Is this score is valid to join in M.Tech in 2012.If it valid which colleges may get……..sir please reply me as early as possible to my mail([email protected]).sir it is important to me.

  343. ankit

    sir ,m doing btech from ece branch ,i dont knoe what to do after btech..job or mtech. …is there any scope after mtech. …or i ll try for job ..as there is not much eletrnoics company so m trying to go into software field……plz help me…[email protected]….plz reply…..

  344. pawan yadav


    my AIR rank is 12069 and my gate score is 296 in gate 2011 in electrical branch and in obc category can i can any “NIT” or some other college please reply me.

  345. R.NITHYA

    i got 7869 rank which college wil be prefereble in ECE

  346. omprakash kendre , nanded

    sir !! really i like ur advice very much about gate preparation .sir i am in third year engg. how would i start gate preparation ??

  347. bali

    This is bali,i got 4007 in 2011 in the stream of eee.will i get NITs.please sugget me of good college.

    1. suresh

      hey i have got air of 4457 in gate EE 2012..will i get any nit’s..?

  348. Mohit Zhinga lala

    sir i have a gate score of 125
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??

    1. rahul

      Improve ur Percentage next time..

    2. raju ramparker

      obviously you will get iit kanpur or iit bombay.

  349. khushi

    my gate 2011 rank is 947 in IN.94%.where can i get??

  350. mathi chiranjeevi

    i got 1408 all india rank in gate and my gate score is 465 in civil engineering.

    could you please tell me if i can get admit into structural engineering in any NIT’s


    sir i have a gate score of 436
    branch-computer science and tecnology
    is there any hope for me in any IIT
    if not IIT then which NIT. can i hope for MTech in??


    SIR,MY GATE SCORE IS 326,AIR-11469.

  353. laxmidhar behera

    my gate score is 354. branch -mech,can i find any nit

  354. kaleem basha

    my gate rank is 15500 can u suggest me the colleges i will get based on my rank

  355. prashant

    sir i m preaparing for gate 2012 ,plz suggst me which branch is easy to get an iit ,eletelcm or ele&instrument



  357. Shadab

    iam from me branch
    gate score 262
    rank 18000
    category gen
    plz tell me where shall I apply
    plz reply me sir

  358. ch rambabu

    ch rambabu permalink
    iam from ece branch
    gate score 29.00
    rank 15683
    category obc
    plz tell me where shall I apply
    plz reply me sir
    i will i get gayatri vidya parishad engineering college or gitam university or andhra university in vizag
    plzz reply

  359. Guruvareddy

    Sir,i had got 1418th rank in gate 2011 in cse in what colleges iam get seat

  360. shreya

    sir my gate score is 351 in ece…and 89.67 percentile.will i get mnit jaipur………
    plzz reply

  361. tarun

    sir i have a gate score of 344
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??

  362. tarun

    sir i have a gate score of 344
    is there any hope for me in any NIT
    if not NIT then which instt. can i hope for MTech in??

  363. saransh sharma

    sir my gate score is 697 can i got nit warengal cse ????????????

  364. Arnab Kar

    my gate rank is 4100… marks: 47.8….98 percentile..
    in cse dept…
    where should i get admission????

  365. tarun

    i m interested in pursuing MTech in Computer Science with elective as Artificial Inteligence.

    Can u suggest me some good colleges where Artificial Intelligence is teached.

    My Gate Score is 595 and AIR 2231.

    Thank You.

  366. AKSHAYA

    sir,my gate-2011 gate rank is 7590 n my score is-448 in ECE branch can get any nit please inform me

  367. sarath

    sir,my gate score is 606 and rank is 1967 from ece,,please tell me whther there is chance for nit’s.

  368. Harshal Badgujar.


    My Gate Score in Computer Science is 558 & All India Rank is 3057.

    Could you please let me know in which colleges should I apply?

    Can I get admission in NITs??


  369. pradeep singh

    my gate score is 126 and all india ranking is 2282 please suggest me a m.tech college in north india

  370. abhishek

    Sir my GATE Rank was 248 and score was 514 in Biotechnology (BT) paper,i am in 3rd yr.Which colleges should I try for scholorship ?


    I am Irshad, my gate score is 395 in electrical&electronics can I get admission in any of these nit like calicut, warangal, suratkal, trichy.

  372. neeraj

    Friends…. my GATE-2010 ECE score is 310 and my all India rank is 17300. I belong to SC category. Can I get admission in any NIT…… Please help me….

  373. Pravir Polly

    I am did my Btech in mechanical Engineering. Where can i apply with the information given below.
    mark : 32.33
    gate score is : 333
    can i get into NIITs

  374. Pravir Polly

    I am did my Btech in mechanical Engineering. Where can i apply with the information given below.
    mark : 32.33
    gate score is : 333

  375. Abhishek srivastava

    Sir my ec air is 2666 may i get nit allahabad ?

  376. Mahesh

    Sir my GATE score is 521 and I am from Mechanical stream(Open category).My AIR is 2373. so Please suggest me Mtech college.(Mostly for Machine design)

    Thank you.

  377. Dheeraj Lengare

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 7253 GATE percentile is 91.06 and my paper was Mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  378. chandan


    My Gate Score in mechanical is 354 All India Rank 9402

    could you please let me know if i can get admit into any nit i.e nitk, trichy, warangal, or surat.??


  379. PANKAJ

    iam from cs branch
    gate score 538
    rank 3633
    category obc
    plz tell me where shall I apply
    plz reply me sir

  380. krishan chandra mishra

    hello sir/ma’am..,

    my Gate-marks/Gate-score is 4/081.
    i am asking to u…., please suggest me any good collage for M.tech…

    Thank You..!

  381. mukesh kumar

    sir, i am mukesh. my GATE SCORE-2011 is248 andGATE marks is 24.33, from mechanical engg. my ALL INDIA rank is 19789.
    Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

  382. manzoor hussain

    sir my gate 2011 score cs is 369. can i get admission in any govt college for mtech with this score.

  383. ranjith

    hi sir

    my gate-2010 air rank ws around 9000…….in wch best clg i wl get my admission?

  384. karthik

    my name is karthik,my gate score is 484 in information technology and my rank is 8832,can i get m.tech seat in anna university

  385. baru

    sir my AIRis 6900 in ec. can i get in NITs or universities.please suggest me

  386. anu

    Sir,my gate score is 371.I belong to sc category.Is there any chance of getting into any nits? My branch is cs.Please help me in getting an idea of heading towards a specific option,I’m too confused.

  387. Vishwajeet

    Sir, my GATE score is 424 in Computer Science. All India Rank 8832. Which college should I apply in?

  388. manish

    sir i have 15 marks out of 100
    plz tell me mtech college for admission

  389. vidya

    sir my gate score is 370
    i am from eee
    please tell me the chances to get the admission in nits or central universities .please reply soon sir

  390. shalinta krishnam

    sir my gate score is 370
    please suggest me if i can get admission i any nit

  391. pankaj sen

    sir i m pankaj my gate score 401, air 6712, marks 38.67

  392. pankaj sen

    i m pankaj, my gate score 401, AIR is 6712, what college i get

  393. swetha

    sir ,
    i’m from eee, my perentile is 28 , i would like to join in any college at coimbatore, tamil nadu, plz suggest me the best college for my score..

  394. amrit kumar panigrahi

    my gate score is 241 and my AIR is 4963 in instrumentation branch kindly advise me the best course of action i should be following now to join in m.tech

  395. surendra prasad

    sir i am surendra prasad my gate score is 335 . can you sugges
    me which college will apply for electronics ?


    My GATE score is 659 and AIR is 1152 and to be more specific my My marks are 55.33 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY???? plz reply fast


    My GATE score is 659 and AIR is 1152 and to be more specific my My marks are 55.33 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  398. kunwar pratap mall

    hello sir i m kunwar.gate mark is 8.33,gate score is 109,all india rank is 81207,EC student.
    Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  399. kunwar pratap mall

    iam from eee
    gate score 109
    rank 81700
    category obc
    plz tell me where shall I apply
    plz reply me sir.



  401. manish

    sir my gate score is 382 in which college i should apply plzz provide me a good way for selecting a better college for me plzzzzzzzzzz………….

  402. rajasekhar

    my gate score is 243 i qualifued in 2010 and rank is 14028 and categery is sc

    is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  403. rajasekhar

    sir my sub is ece i gt rank14028 gate score 243 categery sc plz tell me where shell i apply plz reply me sir

  404. reddy kiran

    sir, my gate score is 352 and my stream is ee,in which college i can apply for admission. iam a general category student.please ehelp me sir…..

  405. Rajat banik

    My Gate Score 300, Mark-22.67/100(Gen). AIR-4890, I mworking in State Govt. Org. since last 10 yrs . May I get chance to admit in Good NIT or other ? Pl suggest me immediately .

  406. Rajat banik

    My mark is 22.67,(Gen), AIR-4890,Score-300, in GATE 2011. I m doing job under State Govt(Tripura)since last 10 yrs. Can get chance to admit in good MTech Institute. Pl suggest me as soon as possible.


    My GATE score is 425 and AIR is 5508 GATE percentile is 94 and to be more specific my My marks are 41 and my paper was MECHANICAL Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY

  408. nitesh


  409. kuldeep garg

    sir my sub cy
    i gt 62 rank n647 gate scoresir suggest me fr best way
    reply soon

  410. mahesh

    iam from eee
    gate score 344
    rank 6755
    category obc
    plz tell me where shall I apply
    plz reply me sir.

  411. prem kumar chaurasiya

    I belongs to obc category

  412. prem kumar chaurasiya

    Iam from mechanical engineering & my gate score is 436(42mrk) &air is 5049
    Is there any chance to get admission in any of nits or iits or any centeral universities.
    If yes then sir pls help me.rply soon

  413. K.Ragavendrakumar

    I am Ragav from chennai. My Last year Gate score (Gate 2010) is 301.(21.67 out of 100). which college shall i get?

  414. Krishna

    My Gate Score is 365 in Mechanical and Rank 8733

    Is there any Chances for me to get into NITS with this Score

    Plz Tell Me

  415. DYUTI

    hello sir i m Dyuti.gate mark is 19.33,gate score is 237,all india rank is 35390,EC student.
    Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  416. bharti

    sir ,
    i am from eee.
    gate score:316
    Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  417. chakravarthi

    i got 4786 rank in ec stream.where can i getmmtech admission

  418. Sanjeet Kumar Maddheshiyaz

    My GATE score is 476 and AIR is 622 and to be more specific my My marks are 28.33 and my paper wasINSTRUMENTATION Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  419. Sanjeet Kumar Maddheshiyaz

    Sir my gate score is 476 n rank is 622 in instrumentation branch…
    Plz help me in finding good institute….

  420. Ch.Loknadh

    My Gate Score 304
    All India Rank 22133
    OBC category
    Is their any chances for NIT’s r UNIVERSITIES for me…

    Reply soon..
    [email protected]
    Thank You.

  421. VIJITHA

    i have a gate score of 327 and my mark is 27…
    and also my AIR is 18631…percentile is 86 also belongs to OBC category..
    Can u please say where cn i get admission for mtech….

  422. Vivek

    hello sir i m Vivek. gate marks is 27.63, EE student. all India rank is 8366. please guide me.

  423. P. Mohanraj

    In GATE 2011 for PI paper 433 GATE Score had around 207 AIR

  424. venkatesh

    sir,my gate score 491,marks 41,air 5389,in which university i can get seat in m.tech colleges

  425. jaya yadav

    Sir my GATE score is 331 and my AIR is 18076. I am from EC branch and belongs to OBC category. Is there any chance to get admission in any Central University/NIT/Govt. college?
    plzzz help me sir…

  426. jaya yadav

    My GATE score is 331 and AIR is 18076 GATE percentile is 86 and to be more specific my marks is 27.33 and my paper was EC Engineering.plzz TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????????

  427. Lakshmi Kumari

    my daughter scored 49.67 AIR 478 Score 666 in EE pls suggest sum good colleges

  428. RANJIT

    i got 46 marks and 479 gate score . so sir pls inform me which college should prefer sugest me govt. and privet also. pls reply

  429. balaji

    sir ,
    i am from eee.
    gate score:292
    Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  430. Allen

    hello sir,
    My name is Allen. My gate score is 335 and AIR is 8689. I am from EEE branch and have OBC reservation… sir can u suggest me some good colleges from Kerala and TN.

  431. Jaya

    i scored 37.33 in biotech branch. pls suggest sum good colleges

  432. Dhairyasheel

    My GATE score is 27.67 and AIR is15364 GATE percentile is 86.46 and to be more specific my My marks are and my paper was mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  433. Anand

    My GATE score is 441 and AIR is 8023 GATE percentile is 94.10 and to be more specific my My marks are 36.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  434. rohit kumar tyagi

    i have 29 marks in gate 2011 and 12955 AIR in CS can i got angy of the nit’s or suggest me some colleges for Mtech.

  435. surya

    My gate score is 579 and rank is 2106 gate percentile 97.09 and to be more specific .my marks are 41 my paper is EC.now zahid tell me where shall i apply?

  436. K. P. Agrawal

    Prefer the top M.Tech(EE) colleges in which gate score is accepted 22.33/100.

    Waiting for your reply.


  437. K. P. Agrawal

    Sir, i scored 22.33/100 in GATE 2011 (EE). in which top colleges i may get admission for M.Tech. in Banglore, Pune, Patiyala, Delhi or all over the India.
    i am also interested to teach the B.Tech. students.

    Reply me soon, Sir please. Waiting for your reply.


    K. P. Agrawal

  438. ksm

    my gate score is 247.marks 21.33/100. rank 18066. sc. which college i should apply??? pls in4m

  439. Ashish Kumar

    My GATE score is 467 and AIR is 5300 GATE percentile is 94.18 and to be more specific my My marks are 32.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  440. Ashish Kumar

    My GATE score is 467 and AIR is 5300 GATE percentile is 92 and My marks are 32.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  441. rupal jain

    my gate no. is 9.23
    can i get admission in any college
    plz tell
    or it is compulsory to clear gate………………. to get admission in any college………

  442. rupal jain

    my gate no is 9.23
    can i get admission in any college
    plz tell me
    or it is compulsory to clear gate for the admission in any college.

  443. Shallu Verma

    Sir, my AIR is 3633, in CS. Which colleges i can apply for?


    Sir I secured 30.67 marks out of 100….my GATE score is 396 and my AIR is 11018. I am from CSE branch and belongs to GENERAL category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any IIT/Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz DO reply

  445. devu

    hi sir,i have got 26/100 marks in cs gate 2011..and my score is 339..i am a general candidate .could i get admission to any of the colleges of universities over kerala…plz reply

  446. sweety

    my gate score is 178 and rank is 30000+ and i am a obc candidate so what are the institutes / colleges in which i can apply particulary in delhi region. Please provide your valuable guidance

  447. b.venkataramana

    i got air :5737 in ece with score 484
    marks : 40.3 plz tell me which college i will apply?

  448. hemant

    hello sir,
    my gate 2011 AIR 7253 score 390, and marks are 37.67 in gen category.
    i m interested in thermal engg(mechanical)
    where should i apply?
    plz mail me, waiting for ur reply……

  449. Amit

    My GATE(CS)-2010 score is 562 and AIR is 2354 in GEN category
    Can any one tell me GATE 2010 cut-off for CS branch for
    i) NIT jamshedpur
    ii) NIT durgapur
    ii) BESU shibupur
    iv) Jadavpur univ

  450. Navneet Kharwanda

    sir i have got 424 gate score in 2011 in cse branch can i get a good college or nit (rank 8832)
    pls tell me which college is best for me….

  451. akhilesh chauhan

    ..& I am a general candidate

  452. akhilesh chauhan

    sir my GATE score in GATE(CS) 2011 is 384. Is there any chance to get admission in any NIT/IIIT/Central University or govt. college?
    If yes then please suggest me.
    thank you ..

  453. swathi.p

    sir i got AIR as 4477 in gate2011 civil which collg’s can i apply n my gate score is 384 please reply n can u tell me dates of applicatn for nit’s

  454. Ranjit

    Hi my GATE score in Electrical is 429 with AIR 4007 …. Plz suggest me some good NITS and Universities for my rank in general category

  455. dayakar

    sir,i am c student my gate rank is 27000,score 0250, so which college..shall i get any nits,any branch please tell me the details ..my mail id is [email protected]

  456. chikesh ranjan

    respected sir,
    Registration Number: ME 8167126
    Name of the Candidate: CHIKESH RANJAN
    Marks Obtained: 29 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 298
    All India Rank: 14034

  457. chikesh ranjan

    hello sir,
    Registration Number: ME 8167126
    Name of the Candidate: CHIKESH RANJAN
    Marks Obtained: 29 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 298
    All India Rank: 14034
    Category :OBC


  458. suneel babu

    Sir my GATE score is 362 and my AIR is 16424. I am from CSE branch and belongs to OBC category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/collegs…?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  459. saneeksha

    my gate score is 359 and and 90
    percentile .could i get admission in nits

  460. p.jayanth

    My GATE score is 345 and AIR is 8011 GATE percentile is 88.966 and to be more specific my My marks are 28 and my paper was electrical Engineering and i belongs to general category(GN) Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  461. gaurav

    i got 30.67 marks in electrical engg in gate 2011 and my score is 385.i belongs to sc category. Is there any chance to get any one of the iits

  462. abhishek saha

    sir my gate score is 347,my AIR is 460 in PI(production & industrial) engg. I am an SC candidate.which college should i apply for M.Tech ?

  463. deepak sisodia

    sir i have gate score of 408 in mechanical engineering in gate 2011………….i am intending to do my mtech from jamia………….with that much of score will i will be able to get admission …………give ur feedback sir………..awaiting response……………

  464. rohit

    my gate marks are 20.33 & gate score is 205, air is 26149 & category is sc
    the qualifying score for sc category in mechanical branch is 20.54.
    tell me what to do,
    plz send me the list for the institute which provide admission for the m.tech on non gate basis.

  465. pankaj verma

    my gate score 308 & rank 21408 categry (sc) which college should i reffer…….

  466. sravana

    sir, i got 32.3 marks out of 100. for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any government college in andra state.

  467. Marimuthu K

    My GATE score is 336 and AIR is 3776 GATE percentile is 87 and to be more specific my My marks are 25.33 and my paper was civil Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  468. Sreelekshmi c v

    My GATE score is 375 and AIR is 12955 GATE percentile is 90.476. My paper was Computer Science && Engineering. Please tell me where can i get admission, any chance for me to get admission in any Govt.colleges.

    Thank you sir.


    sir vmy name veeranji reddy i got 5525 rank in gate 2010 in EEE and my score is 369 ,percentile is 75.07 where can i get admission and i am general category

  470. abhishek

    i got air 5315.my gate score is 395.i got 92.6 percentile.im from eee branch.i donot have any reservation..can i gt a seat in nits??????plz reply me..what r the clgs can i gt??????

  471. ARUP

    B TECH 2010 PASS OUT
    GATE SCORE -341
    AIR – 2129

  472. sujil a

    Sir my gate score is 498 and rank 2217 .In which college (iit& nit ) will I get admission.

  473. sujil a

    Sir my gate score is 498 and rank 2217 .In which college (iit & nit ) will I get admission.

  474. Arnab Dhara

    my GATE score is 429.I am an INSTRUMENTATION engineering student.My all india rank is 947.I have got 94.68 percentile.I have got 25.67 marks out of 100.Now pls tell me where should i apply for M.Tech.

  475. vishnu.s

    sir I have got a gate score of 350 with AIR 7599 along with mark of 28.33 in EEE. I belong to OBC category. sir is there any chance for me to get admission for Mtech? if so could u please tell me which is the best course for electrical$electronics engg. Pls reply ur suggestions will be valuable for me.
    my mail ID is [email protected]

  476. p.jayanth

    My GATE score is 345 and AIR is 8011 GATE percentile is 88.977 and to be more specific my My marks are 28 and my paper was EE (Electrical Engineering) and i am belong to general category. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  477. p.jayanth

    My GATE score is 345 and AIR is 8011 GATE percentile is 88.977 and to be more specific my My marks are 28 and my paper was EE (electrical Engineering). Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  478. chaithanya.k

    i got gate score 333 in ECE department can i get any NIT college

  479. chaithanya.k

    sir my gate score is 333 in electronics and communication engineering
    can i get any NIT college

  480. anil

    Sir my GATE score is 347 and my AIR is 15981. I am from CSE branch and belongs to OBC category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  481. vikram

    Most humbly and respectfully
    i want know that what is the last & first rank to get admission in IIT ,marks and percentile for firt and last ranlk.
    i have 15 marks may i get the admission in any where for m tech.please reply soon

    with regard and thanks

  482. Saswat

    Zahid, I 38.67 marks in GATE-2011 in CSE dept.. My percentile was 96.12 and Gate Score was 493 with AIR 5243…..

    I don’t intend on enrolling this year, but the next. Will I be able to get seats in any NIT, or should I try GATE again????

  483. laksmi narayana

    my gate score is 27.67, all india rank is 8366, im OC candidate.
    which college or university can i expect for my m.tech ???

  484. Sandip

    my gate score in 2010 in civil Engg. is 199, AIR 7187 & MY marks are 14.33
    so sir pls tell me in which NIT’S I Will take admission

  485. raj

    hello sir,
    i got 20.67 marks, 237 score and 19514 AIR in ee branch (sc category)
    where should i apply???
    can i apply in any nit??
    plz suggest me…

  486. shital karande

    hello sir,
    My name is shital karande.i got 31 in gate2011,CS branch,open category;
    for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any government college in Maharashtra please reply me sir,i am waiting for ur answer.

  487. mohan kashyap

    sir my gate is score 22an air 223 suggest me govt collegessssss?

  488. mohan kashyap

    sir my gate score is 22 and gate score is 223…and all India rank is 23300 i am from mechanical branch and belongs to obc category is there. any private/govt. college???????????? if yes sir plzzzz help me ur suggestion r valuable for my future……..

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.replyyyyyyyyyyyy soonnnnnnnn??????????????????????????

  489. kalmesh B

    hi.. me qualified gate exam in the stream of production and industrial engineering with an obtaining the 28.33 marks in general merit.. me interested to do mtech in nit surathkal. please give me the details


    sir my gate score is 227 AIR 21051 i am eee student i have sc reservatoin can i gate seat in NIT

  491. Ankit R Sejani

    hello sir,
    My name is Ankit.i got 24.67 in gate2011,My GATE score is 300 and AIR is 22700 GATE percentile is 83.and my paper was EC Engineering.
    for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any college in india please reply me sir,i am waiting for ur answer.

  492. Pragna Sterling

    your info was helpful… but most of your analysis was relating to iits and nits and cs… requesting you to give a brief analysis about the other streams and about top 50 universities…

  493. LIGI

    My GATE score is 485 and AIR is 5583 GATE percentile is 96 and to be more specific my My marks are 38 and my paper was cs Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  494. rameshwars solanki

    sir my gate score is 396 and rank is 11018 in cs. should i apply for DCE for m.tech admission with this rank.

  495. nishikant koli

    sir my gate score is 371 with CS brach and i belongs to SC category.
    please tell me appropriate college to apply for.

  496. Ajay Gautam

    Sir, my name is ajay gautam and my all india rank is 800, so plz tel me where should i apply and when to apply, plz tel me as soon ar possible either on my mail [email protected] or on my no 9992984749, thanking u

  497. Rajashekar

    Hello … Sir my gate score is 252 and marks 21.67 and rank 17252 .electrical my caste sc.is there any chance to get in the nit’s .plz tell me sir

  498. NEHA

    hi sir… my gate score is 249 and my rank is 30000+ and i am an sc student can i get any iit or nits(ec paper)

  499. Manoj

    Hy sir,
    my gate score is 60 tell me where i get admission


    my gate score in Chemistry is 392 and AIR is 840.i belong to OBC.
    and the percentail is 92. so please tell me where i have to apply for Ph.d or M.tech .thankingyou sir


    I write Gate2011 in chemistry ,i got AIR 840 and percentail of 92. so please tell me sir where i have to apply for either Ph.D or M.Tech. thankingyou sir


    My rank in gate 2011 is 8011 and marks is 28 (electrical branch).can i get chance in any central university/nit.please reply

  503. neelaendra vikram singh

    sir i m neelendra…. i have got 280 gate score and GATE percentile 81, my all india rank is 26111 & my branch is eleetronic and communication and belongs to sc catego can i get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?give ne responsce sir,i am waiting for ur answer.

  504. pushpkant ambesh

    sir,,my name is pushpkant ambesh and i’ve appeared in gate 2011(first attempt)//i m in my final year of graduation//my stream is electronics and communication//my gate statistics are :


    pls tell me what are my chances for NSIT delhi and DCE//and which one is better//
    plz reply soon//

  505. KOmal

    My gate score is 240… Can i gt admission for mtech in any college??? Plz tell me sir

  506. spandan karkun

    sir my name is spandan.i got 27 in gate2011;my gate Score is 351,my All India Rank 15550,
    for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any government college in westbengal or india, please reply me sir,i am waiting for ur answer

  507. Abhinav

    Sir, I have got 424 gate score and 8832 rank in CS stream. Please tell me can i get admission in a good college foe m. tech and if then which college i should apply.

    I would be highly obliged for your reply.

  508. purush

    my name is purush kr my gate 2011 rank is 11753 in cse branch marks 30 score 388. please tell me where i can take admission?

  509. G SANDEEP

    hai…i m sandeep…my gate score is 345 and rank 8011 in EE stream…bt i got better rank in 2010 GATE…340 score and 6939 rank…is der any chance of getting seat for m tech in a good college….plz inform me…

  510. MUKESH

    Sir my GATE score is 390 and my AIR is 5568. I am from EEE branch and belongs to GEN category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  511. ramesh

    hi sir,i am ramesh i got 25.60 marks in gate 2010 my rank is 10746 in which college i get the m.tech seat

  512. mrunal

    i am mrunal.
    i have secured 9261 rank in gate 2011wit a gate score of 421.
    and 93.28%. can u suggest me, wic colleges can i apt for m.tech.
    plz do reply me sir,,i am eagerly waiting sir….

  513. hardik

    Hello sir i have got 26.67 in gate 2011 and my all India ranking is 17596 and gate score is 335 n my branch is ECE which college i will get the admission can u suggest around Gujarat n Maharashtra ?

  514. hardik

    Hello sir i have got 26.67 in gate 2011 and my all India ranking is 17596 and gate score is 335 which college i will get the admission can u suggest around Gujarat n Maharashtra ?

  515. Ashish Kumar

    Sir i have got 467 gate score in 2010 from ECE branch. Can you tell me that which college will i get for M. Tech.

  516. srinivas

    I got 38.33 mark in gate 2011 and I got 490 gate score, In which college I wl get the admission

  517. srinivas

    I got 38.33 mark in gate 2011,and i got 490 gate score in which college i wl expect the admission

  518. sravan kumar

    My gate score is 390 and my AIR is 7253 . I am from MECHANICAL branch and belong to GENERAL category . Do i have any chance to get into any NIT ?


    Sir my Gate score is436,i hv got 34 marks out of 100,my AIR is 8076..(GATE 2011)
    my branch is CS..
    Which colleges cn i get for doing M.Tech??
    Pls reply soon..

  520. APARNA

    HII…Sir, my gate score is 351 and AIR 15683 and marks obtained is 29 out of 100 for EC paper..for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any nits ???? plz reply…

  521. sandeep

    Sir my GATE score is 424 and my AIR is around 8600 and percentile is 93.5. I am from CSE branch .
    Can i get admission in a good college? I am also placed in a leading IT company… should i prefer mtech over a good job?

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  522. Sanatan

    You r doing a wonderful job by enlightening students about the future prospects.
    I have a gate score of 595, rank-2231, marks-47 in CS.
    I seek your guidance and suggestions whether i am having any chance to get admission into any of the IIT’s (Kgp, Roorkee, Guwhati)
    or NIT’s (Trichy, Warangal, Surathkal)…..
    Your help would be appreciated…….

  523. Md Ashif Habibi

    my gate 2011 result details are as follows:
    Marks Obtained: 40 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 510
    All India Rank: 4596
    No of Candidates Appeared in CS: 136027
    Category: OBC
    please tell which colleges to apply with this score…is there any chance to get in NITs…
    also tell the NITIE Mumbai cut off…please specify the names of the colleges to which i should apply as i am a novice…
    hoping for you help…
    please reply soon…

  524. Preeti Garg

    hello sir, my GATE score is 363, AIR is 14215, percentile is 89.5, marks are 28. Plz suggest me college within punjab for CSE M.Tech…

  525. Preeti Garg

    hello sir,my GATE score is 363,AIR is 14215, percentile is 89.5,marks are 28. Plz suggest me college in punjab where i can apply for m.tech…

  526. harishankar

    Sir my GATE score is 460 and my AIR is 6914. I am from ECE branch and belongs to OBC category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  527. sravan kumar

    My GATE score is 400 and AIR is 10666 GATE percentile is 92 and to be more specific my My marks are 31 and my paper was cs Engineering.
    I am belong to the general catageory

  528. Nakuk Jain

    My score in gate-2011/EC is 34 so kindly suggest me the colleges where i would get admission. I want to do my M.Tech in either VLSI/Embedded System or in Telecommunication.
    Kindly guide me.
    Nakul Jain

  529. senthil

    My GATE score is 253 and AIR is 31700 GATE percentile is 77 and to be more specific my My marks are 20.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  530. senthil

    My GATE score is 253 and AIR is 31700 GATE percentile is 77 and to be more specific my My marks are 20.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????


    sir my gate score is 573 and my rank is 2666 from ec stream please suggest me which colleges should i apply and what is posibility to get NITs.

  532. dharani

    sir my gate score is 28 out of 100… and my rank is 14215…
    what college will i get.. tell me some suggestion for joining the course…

  533. Rashmi

    Hi Sir my gate score is 87 AIR rank is 87000+ and marks obtained is 5.33 can i get any seat with these marks plz guide me

  534. Yashika Garg

    Hello Sir

    I have secured 530 gate score and 3902 rank in GATE 2011 CS discipline.
    Please tell me in which all colleges should I apply for M. Tech Admissions. And can I get Admission in IIT Delhi MS (Research) programme.

  535. rajesh

    sir i have got 350 gate score in 2011 in eee branch can i get a good college or nit (rank 7699)
    pls tell me which college is best for me….
    waiting for ur answer sir…..

  536. sucharitha

    sir, I am sucharitha belongs to Electrical from oc category. i got 331 score in gate and 9073 All India Rank. Is there any chance to get seat for joinig in M.Tech?

  537. thamizhmani

    sir, i have scored 11 in gate 2011. can i get any col for doing mtech??? plz reply soon

  538. deepak nirala

    sir my marks is 23.33 and rank is 21531 in cse , in obc can i get any nit ..sir plz guide me..

  539. Rupali

    helo sir,
    i am rupali,
    my GATE score is 22.67 marks in cs-2011
    what should be my next step
    plz reply soon…….

  540. Ashif

    sir my names is md ashif habibi. i got 40.00 in gate2011;
    my GATE score is 510 and my AIR is 4596. I am completed MCA(IGNOU) and belongs to OBC category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college

    for doing my m.tech(computer science) can i get addmission in any government college in bihar/jharkhad. please reply me sir, i am waiting for ur answer

  541. m.dilip kumar

    my gate score in ec is 433 with 93.8 percentile and 8520 rank.in which universities i can get mtech admission in ec department

  542. amarendra

    sir myself amarendra mani and my air is 6894 and gate score is 394 in mechanical tell me some college to take me admission……

  543. munsi

    sir i have got 327 gate score in 2011 in ece branch can i get a good college ? (AIR 18631)
    pls tell me which college is best for me….

  544. saurabh

    hello sir
    i am from electronics and communication. i have got 495 score in gate 2011. my rank is 5234. what are the chances that i got into iit?
    can you also please tell me that other than iit in which good colleges i can apply for m.tech.
    if you can please mail me at
    [email protected]

  545. nanda kishore

    sir,i got 2972 rank in gate 2011 and a gate score of 562 suggest me what are the colleges can i get in south india.

  546. nisha

    Sir my GATE score is 378 and my AIR is 12805. I am from E&C branch and jaipur to OBC category. Is there any chance to get admission into any NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  547. vikrant

    Sir my GATE score is 371 and my AIR is 13354. I am from CSE branch and belongs to OBC category. Is there is any chance to get admission into any Central University/NIT/Govt. college ?

    If yes, sir please help me as your suggestions r valuable for my Future .

    Thank you sir. Plz reply soon

  548. pankaj kumar

    sir i have got 440 gate score in 2011 in cse branch can i get a good college or nit (rank 7910)
    pls tell me which college is best for me….

  549. rajan

    sir ..my gate no 30.33 0ut of d 100…category pd…which cllg i b prefer? can u giv me som information

  550. pradeep

    sir,my gate rank is 11138, so which college i will get according to previou analysis..shall i get any nits,any branch please tell me the details ..my mail id is jeevan241@gmail

  551. murali

    hi sir….. my gate score is 249 and my rank is 30000+ and i am an sc student can i ge any iit or nits

  552. shraddha

    My GATE score is 400 and AIR is 10666 GATE percentile is 92 and to be more specific my My marks are 31 and my paper was cs Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  553. mareeskannan.r

    hello sir,
    My name is mareeskannan.i got 24.67 in gate2011;
    for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any government college in tamilnadu please reply me sir,i am waiting for ur answer.

  554. mareeskannan.r

    sir my names is mareeskannan.i got 24.67 in gate2011;
    for doing my m.tech can i get addmission in any government college in tamilnadu please reply me sir,i am waiting for ur answer

  555. TIE Engineering Academy

    Pl.send other details like Category

  556. TIE Engineering Academy

    Dear student u may get admission in IIts

  557. TIE Engineering Academy

    dear student you can use thescore for the next year also.
    withthis score u may get NITs. if u get good rank in the next year that rank will be considered, otherwise this can be used

  558. TIE Engineering Academy

    dear studednt pl.mention the year of gATE exam u were scored

  559. Ramesh

    I got 5345 rank in gate and 41.33 marks,,,,,in mechanical engineering. do i have any scope of getting any NIT…actually i am in 3rd year, should i apply for M.tech colleges from now,,,or i should wait for next time!!!!!!!!!!!I don’t know what the thing is yet,,,will this gate score will help in getting job in psu……

  560. sristi

    sir ,i got 23.67 marks in gate 2011 , score -310 and AIR-20918, in CS, and category-OBC
    tell me which college i prefer in which fee shouldn’t be so high
    as i am complete my Btech in Private college having a big amount of fee strcture????

  561. Amrita Rao

    My GATE score is 465 and AIR is 6547 GATE percentile is 95.16 and to be more specific my My marks are 36.33 and my paper was CS & IT in the year 2011. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  562. priyamvada paliwal

    sir, i have appeared in gate 2011, and my gate score is 38 and AIR is 108299 and my marks are 1.33 out of 100. Am i applicable for mtech, if yes then suggest me the colleges for admission in mtech in CS

  563. yashaswi

    my gate score is 383
    rank is 7678
    marks are 37..
    percentile is 90.54..
    suggest me preferred colleges which i could get on gate basis…..

  564. neha manglani

    plz guide me tht where shud i apply 4mtech!
    my gate score is 473
    marks 37
    branch cs
    yr 2011
    category general
    work ex 1 yr
    plz plz reply
    this is my 3rd pist
    n hv nt recieved even a single reply
    plz help
    i m really confused

  565. Sangeetha

    hello sir,
    I wanted to know the name of the colleges where i could apply for mtech admission 2011.i have got the score of 302 in CS ,OBC and my AIR is 22148.percentage 83.71,or if there is any other good option…….

  566. Sangeetha

    hello sir,
    I wanted to know the name of the colleges where i could apply for mtech admission 2011.i have got the score of 302 in CS ,OBC and my AIR is 22148.or if there is any other good option…….

  567. surender

    my gate rank is 4891 score is 501 maks are 39.33 in CS Branch. is there any chances to get into any NIT’s in any stream. and suggest me some good coleges in india

  568. vikram singh


    You are actually aggrevating my confusion instead of solving it.You still left the Rank column blank for central universities.If a person have 8000 rank in EC where should he apply or he should apply everywhere and go bankrupt as forms are as costly as 1000 rs.Or he should just keep quiet and let the m tech opportunity pass by.
    Pls answer this question.Atleast 1 of those 2000 questions for you.

  569. reshma

    Hello sir,
    i can understand u must be tired reading (may be u answer them too) dese type of queries all day long…but i have a simple question. Hw does qualifying the GATE and not qualifying by just a 0.5 or 0.7 or one or two marks make a difference in strategy to apply to various colleges. i just read ur article on AIR, wherein u say its AIR dat makes a total difference. So wat if i’ve an AIR of 2899 but i cudnt qualify (i.e. qualifying marks 41.78 and i scored 41) just by 0.78 marks? subject biotechnology…pls guide…pls.

  570. Divia

    Sir my gate score is 18 and rank is 1185. can i apply for M.tech in any good state universities.
    Category: OBC

  571. BINESH

    respected sir,
    i have given GATE 2011 in Mechanical engineering
    rank :6712
    score :401
    percentile :91.72
    marks :38.67
    sir would you suggest me, will i get any iit’s,nit’s or any good universities in india but i should require stipend.i belongs to open category

  572. shiva

    I am shiva kumar. I’ve scored 543 in Gate2010.My branch is CSE. My AIR Gate2010 rank is 2760.
    Can I get any NIT?

  573. ankush maind

    sir, my GATE score is 355 and percentile is 89 in CS stream in
    GATE 2010 and i belong to OBC category. and i have to take the admission in this year i.e. in 2011 for M .Tech which college will be best for me. Or is there any chance to get the admission in any NIT .Please send the reply as soon as possible.

  574. kamini gupta

    sir m kamini gupta my gate score is 384 air is 1131 and percentile is 92 in xl paper want to do can i apply for mtech in iit or nit or phd in environmetnal engg ?i did my msc in environmetal science.

  575. taouqir

    sir , i got 47.33 marks and my air is 3124 and i m from mechanical ,i belong to obc………………where should i apply?

  576. rahul gupta

    sir my all india rank is 6159 gate marks are 37 and gate score is 473 in gate 2011 cs stream.
    i want to know if i could get aby of the following colleges
    1)DTU delhi (NSIT or other)
    2) PEC chd
    3)Thapar uni
    4)niit kurukshetra
    5)YMCA fridabad

  577. Ajay Shankar

    I have scored 17.33 marks in GATE-2011 with AIR-3548. My stream was IN and and i belongs to OBC. I am in my 3rd year of instrumentation engineering.
    Please tell me, should i get any reptuted college next year for admission in M.Tech.?
    ……………….thanking you sir

  578. Rahul Kesarwani

    THello Sir,i am rahul from EE branch my GATE Score is 341 AIR 8366 n marks obtained 27.67.. Other than nits which central university I can expect with this score.. Please help me out Sir.
    Thanking You

  579. priya

    Branch – cs
    marks 12
    please tell which college apply to this score
    please reply soon ………… some advice me

  580. priya

    Branch – cs
    marks 12
    please tell which apply to this score
    please reply soon ………… some advice me

  581. anusha

    sir my gate score is 648 with AIR 1374 in computer science. i belong to obc. plz name the institutes for which i can apply. can i get in nit delhi or delhi engg college

  582. sai

    sir my gate score is 379 in cs stream in genral categ and now where can i get admission?
    plz sugg me

  583. ershad

    my gate score is379 me can i get admission in nits or other colleges?


    I am vishal seth. I’ve scored 29.67/100 in Gate2011.My branch is civil engg. My Gate2011 score is 394 and AIR is 2421.
    Can I get any NIT?
    Please suggests me about other colleges also.

  585. vaibhav

    i got 1800 rank in gate 2011 in cs stream which nit could i apply for

  586. Suman

    I am in 3rd year ec my 2011 gate score is 436 and my percentile is 95.please tell me wheter i can get iit or nit .i belong to obc category.please tell whether i have to apply this year or wait for next year.please advice some other good institute for mtech

  587. suparna

    iam having gate score 124 and Iam belonging to SC category, (EEE), my percentile is 72. please suggest any college in kerala

  588. mohsin jamal

    my gate score is 251 in civil.AIR is 6253.can i get admission in nits

  589. mohsin jamal

    my gate score is 251 and AIR is 6253. can i get admission in nits

  590. Ashfaq ahmed

    Dear sir,
    my gate 2011 score 81 and rank 93167 can i get admission to m.tech in v.t.u or any other universities

  591. uday sankar

    sir,my gate score is 331..please tell me where can i get admission into a right college to do mtech.please tell me as soon as possible

  592. narayan

    i hv scored 37.66 marks in ECE in gate 2011 & my score is 452 pls tell me,which type of colleges n universities i can get.

  593. shahenshah

    i m from gen category
    gare score card :::: 335
    branch :: computer science
    marks obtained ::: 25.67
    air 17522

    now plz assist me that is there any possibility for getting a collg ???
    plz do mention the colg where i can apply ??
    plz do reply

    mohd shahenshah
    [email protected]

  594. sabyasachi

    my gate score is 400,in cs ,i am general cast where do i apply for admission?

  595. avinash

    i got 49.33 marks in GATE mechanical. MY AIR is 2551. i belong to OBC category.
    do i have any chances of getting admission to IITs or NITs. plz reply

  596. santanu samanta

    iam a b.tech civil engg. student of 3rd year. i have scored 43.33in gate2011,my air is 517and gate score is 577. can i get my admission at 2012 in bengal engg. college and science university or iit khargapur for m.tech??

  597. PRIYANK

    i want to do M-TECH from MANIT Bhopal so what si d cutoff mark
    i m from EC

  598. srinivas

    I am M.Srinivas. I’ve scored 38.67/100 in Gate2011.My branch is EEE. My Gate2011 score is 503 and AIR is 2114.
    Can I get any NIT?
    Please suggests me about other colleges also.

  599. priyanka

    sorry,the score is 493

  600. priyanka

    gate scorez 38.67
    air is 5243
    and my branch is CS
    which colleges r d best options 4 me

  601. shivajee

    sir, i got 43.33 marks and 519 gate score.
    do i have possibillity of getting addmission in dce or nsit?

  602. vikas

    sir i got36 marks & air 8520 in ec in gate2011, where should i apply, please ans sir

  603. swati

    I clear Gate2011 in electronics & communication
    I got 27.67 marks/100
    Percentile score:87.3
    gate score: 335
    All India Rank:17596
    B.E %:81%(agg)..

    category: genaral

    tell me sir in which college i get admission.can i get seat in any NITs or IIITs.?

    also give me any other suggetions related to addmission into good college of all over india..please reply sir soon

  604. Marimuthu

    Dear Sir,

    I have got 44 marks in CSE GATE 2011 rank 3057 score 558.
    Can I get M.Tech in Trichy NIT? (OBC) or where can i get ME/MTech Seat?

    Thank you

  605. srinu

    my gate score is 314 which colleges do i get in andhra pradesh

  606. vikash

    My GATE score is 360 and AIR is 7116 GATE percentile is 90.02 and to be more specific my My marks are 29 in OBC and my paper was EE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  607. mrudula

    hello sir,my air is 3780,marks are 44.67,score is 534 in gate 2011 (ece)
    so kindly suggest me good universities n scope of getting into any other universities like iit or nit’s

  608. prashant

    sir i have got 3450 rank in mechanical stream score- 482,
    what to apply ??
    suggest sir..

  609. sushil

    my branch is biomedical and i gave gate exam in instrumentation. my gate score is 434 and rank 947 and 95% can i get iit or any nit in inst or biomedical eng. Also me give me list all colleges in which i can apply

  610. Gubba.Naveen


    Hello Sir,

    I am naveen completed my b.tech in 2011 in evm college of engineering & Technology (jntu K),my GATE score is 350,my percentige is 89.4%,gate AIR is 7699 in Electrical and Electronics Engineering…,what i want to know is which are the colleges i can get in India (IIT, NIT) andambelongs to PD CATEGORY ..

    Thanking You

  611. vikas kumar

    my gate score is 489(96.02 percentile) which nit is best for me

  612. omprasad

    my gate score is 477 in cs please suggest me colleges for MTech.

  613. Gyanadutta

    sir, i have secured 588 gate score, 98.5 percentile in gate 2011, mechanical engg. stream, rank-1182, please suggest me iits or nits

  614. jayanth

    my gate score is 321 my rank is 9700.what colleges i will get.

  615. vinay vn

    my gate 2011 result details are as follows:
    Marks Obtained: 22.67 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 230
    All India Rank: 22265
    No of Candidates Appeared in ME: 81175
    Category: SC
    please tell which colleges to apply with this score…is there any chance to get in NITs…
    also tell the southern NITs cut off…please specify the names of the colleges to which i should apply …
    hoping for you help…
    please reply soon…

  616. kundan kumar


    I am kundan kumar. I’ve scored 39.67/100 in Gate2011.My branch is CSE. My Gate2011 score is 506 and AIR is 4760.
    Can I get any NIT?
    Please suggests me about other colleges also like IIIT and other institute.

  617. Ruchita

    sir ,
    my GATE score is 335 and AIR is 8689 in GATE 2011,n branch is EE, for which colleges should i apply??
    reply by mail plzzz

  618. shashanka dekhar behera

    hello sir i am a atudent of en& tc,catagory-general,i secured 26.33 in gate 2011.sir kindly tell whichtype of college i will get?

  619. laxman s

    Hello Sir,

    I am laxman completed my b.tech in 2010 in balaji Institute of Technology and science(jntu),my GATE score is 386,my percentige is 60.57,gate AIR is 12060 in Electronics and Communication Engineering…,what i want to know is which are the colleges i can get in India (IIT, NIT) andambelongs to S.C CATEGORY ..

    Thanking You

  620. Mrinal K R

    my gate score in mechanical is 319 and AIR is 12071.i belong to OBC.
    In which college i’ll get. i applied for ms in IIT. Any chances to get ms in IIT?
    what will be the cut of score for ms in IITs?
    Also i am applying for DIAT.
    i dont know much about DIAT.can u tell the placements in DIAT?

  621. rajasekhar

    i am studying 3/4 ECE , i got AIR 811 rank&score 683 in 2011 gate,
    whether i need to apply for m.tech this year or next year with this rank??
    Can i get any ECE branch in NIT warangal with this score??

  622. bindhu


  623. bindhu

    myGATEscore is 24.67 out of 100 what college i will get in tamilnadu

  624. sreelatha

    my niece has a qualifying marks of 1.33 and a GATE score of 27. She has an AIR of 114761.
    Is her GATE score a valid one?
    Is she eligible for GATE scholarship?

  625. hari krishna

    respected sir,
    i have given GATE 2011 in electronics & communication engineering
    rank :3070
    score :558
    percintaile :97.7
    marks :46.67
    sir would you suggest me, will i get any iit’s,nit’s or any good universities in india but i should require stipend.

  626. Robin Ghoshal

    I’am pleased to read so many articles, it really give in site to the current scenario and clear lots of doubt. I need suggestion on this one. I’am not able to make it out in which college should i apply with 33.33 marks in mechanical general in this year gate exam.
    My gate score is 344 and rank 10124 with 87.5 percentile. I know the rank is too low, still need to apply for mtech. What can be my options??

  627. umesh patel

    HI,i got 42.67 marks & AIR-3165 in cs and now where can i get admission?
    plz give me right direction>.

  628. Aman patel

    My GATE score is 361 and AIR is 3665 GATE percentile is 87 and to be more specific my My marks are 25.67 and my paper was civil Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????


    Hello sir,I have secured score=371 in 2011 in cse.Can I get any NIT college?

  630. Ganesh

    My Gate 2011 Rank is 1604. Please tell me can I get IIT Bombay Or any other IIT. Thanks in advance.

  631. shraddha

    i hv scored 30.33 marks in ECE in gate 2011,pls tell me,which type of colleges n universities i can get.

  632. chetan das paliwal

    sir ,i got 30.33 marks in gate 2011 , score -380, in EE, and category-sc tell me which college i prefer????

  633. sandeep kumar

    sir i have got air 366, and gate score is 757 in ec department, plz tell me whether i will get iit bombay, or iit delhi or not

  634. meenesh

    sir,plz do reply….my gate score is 164 and air 56343 can u please tell in which intstitutes i can apply for admission on basis of this gate score details……………..
    i neither want to drop nor want to my m.tech for good for nothing type………….plz reply sooon

  635. Jithin

    and my mark is 51.3

  636. Jithin

    hi ,
    I m jithin. Got a 535 score(AIR 2068)in GATE 2011(mech engg). And my percentile is 97.64.Can you pls enlighten me about really good colleges into which I can get into, even if I m not able to get into IIT s OR IISCs. Can you please tell me about my procedures of getting into these institutions. If I wait for next year with my same score, will the percentile change?
    pls reply

  637. swapnil

    gate score 440
    percentile 94.23
    sir should i apply to iits ?

  638. Priya

    my gate 2011 result details are as follows:
    Marks Obtained: 19.33 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 255
    All India Rank: 30321
    No of Candidates Appeared in CS: 136027
    Category: SC
    please tell which colleges to apply with this score…is there any chance to get in NITs…
    also tell the NITIE Mumbai cut off…please specify the names of the colleges to which i should apply as i am a novice…
    hoping for you help…
    please reply soon…

  639. gopi

    and i belong to mechanical stream.

  640. gopi

    sir, first of all, thank you for helping so many students, very good work i should say. Now, i belong to General category, i got 45.67 marks and 3678 rank, do i have any chance to get in any NIT with any branch. If i choose my specific branch as design, can i get in BHU, Varanasi, or Central Universities. Please help me.

  641. Mayank Gupta

    I am Mayank Gupta. I’ve scored 39.67/100 in Gate2011.My branch is CSE. My Gate2011 score is 506 and AIR is 4760.
    Can I get any NIT?
    Please suggests me about other colleges also.
    Sir, it is kind of u if u can tell about Singapore university for Masters.

  642. Aravind

    I wrote gate’11 for the branch EE..
    My gate score : 474
    air : 2752
    marks : 36.67
    Is there any possibility for me to get into NIT’s for M Tech.. And pls list out the possible universities that i may have chances of gettin admission for my PG..

  643. sushant


    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is mech engg. i belong to OBC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 34.33. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply n which college can i get on score basis?

  644. vivek

    hello sir, this is vivek, i didnt qualifyed in gate 2011, but i hav qualifyed in gate 2011 , with gate score 492, rank 2500, % is 95.78, i am belongs to mechanical engg, plz tell me in which i could get admission, is there any chance in NIT’S ???

  645. prathap rimmalapudi

    hello sir, my gate 2011 score is 369 & my rank is 1308 & marks 31.00 in CH in general category. can i get into NIT or IIT ? if not in which college should i apply………..

  646. Harsh

    My GATE score is 304 and AIR is 2011 GATE percentile is 83.15 and to be more specific my My marks are MMMM and my paper was PPPPP Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  647. Sk

    My Gate 2011 score in CE is 644.

    AIR 244
    i am a third year student.
    Will i get admission with this score

  648. k.koushik

    i got the rank 1750 in 2011 GATE EC streem score 616 marks 51.27 which institute i have to apply

  649. harish kumar

    hi sir i m harish i got gate marks 15/100 in gate 2011 n gate score 149 plz guide me sir for m.tech admission 2011

  650. Deepak

    hi sir,
    my gate score is 359 in cs and marks 27.67..
    which clg i have to apply??


    hlo sir, in 2010 gate i secured 32.33/100(gate score:456, AIR:5600+)

    bt in 2011 i secured 39.33/100(gate score:472, AIR:6200+)
    which year score i should prefer..?

    is there any chance for me to get NITs or central universities?
    please give reply to my queries?

  652. lal

    mech branch.
    air 5385
    gate score 429.
    is there is any chances to get an admsn in nit

  653. deepak

    i have a gate score of 500 and air of 500 in IN, belongs to general category in gate 2011 . can i get admission to any iit?

  654. deepak

    i have a gate score of 500 and air of 510 in IN, belongs to general category in gate 2011 . can i get admission to any iit?

  655. m.dilip kumar

    hello sir in gate 2011 i got 36/100 in ec,percentile-93.8,score-433,AIR-8520,can u plz give me the information regarding the type of college and university i can get.

  656. rahul

    ir,i have appeared for ME paper of gate 2011 n got following results :-
    marks obtained : 35 out of 100
    gate score :362
    all india rank :8975
    which colleges should i have to apply for….?
    please help me ……

  657. pardeep

    In GATE 2011 for CS paper 27.33 GATE Score had around 15064 AIR

  658. faraz ahmad

    assalawalaikum jahid sir, sir i m very desperately want to do m.tech in thermal engineering from any iit or nit(having good record of placement in m.tech) but my marks are 43.33 with 450 gate score n AIR-4505, have i any chance in iit or nit. if not then which university i shud go for.

  659. faraz ahmad

    assalawalaikum jahid sir,



  661. sagar

    i got 8366 rank,346 scoure please tell me the good college for Mtech. iam from electrical

  662. Anup

    sir ,i got 37.67/100 marks and my gate score is 452……
    and my strean is EC…..

    so can u tell me wer i can get M.Tech seat…

    i m waiting sir,…. my e-mail id is [email protected]

    e-mail me quick sir

    thank you

  663. Prabhishek singh

    i got 82 percentile in cs branch in gate ….
    my rank is 24000 …
    which colleges can i get

  664. nageswar

    Dear sir,
    my gate score is 373 and AIR IS 1010 in CHEMISTRY.CAN I ELGIBLE APPLY FOR PhD IN IIT.

  665. Manas

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 11713 GATE percentile is 91.50 tell me where shall I apply.

  666. mohith

    branch is ec

  667. mohith

    my gate rank is 17095
    my score was 28
    i am general category student
    will you suggest me which college should i opt for

  668. rakshit

    sir my hometown is nagpur so please tell me can i get admission in any college there?

  669. Nimal

    dear sir,
    my percentile in gate 2011 is 96.84( Biotechnology).what are the chance getting admission in IITS, nits and other universitys.wat are the other good universitys plz give thier previous year cut off marks.i belong from OBC catagery

  670. SWAMY

    Plz help by suggesting to which colleges i should apply
    my gatereslt s
    749 score
    404 rank
    99.67 percentile
    im from electronics and comm(EC)


    Sir my gate score is 456 and AIR is 7157 with 38/100 marks
    sir can u plz list the colleges in which i can get the admission…

  672. ROSHNI

    Sir, i am an ece student. My gate score is 484, got 40.33 marks and my AIR is 5737. I would like to know in which all colleges i can apply.

  673. Asif Khursheed

    Hello sir, m Asif Khursheed. I got 277 AIR in GATE 2011. My marks are 59 and score is 506. I m from biotechnology stream. Plz tell me, how i prepare to get sure admission in IIT.

  674. Aman Sehgal

    sir , in gate 2011 , i got 36/100 in EC , percentile-93.8 , score – ; 433 , AIR – 8250 , which type of colleges n universities i can get . email id :- [email protected]

  675. vijay kumar

    sir my gate score(EE) is 414of obc category.which iit &NITs should i applied for…..?

    thanx ……..

  676. mayank kishor

    i have got a score of 445 in general catagory (ece) please inform me about which NIT should i apply for…

    thanx in advance….

  677. mohd asif

    hello sir !
    i have got 41 marks $ gate score is 425 in ME(general category)
    in which institutions i have to apply ?

  678. dheeraj

    hello sir, my gate 2011 score is 386 & my rank is 7454 & marks 37.33 in ME in general category. can i get into DCE? if not in which college should i apply………..


    GATE Score:188
    sir plz guide me diffrent MTech college in india.

  680. Sandesh Rajput

    Sir, my score is 671 with AIR 173……is it possible to get Structural Engineering in IITs ??

  681. Varun R

    Hello Sir,

    I am Varun R pursuing my engineering in Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology,Bangalore,my GATE score is 507,my percentile is 96.57,gate AIR is 4728 in Electronics and Communication Engineering…,what i want to know is which are the colleges i can get in India(NIT) and in Karnataka too……..please let me know asap.

    Thanking You


  682. narayan

    gate score 437,no. =36.33.which college i prefer for M.tech

  683. srikanth

    sir , i got 41 marks and 491 gate score, in ec branch… wher can i get job.. can i get atleast in central universities

  684. vijay

    sir i got 1270 rank 540 gate score in electrical gate 2010.so please give me suggestion for which universities can i choose

  685. gopu

    dear sir,
    my score in gate 2011 is 409(ECE).what are the chance getting admission in nits and other universitys.wat are the other good universitys plz give thier previous yaer cut off marks.i belong from gen catagery

  686. aniket

    I have given GATE-2011 in β€˜General’ category mine branch is civil.Have scored 352 marks n got a percentile of 25.7 mine ranking is 3665 pls suggest me in which college and branch i put the application



  688. varun

    rank 105
    score 490
    paper:aeronautical engineering

    will i get in iisc and iit’s?

  689. s.vishnu kumar

    hello zahid sir,

    i got 40.67 out of i00 in GATE -2011-ece stream.Kindly tell me which iits and nits should i apply.I have also filled the survey form for gate2011.Kindly update me sir..

  690. pramod

    respected sir,
    i got 44 marks in mechanical gate… my rank is 4250… and score 457…. is there any possibility of gating admission in open category plz help me for selecting college…
    thank u………

  691. rohit dahauliya

    My GATE score is 0595 and AIR is 2231 GATE percentile is 98.4 and to be more specific my My marks are 47 and my paper was CS Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  692. Afaque iqbal

    Sir My score is 286, AIR is 13065, 82%ile, EE trade, marks is 24 in gate 2011. I have OBC category. Please tell me what should i apply for. Is any chance for IIt or Nits? Please tell me soon.

  693. Anand Joshi

    sir,i have appeared for PI paper of gate 2011 n got following results :-
    marks obtained : 26.67 out of 100
    gate score :297
    all india rank :680
    which colleges should i have to apply for….?
    please help me ……

  694. lenin

    gate 2011 scre is 335 (EC)
    with this score, can i grt any good university?
    please tell me…….

  695. Samiran Das

    I am in Instrumentation Engineering.I have qualified GATE with marks-26.67,Rank-800,
    Score-477.Cutoff mark is 25. Where can I get admission?

  696. vin

    and my paper is electronics and comm

  697. vin

    I got in gate 2011, AIR:137 with 70/100 marks and i belong to general category. could i get into iisc or iit’s?
    and as per your opinion which is the best institution i could get with this rank?

  698. manoj

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is mech engg. i belong to OBC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 36.33. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply?

  699. sweety goyal

    this yr wht will be the cut off for iits and nits for computer science

  700. mahendra patel

    i have scored 26.67 marks in gate and 87 percentile in gate and my AIR is 9428. can you please suggest me that which college is suitable for me with that much marks.
    Thank you

  701. Jees Augustine

    hi sir,
    I have a gate score of 50(Gate Score 632, Rank is 1604) in CSE. So could you please tell the options available for me in IITs(M.Tech and MS). Where all i can apply to, so that there a possibility to get admission?
    thanks in advance

  702. sushmitha

    sir please suggest me dat shall i get any good college for the score 335 n rank is 17522 please sir mail me the college details…..

  703. SANJO

    I’m from kerala. I’ve got 33 marks in GATE 2011 in Mechanical Engg..My gate score is 320,AIR 10389.which would be the most suitable college for me? would you please give score analysis at NIT warangal, Calicut, Colleges in Kerala.please reply soon….
    with hopes,
    sanjo george c

  704. SANJO

    I’m from kerala. I’ve got 33 marks in GATE 2011 in Mechanical Engg..My gate score is 320,AIR 10389.which would be the most suitable college for me? would you please give score analysis at NIT warangal, Calicut, Colleges in Kerala

  705. vachhani pratik

    respected sir ,
    i get 442 rank in (civil) gate 2011 with 590 gate score and i want addimition in m.tech. structure engg. so please suggest me in which college i apply first
    thank you

  706. Garima Jain


    I am in the final semester of Chemical Engg B.Tech..and my academic profile is as under.Could you help please and let me know if I could get into IITs for M.Tech. If yes, which ones shall I apply to?

    My 10th score – 96%
    My 12th score – 92%

    GATE percentile – 96.44
    GATE score- 492

  707. sri

    my air rank is 2900 in mechanical stream…wat coll shall i apply

  708. mohit

    Suggest me colleges for M.tech Admission
    My Gate 2011 Score for open category in EC is
    Marks Obtained: 29.33 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 355
    All India Rank: 15226

  709. mohit

    Suggest me colleges
    My Gate 2011 Score For Open Category
    Marks Obtained: 29.33
    GATE Score: 355
    All India Rank: 15226

  710. Mayank

    SIR MY GATE SCORE IS 302 branch CS in ObC Category…….Which clg i’ll get……


    My GATE score is 547 and AIR is 343 and GATE percentile are 98.14 and to be more specific my marks are 32.33 and i have given the paper of IN(INSTRUMENTATION) Engineering.Now Zahid tell me where should i apply?


    i ve gvn GATE-2011 EC stream,, and i secured 31.33 marks,,,,score is 378….rank is 12805,,,,,,,whre should i try for mtech

  713. b.madhu

    sir i got air 2006(cse) marks 48.
    my gate score is 607
    can u please tell me where should i get mtech.
    can i get nits

  714. romil

    Hello i have valid scorecard of 2010 exam.
    which college i should hav to apply.????

  715. ishan

    i got 49 marks . gate score 510. rank 2637 . obc . which college i should prefer ?

  716. bhusan

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 445,air -2982 in 2010.
    gate score 424,air-4174 in 2011 in electrical engg.
    sir please suggest me which one is better for
    admission,and what are the choices(college) for
    me.percentile 94.15 in 2010,percentile 94.25 in

  717. Rahul

    Sir, i got GATE score-476 in Electronics & telecomm. and i am belong to GENERAL category… All India rank is 6102 where should i apply for admission in Mtech?

  718. abhay mahajan

    sir my gate 2011 marks 16.67 gate score 225 can is get collage for M.tech plz suggest me colleges according to this result………

  719. gaurav

    i got 24.67 marks in gate and my branch is computer science and i am in general category.pls tell me colleges for mtech. reply on [email protected]

  720. Purnendu Dubey

    Hey Zahid,

    My GATE Marks is 45.33 and Gate Score 575 with AIR 2666.
    My Branch is Computer Science.
    Can you tell me which colleges can give me admission calls on the basis of above information..??

  721. Anand Joshi

    I have appeared for PI paper of gate 2011,
    my gate score is 297 and AIR is 680 …
    so for which colleges should i apply for?????

  722. Anand Joshi

    sir,i have appeared for PI paper of gate 2011 n got following results :-
    marks obtained : 26.67 out of 100
    gate score :297
    all india rank :680
    which colleges should i have to apply for….?
    please help me ……

  723. Aavani.P

    hi sir,
    am Aavani.P.my gate score is 126 for civil engineering.the gate percentile is 46.6 %.sir could u please tell me where should i apply for admision.
    my native place is kerala state(south india).
    expecting ur response….
    thank U sir.

  724. abhishek

    sir,i got 32.67 marks (ece) gate 2011 ,reservation-obc,am i get any college with this score and is this score is useful for other exams?


    Respected Sir,

    I have given GATE-2011 in Electrical Engg. in β€˜OBC’ category.
    My Result is——–
    GATE score—-483
    Also,will this suffice to get admission into any NITs?
    N also Is any NIT require Good Academic Score?


  726. faraz

    helllo sir ji…in gate 2011 i got 4505 rank with 450 gate score..whats my chance of getting iit and good nits…..reply pllzz

  727. pramod kumar behera

    score in cs(54)(gate 2011)
    branch(computer science)
    please tell me which college offer mtech in this score.

  728. kishore

    i am from mechanical engineering. and i got a rank of 1586. can u tell me where can i get a seat in niit warangal?

  729. tushar

    i got 42.67 marks out of 100 and my air is 3497. can you tell me the names of colleges where i can apply?

  730. Aneesh

    I got a GATE score of 10 in CE. Am I eligible for admission with this score?

  731. thanuja

    hi…my gate score is 289..and number of students appeared were 52246…2010…what is my gate percentile..and can i get mtech seats in vtu by applying through pgcet

  732. shubhangi

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is Mechanical Engineering. i belong to SC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 152 so can u tell me colleges where i can apply?

  733. shubhangi


    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is CS. i belong to SC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 152. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply?

  734. Aman Sehgal

    i got 36 out of 100 , in EC , score – 433 , rank – 8520 , percentile – 93.8 in gate 2011 , which range of colages i can get . plz. reply , email id :- [email protected]

  735. Aman Sehgal

    i got 36 out of 100 , in EC , score – 433 , rank – 8520 , percentile – 93.8 , which range of colages i can get . plz. reply , email id :- [email protected]

  736. Brajesh Kourav

    sir i have got 28.33 no in gate cse rank 13797 category OBC pls suggest me where i can apply?

  737. tamanna

    hello sir,
    My GATE 2011 score is 580, ALL INDIA RANK 68 and percentile 99.58 in biotech or BT.. Can you please guide me when,how and where to apply according to my data….Do i need to apply now??? I would be grateful if you answer this…

  738. vijay

    as sir gate result 2011 is declared
    my branch is EC i got 36.67 mark, 441 score, 8023 rank, 137853 No. of Candidates Appeared in EC.
    So sir please tell me should i apply for nits or not.

  739. jyoti

    hello sir,
    My GATE score is 355 and AIR is 7400 , and to be more specific my marks are 28.67 and my paper was electrical Engineering. Now plz TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  740. sailor hardik

    I am EC branch stundent.my gate 2011 marks is 47.67 gatescore is 570 with all india rank 2784
    where i have chance?? plz reply

  741. Neha

    i got 91.6 percentile in cs dept whic college should i apply????????

  742. Ganesh

    I have got result of GATE 2011 in EC. GATE marks 17.33, GATE score 214, GATE rank 41737. I want to do M.Tech in ECE. so, suggest me about the college.

  743. jeevan

    i have a gate score 27.33 OBC category.. where should i apply ? should i get in any college?

  744. ananyabhatt

    my gate marks is 33 out of 100, score 424, percentile 93.50, AIR 8832 in cse in GATE
    2011. Plz suggest where should i apply?

  745. hire

    sir my gate score is 54 which college i have prefered

  746. suman

    i have given gate2011.my branch is cs.my category is obc.i checked my score i will get 314(24/100) .score so can i apply for iit/nit?

  747. syed ziaul mustafa

    sir my GATE SCORE is 107.
    and AIR is 78899 and the total no of student appeared in CS banch is 136027.
    Is there an possibility that i can get admission in any of the engineering college in bangalore.
    Or shall i go for job this year which one will be better.please reply…….

  748. suman

    I have scored gate score 314 in cs in gate 2011.suggest me which college can i get?
    Please reply as soon as possible.

  749. zaid

    sir my gate results in EC branch is:

    Marks Obtained: 58 Out of 100
    GATE Score: 691
    All India Rank: 803

    do i have any chance at iit’s……
    i had aimed for 60β€²s as last year it meant a rank of arnd 100….
    i am very much confused….do reply!!!

  750. zaheer

    sir my gate 2011 score is 49 and AIR is 2315 in aero engg and i belong to obc category where can i get an admission ?

  751. zaheer

    sir my gate2011 score is 49 and AIR is 2315 in aero engg plz tell me wher can i get admission?

  752. v ramanaik

    i have given my GATE 2010 exam and i got 0252 rank. i am electronic communicaton engg branch sir i want some information nit’s or iit’s coollegs sides plese sir which colleges i am applying in base my gate score tell me sir

  753. santosh

    my gate score in 2011 is 60.(b.t)what r the chances getting admission in iit,i belong from obc categery

  754. parameswararao

    sir i got rank in 2010 was 5110 tell me which college there is chance to m-tech programmes

  755. ravikiran

    hi ,,i’m kiran .i got 41 marks in gate ece.can i get seat in any good nit or university.

  756. vijay

    I m student of EC branch i got 36.67 mark according to answer key
    so which college i have to apply nit or iit (is there any chance of getting admission in iit roorkee)

  757. suresh.s


    can i join in m.tech program based on 2009-2010 score.
    if Yes?
    please tell me details.

  758. girish kumar gupta

    sir my mo. in gate 2011 is 35 which college i prefer to apply for m. tech.

  759. pawan pawar

    i am expecting around 31 marks in GATE 2011 in Chemical Engineering … which college i can apply to and wats the admission procedure ..

    Awaiting ur reply

  760. yashodhan

    i’ll get above 47 marks then suggest my my next actions to get admission to best IIT’s

  761. neha goyal

    hii m neha . i hav given my GATE 2010 exam and i got 71 rank in it. I m from agricultural engg. branch. plz let me know wat colleges and departments shud i apply for?

  762. vivek choudhary

    my score in gate 2011 is around 33(ec).what are the chance getting admission in iit and nits ,i belong from obc catagery

  763. Alim

    Hello i have valid scorecard of 2010 exam.
    which college i should hav to apply.????

  764. chintu kumar

    dear sir
    i got 54 mark in gate 2011 ac to answer key can i expect iit’s in general category

  765. rahul borkar

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is mech engg. i belong to OBC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 33. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply?

  766. Daniel

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is EC. i belong to general category. i have checked answer key and my score was 53. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply?

  767. swagatika swain

    this yr wht will be the cut off for iits and nits for computer science

  768. Abdul Goni

    marksβ€”-42 (gate 2011)
    branch–Computer science & Eng

    could i get into any NIT’s with this score ,if yes then which NIT. i am having no idea at all about colleges ,applying,etc……

  769. bhimsen

    How about PRODUCTION & INDUSTRIAL GATE 2010.I got 341 gate score and 365 rank, i belong to OBC category. Where shall i try to get admission.

  770. bhimsen

    How about PRODUCTION & INDUSTRIAL GATE 2010.I got 341 gate score and 365 rank,Where shall i try to get admission.

  771. Dheeraj

    Helo sir.i calculated my ans.i got 47 marks in CSE .Can u sugest me where i can apply for mtec.?

  772. Ishaan Baokar

    Respected Sir,

    I have given GATE-2011 in Electronics and Communication Engg. in ‘General’ category.
    According to the answer key,I am expecting a score of around 57.
    Could you please tell me my expected rank and GATE score?
    Also,will this suffice to get admission into any IIT’s?


  773. Prajakta Patil

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is Mechanical Engineering. i belong to OBC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 25.44 so can u tell me colleges where i can apply?

  774. Prajakta Patil

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is Mechanical Engineering. i belong to OBC category. i have checked answer key and my score was 25.66 so can u tell me colleges where i can apply?

  775. ananyabhatt

    i have appeared 4 GATE 2011 in CS. I am from general category. In case my gate score is 32, in which places i can apply for M.Tech in CS?

  776. Vijay Shankar Dwivedi

    Hi Zahid,
    thanks for these nice articles, I m expecting 61 in ece can I get aerospace in iitk or iitb, last year what was last gate score to get direct admission at iitk in EE, what subjects should I study in these days.

  777. jinto

    gate2011.my branch is mechanical engg. i got 41 score. can i get iit college. plz rply.ve

  778. vinothini.p

    respected sir,
    mine markβ€”-24 (gate 2011)
    branch–electronics & communication

    i will b very thankful if u please tell me whether i will get any college with this score through gate.plz………help me.

  779. sandi.....

    sir,my score is near about 31…,belong to mechanical,may I get one of the iit college,plese tell me

  780. swati

    Respected sir,
    mine markβ€”-32(gate 2011)
    No reservation(general category)

    i will b very thankful if u please tell me ”could i get into any NIT’s with this score ,if yes then which NIT”. iam having no idea at all about colleges ,applying,etc……………………PLEASE HELP ME

  781. rahul

    Thanks… this was really helpful… Keeping fingers crossed 4 d results… Also, can yu tell how part “academic record” plays for admission in IITs.

  782. Dinesh

    Sir.. My GATE-2011 score is 38.33(MECHANICAL-General category), what can i expect from my marks?? i mean in sense of AIR or admission in NIT’s whatever it maybe please suggest….

  783. Tanweer Ali

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is EC. i belong to general category. i have checked answer key and my score was 41.34. can u please tell me colleges where i can apply?

  784. pankaj kumar

    sir i got 40 marks in gate 2011 in cs branch and i m general categry student so pls tell me which college should i aply

  785. mahesh

    i wrote gate 2011 in cs branch and expecting gate marks of 31.66 to 34.66 . i have st reservation…. can expect to get any iit’s ?

  786. ganesh

    i have appeared for gate 2011 mechanical i m scoring 52 marks is there any chance for me to get into any iit

  787. NEERAJ

    sir my gate score in gate 2011(mech)general cat. is around 47 .i checked it through solution available on websites.please suggest me whether i will get any iits or iiscs.

  788. shailesh

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is EC. i belong to general category. i have checked answer key and my score was 36.0 so can u tell me colleges where i can apply?

  789. shahid tamboli

    sir,my gate mechnical score is 52.67 in 2011 which college should i apply please let me know pleseeeeeee.

  790. priya

    i have given gate2011.my branch is mechanical engg.my category is obc. i got 26 score. can i get iit coleege. plz rply.i m waiting

  791. priya

    i have given gate2011.my branch is mechanical engg.my category is obc. i got 26 score. can i get iit coleege. plz rply.

  792. VIMAL

    respected sir,
    mine mark—-33.33 (gate 2011)
    branch–electronics & communication

    i will b very thankful if u please tell me ”could i get into any NIT’s with this score ,if yes then which NIT”. iam having no idea at all about colleges ,applying,etc……………………PLEASE HELP ME

  793. kuntal

    i have given GATE 2011 .My branch is EC. i belong to general category. i have checked answer key and my score was 31.0 so can u tell me colleges where i can apply?

  794. SANKAR

    How about Mechanical GATE 2011. And in case i get around 450 gate score and approximately 3000 rank,Where shall i try to get admission.

  795. gate taker


    I took bio-tech gate 2011, i corrected my paper with the keys available…I have got 41 out of 65 questions right. that is 63%.. approximately how much percentile may i get…

    do you have any idea…

    pls do reply

  796. ritesh

    i have given gate2011.my branch is mechanical engg.my category is sc.i checked my score i will get 28.00 score so can i apply for iit.

  797. BAVANKER. P

    My GATE score is 0298 and marks are 19 and my paper was production and industrial engineering.open catagory whr should i apply..please reply…

  798. mukesh

    sir my gate score is 350 in CS in 2010…. which college should i apply.. thank u


    no comments now


    plz give me information about iit for mtech in chemical engg.


    sir if u give me information how n when apply for IIT for M-TECH admission

  802. surendra n

    hello sir,
    i appeared in GATE 2010 with EC branch and my score is 449 marks with AIR 6117
    i would lyk to ask u vich colleges i should apply..can i get iits or nits
    waiting 4 ur reply

  803. manoj

    my gate score is 690
    which college get me

  804. Sumit Verma

    Hello sir,
    how can i guess the cut-off marks (not score) to qualify the gate. Plzzz leave a reply

  805. Meghansh Sharma

    Hello Sir,
    I cleared GATE-2010 when I was in 3rd yr. with following details:
    Examination Paper:CS
    Gate Score:473
    Gate Percentile:95.5
    Sir I want to take admission in 2011.
    Please tell me which colleges should I apply like NITs or any other Govt college according to my percentile.
    Warm Regards.

  806. pranshu pokhriyal

    hello sir,
    i appeared in GATE 2010 with EC branch and my score is 498 marks with AIR 4137 and my percentile is 96
    i would lyk to ask u vich colleges i should apply..can i get iits or nits
    waiting 4 ur reply

  807. kateswar reddy

    how many marks require for got seat in any clg.am open category

  808. kateswar reddy

    iam open category.how many marks require for got a seat in any clg

  809. ANKUSH

    sir my gate score is 355 in EE in 2010…. which college should i apply.. thank u

  810. vijay parewa

    sir,i am vijay form gkv (b.tech 4 year ee) i qualifyed gate2010 under sc category.i secured 19.33 marks. my gate score is 0256. can i get any nit. or which college

  811. arpan

    hello sir,
    i appeared in GATE 2010 with EC branch and i scored 637 marks with AIR 1229
    But due to some reason i couldn’t take admission that time

    and I m a kind of interested in microwave engineering

    and i have option for either IT-BHU or Delhi college of engineering
    But my preference is delhi college of engineering.

    By looking at earlier scenario is it possible that i will get admission in any of these college??
    if not then is their any other option……?????


    In 3rd year i sat for the gate2010 electrical engineering,and got GATE SCORE 432(valid for 2 years),AIR 3337,where do you think i can get my admission for M.tech????????

  813. Ajay

    I have appeared in Gate 2010. I have scored 95 percentile. But due to some reasons, I have not taken admission this year(2010). Unfortunately I have lost my original gate score card (I have the xerox copy of score card). This year and in previous year the gate organizing institutes have made clear that there is no provision to get the additional score card. Please tell me that is it necessary to have the original score card with me at the time of admission? If it is necessary than is there any way to get the admission with duplicate score card?

  814. jaya

    My GATE score is 386,(EC) and I belong to BC B category.
    I would like to ask you that in which University I can prefer for my Master Degree

  815. jaya

    my gate score is 9836 ,year 2010 ,gate-ec,in which colleges i got mtech seat……….plz give me the reply

  816. siva

    my gate score is 11661 ,year 2010 ,gate-ec,perstail-88.4 % ,in which colleges i got mtech v.l.s.i or vlsi & embbed system in hyd

  817. siva

    my rank is 11661,score 364 in which colleges i got V.L.S.I or vlsi & embedded in hyd as per my dank

  818. danielrajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

    what is diff b/w gate score & marks?

  819. mahendra singh

    My GATE score is 0346 and AIR is 013554 GATE percentile is 87.34 and to be more specific my My marks are 23.33 and my paper was cs Engineering and i am sc candidates.
    sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me……?
    where i can apply….?
    can i appy for nit.?

    sir plzzzzzzzz ans my ?


    Dear Sir,


  821. Mahantesh

    In GATE 2010 for ECE paper 400 GATE Score had around 8879 AIR….in which college,i can get a seat…please guide me,i dont know how to apply for colleges,is there counselling?

  822. dilip

    my gate score is 446. open catagory.. ece. i appeared for gate 2010..whr should i apply..plz reply…

  823. Raushan shrivastawa

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sir answer my question. plzzzzzzzzzzz tell me the rank and percentile in around figure to get admission in good deemed universities or private colleges like top colleges of Bangalore such as M.S ramaiah,R.V,BMS or SRM ,Satyabhama of chennai. plz sir do mention what i asked. plz sir,,,,,,i will be waiting for your answer.

  824. Raushan shrivastawa

    sir,i am preparing for gate 2011.i want to know how much percentile or rank in CS stream i should make to get admission in good deemed universities and private colleges like B.I.T mesra,R.V.college,bangalore,PESIT college,bangalore,BMS college or SRM chennai.or any other good private colleges? plz sir mention the percentile and all over india rank required in around figure in CS stream. i don’t want IIT and NIT. i want good private colleges as mentioned above. plz sir do mention percentile and rank in around figure.

  825. mrityunjay sarkar


  826. mrityunjay sarkar

    sir u have given the estimated rank to get any NIT .but my GATE 2010 AIR is 4608.score 485V .i have been selected by NIT DURGAPUR for m.tech in TELECOMMUNICATION

  827. jitender

    how much preparation is enough for getting a good rank in gate. please tell me as soon as possible.

  828. hemanth

    sir, i belong to ece (reservation category(BC)) & secured my gate score 502 in gate-2010 exam , ranks 3593.Can i get a seat in NIT

  829. Rajasekhar

    Sir my gate rank is 14,137 (ec) and caste is sc then which college applied in mtech

  830. Pramod Ambhore

    i’m third year student&i’m preparing for GATE-2011,wat shuld my approch?,wat score is sufficient?

  831. sachin mittal

    sir, which book is better for me to crack the exam 2011

  832. lav

    how many seat in iits for m.tech. of instrumentation engg.???

  833. srinidhi

    i belong to eee,upto wat rank can i get iisc or iit…..i belong to oc…

  834. abhi

    sir my rank is 6359(eee) . i’m oc in which college can i get mtech seat

  835. shyam

    i got 8566 rank in cs can i get the seat?am oc.

  836. richa

    hi.. i appeared in gate in 3rd year i.e gate 2010 and i got 26 marks.. and rank was 10,000, score was 386…plz tell me where can i get admisison on this score??
    and if i appear gate in 2011 den will my 2010 score be valid??

  837. mahendra singh sagar

    My GATE score is 0346 and AIR is 013554 GATE percentile is 87.34 and to be more specific my My marks are 23.33 and my paper was cs Engineering and i am sc candidates. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  838. chirag

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 539 and rank is 2289.
    i hav to apply next yr.
    plz suggest me colleges in which i should apply

  839. annapurna

    my gate score was 454(AIR-5924) and i belongs electronics&communication department.
    i want to do m.tech in jntu(hyderabad)
    my cast is oc(kapu)
    and i applied for that
    is there any chance ? please reply
    and also tell when will be counselling happen ?

  840. arjun

    sir, i am preparing to gate2011 with computer science so which college is best and i am oc how much rank i want to get for gate to do the m.tech in best college plz tel me sir

  841. jatin

    hii sir,
    my gate score is 0778,rank 259 and marks 47.67 in mechanical engg.in gate 2010 ,i’ll have to apply next yr, is there any chance of iisc??
    if not ,upto what rank i’ll get iisc… pls reply sir…

  842. mallikarjun

    my gate score was 430(AIR-6868) and i belongs computer science department.
    i want to do m.tech in osmania univesity (hyderabad)
    my cast is BC-A
    and i applied for that
    is there any chance ? please reply
    and also tell when will be counselling happen ?

  843. nampallysagar

    hello sir.
    my Registration Number:7019087 in CS,
    MARKS :22.67
    AllIndia Rank: 014544
    GATE Score: 0336
    Can you please suggest me which iit,nit, top level colleges list for Doing For M-TECH…please…

  844. s.harish

    sir how 2 aply 2 colleges for m.tech admission….i dont know sir.plz tel the procedure

  845. naresh islavath

    my gate score is 252. i am ST category. in which college i get seat.

  846. V.NATRAJ

    My GATE score is 550 and I belong to BC B category.
    I would like to ask you that in which University I can prefer for my Master Degree

  847. Sachin

    Hello Sir…………
    I am Sachin and doing prepration for GATE 2011.I have few problem related to some subjects.Sir so i want to solution of questions.Is it possible to contact you through any medium.

  848. Natwar singh

    sir, my gate score is 484 in instrumentation engineering 2010 in gn catagry .i cant get in goog college uptil now so plz suggest me any good college avalible r8 now for m tech admissions

  849. kamble

    sir, My GATE score is 330 and I am from SC categeory ECE so which iit or nit college i prefferd

  850. vullaganti gurumurthy

    I got gate score 0252 all india rank 27362 gate percentail 16.67 will i got M.tech in any private or government colleges in andhra pradesh

  851. gudapati ashok kumar

    i got 412 score and air 8012 in computer science stream.in which college could i get in to

  852. m imran

    asslamualekum, sir my gate score is 76 and air is 2100 in maths.I

    have passed m.sc(maths)in 57%in obc category.Suggest admission to m.tech(computer sci) nits or good colleges under gate score or direct admission. thanks


    what is the last cutoff in gate exam for applying m.tech…………


    respected friend i have scored 21.3 with gate score of 315 in gate 2009 with all india ranking of 16709.Is this is eligible for m.tech or ME in any colleges.i am awiting for your response……………


    hi iam aqueel & i dont which colleg` is better for me can you help me sir

  856. mahesh

    sir I am EEE i got 22 and 289 gate score plz send me which college is prefferd SC categeory

  857. narseh kumar reddy

    sir i got 28.33marks 409 score oc which clg is suitable for my rank

  858. suneel

    sir I am CSE i got 28.67and 421 gate score plz send me which college is prefferd OC categeory. SIR PLZZZZZZZ REPLY ME

  859. ganesh

    my gate score is 360 in cs, rank 12163
    where as i will get the seat in ap colleges.

  860. sateesh

    this matter is send to my mail

  861. nitin c sujath

    sir ,my gate score is 399 and my air is 1178 in instrumentation stream(in).i have applied for the process control and instrumentation branch in nit trichy.last year the last score for this branch was 335.but i did not get a seat after the 3 allotments in the common admission for 6 nit s held at nit trichy..now what can i do to get a seat for mtech.

  862. annu

    i want d list of colleges which offer admission by gate in agriculture engg. stream
    and under which branch ?

  863. madhu

    I m madhu, My GATE score is 345 and I am ECE i got 23.33 and which college is prefferd OBC categeory and my paper was ECE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  864. madhu

    sir my gate score is 341 in EC.my gate rank is 13400.my percentile is 23.33 in O-BC CATAGIRY.now tell me where shall apply plz tell me sir.


    I m krishna, My GATE score is 0386 and AIR is 9836 GATE percentile is 90 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.67 and my paper was ECE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  866. arun

    I m arun, My GATE score is 400 and AIR is 8925 GATE percentile is 91.2 and to be more specific my My marks are 27.67 and my paper was ECE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  867. raj s.mali

    hi zahid, i m Raj, i have given sem-4 exam in this month in instrumentation engineering and i hope that i will clear it with more than 68% .so,i want to know that, i am eligible to give gate 2011 examination or not? If yes then what procedure should i have to follow? plz give proper direction……

    1. Zahid

      Raj: you are eligible for GATE 2011. Please refer to GATE 2011 Preparation Guide for all other details.

  868. satish

    i got air 1597 (520 score)in eee in 2010, can i get a seat in nit surathkul,or nit calicut..

  869. Krishna

    I m krishna, My GATE score is 0386 and AIR is 9836 GATE percentile is 90 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.67 and my paper was ECE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  870. ran

    my gate score is 543 and rank 1694 can i got nitt welding engg

  871. ankur singh chauhan

    sir,i want to know how much gate score will be sufficient to get iit in mechanical engineering

  872. narayana

    sir I am ECE i got 28.33 and 409 gate score plz send me which college is prefferd OBC categeory

  873. sujit saksena

    My GATE score is 382 and AIR is 10312 GATE percentile is 90.016 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.6 and my paper was Electronics & comm. Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  874. SUMESH

    my gate score 14.67 where i can get admission
    ii belongs to SC community(2 marks lack of eligibility)
    my score 223

  875. Paresh Koche

    My GATE score is 303 and AIR is 18601 GATE percentile is 82.63 and to be more specific my My marks are 20.33 and my paper was CS Engineering. CAN I GET ANY GOVERNMENT COLLEGE IN MAHARASHTRA

  876. mahin

    my gate rank is 2192 is there any chance of getting into nits with speciliazation of electronic design and communication

  877. sukumar

    scsir i have got rank is 9322 and score is 393 percentage is 26.67 in which college will i gate admission

  878. arunabh

    My GATE score is 370 and AIR is 2166 GATE percentile is 88.86 and to be more specific my My marks are 28.33 and my paper was CIVIL Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  879. pramod meena

    my gate score is 268 in AG stream &76% which iit&nit we can admission

  880. shailesh

    sir my gate score is 117 can i get any govt. college

  881. chandra

    Hi sir!
    My AIR-6117, Gate Score-449,Gate Percentile:94.6%, MArks-31.33, Stream-EC, Reservation-OBC,
    Btech Aggregate-72.5.
    can i apply VNIT nagpur?
    can i get seat into it?

    or can i get in mnnit allahabad;

    can i get in nit d

  882. rachappa

    My gate score is 562…rank is 1074 & belong to obc category. Am i having any chance to get admission in nits………..nit surathkal

  883. srinu

    My GATE score is 0558 and AIR is 1119 GATE percentile is 98.00 and to be more specific my My marks are 43.33 and my paper is EE
    can u pls tell me wgat are the probable choices of admission

  884. prasad

    sir i have attended 2010 gate exam
    my marks are 11.33 out of 100,score is 222,rank is 18145,my percentile is 69.42,
    so for which institutions whether i am eligible.Basically my region is andhra
    pradesh.in which institution i can have the eligibility to get seat. please give a good suggestion.And treat the matter as urgent.

    with regards prasad.

  885. nikhil b

    nit calicut thermal or nit surathkal thermal which is best,based on placements

  886. nikhil b

    nit calicut thermal or nit trichy thermal which is best!
    based on placements

  887. sekharmanoj b

    my gate score is 382 and AIR is 4988 in electrical engineering where should i apply and how to apply

  888. naishita

    my gate score is 374 in cs.where should i apply?sir plz do reply me time running out

  889. mahesh

    sir,my gate score is 312,rank is 10036 in the stream of ECE.which colleges should apply for


    Hi sir!
    My AIR-19264, Gate Score-299,Gate Percentile:82%, MArks-20, Stream-CS, Reservation-SC,
    Btech Aggregate-57.49.
    can i apply VNIT nagpur?
    can i get seat into it?/

  891. Sanjay

    My gate score is 278. I want to apply for M.tech in any mechanical engineering branch in a government college in kerala. Where I should apply?

  892. Seema

    hello sir my Gate score is 515 in CSE/IT (General) and my AIR is 3501…. just tell me according to my rank where are the chances of my addmission??? where should i appy??? sir plz do reply me time is running out…

  893. anirudh

    my gate score is 407,all india rank is 4053 in electrical engineering,which colleges should i apply for

  894. suresh masani

    sir actually this is the 4th time i sent request for u r guidence. Sir i got 516 score in ece with 3565 AIR.should i get any nit’s. Still now i applied 9 nit’s. so u please guide me.
    please sir


    hi …… this is mithilesh verma ….. my score in GATE electrical is 382 obc category, 4988 rank , which college i should apply for

  896. bhishan

    my gate score is 247 and AIR is 14484. please tell me where should i apply so that i will get admission.

  897. kaushik

    my gate2010 score is 539 rank is 2964 & belong to obc category. Am i having any chance to get admission in nits..

  898. amol dhakne

    Sir, I have got 20.33 marks out of 100 in gate exam. And my GATE score is 303. And my rank is 18601. So, Tell me in which college can I get admission for M-tech(CS/IT). Is there any chance to get admission in COEP. or any NIT’s. Whether i should repeat the GATE or can take admission in any college.

    Please suggest the name of colleges for taking admission for M-Tech(CS/IT) according to above score.
    If not possible then list other NON-GATE admissions in colleges.

    NOTE-I am OBC candidate.

  899. vivek

    My gatescore is 495 and my all india rank is 1938. I am a EEE student.My percentile is 96.3, mark 38.33. Which all colleges I might get call from ?

  900. Sumeet

    my gate score is 422 in e&c branch and im in open category and AIR is 7511 tell where should I apply?
    im from Maharashtra.

  901. shirish

    my gate marks 24
    score 417
    air 4391 in mech. (gate 2010).Is this a valid gate score to take admission in autonomus coll. like coep,pune? What is the criteria of 25 marks? please reply.

    1. Zahid

      Shirish: please check https://www.inspirenignite.com/what-is-valid-gate-score and check the qualifying score or marks in your stream.
      Good luck.

  902. shilpa

    sir im an OEC candidate.my air is 3498,gate score-258,marks-15.33 n i belongs to IN.where shall i apply

  903. samiksha

    im from EC open category.
    my gate 2010 score is 15.33.
    where should i apply.
    i have any chance to get admission in coep

  904. SHITAL

    im from cs obc category.
    my gate 2010 score is 12.33.
    where should i apply sir.
    i have any chance to get admission to coep

  905. samiksha

    my gate score 2010 is 15.33 so where i can apply?
    im from EC open category.am having any chance to get admission in coep.

  906. vivek

    My gatescore is 495 and my all india rank is 1938. I am a EEE student. Which all colleges I might get call from ?

  907. pankaj

    my gate2010 score is 21.33 (315) rank is 16760 & belong to obc category. Am i having any chance to get admission in coep?

  908. rehna

    sir, my get score is 12. i belong to obc category.Should i repeat gate ??or should i take admission in any other college??????????

  909. mahesh

    Hi zahid

    I know u will help me
    that i got Gate AIR 5098 and my gate score is 468
    and marks 32
    and in which college i will get admission
    plz tell me or mail to my mail id [email protected]
    its very important to my carrier

  910. srikanth

    sir i got 4923 rank and 473 marks. can i get a seat in nits, my category is oc

  911. madhan

    my gate score is 140 n gate mark s 8.33 out of 100..ai which clg i can join in tamilnadu

  912. Renu

    sir, i’m not GATE qualified this year but i am planning to do my ME(Civil) now. Will preparing for GATE 2011 again be helpful???
    Please guide…

  913. lalit agarwal

    my gate score is 422 in e&c branch under obc category and AIR is 7511 tell where to apply

  914. Harshal

    My GATE score is 513 and AIR is 2130 GATE percentile is not known and to be more specific my My marks are 30.33 and my paper was ME Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  915. Harhsal

    Sir, My Gate score is 513 and AIR 2130.where shall i apply ??

  916. VILAS


  917. krushna dongre

    sir my get score is 12. Should i repeat gate or should i take admission in any other college

  918. shrikant

    I have got 436 gate Scorre & my rank is 3816
    I am From Maharashtra
    In which college will i got admission?

  919. ikram

    iam an OBC candidate my AIR is 5300 where i can get seat for m.tech in ece

  920. srikanth puvvada

    sir , my AIR – 783, SCORE – 682, MARKS – 48.67 belongs to EC . Can I get a seat in IIT’s ?
    If not is it better to join IT-BHU or NIT’s ?
    i.e what are colleges that are immediate next to IIT’s ?

  921. Gopi Prasad

    hi zahid sir,

    My gate score is 430 in computerscience and I got 6868 rank in gate 2010. In which college I can get my M.tech admission. Please give me information about that

    thanking You

  922. vipin

    hi zahid,
    I got 1918 rank in cse having 586 score,will i get admission in dtu or nsit as i’m from delhi.

  923. pallavi kaliyar

    my gate score is 27 and AIR rank is 8975.please suggest me the colg in which i can appy or mainly NITS.

  924. madhusudhan

    sir,i got 26.33 marks in gate with air as 6755 and my score is 344 in electrical stream,where i can get admitted with this rank,wil u give me some explaination regarding this,iam little bit tense about this,please sir give me the details of college where i will get admission for my m.tech.

  925. vineela

    my AIR is 1567 in instrumentation in open category my marks are 22.33 my gate score is 363 may i know my gate percentage may i get admission in nit common councelling plzzzzzzzz tell me sir

  926. kiran kumar

    hi zahid ,

    i got admission in iiit bangalore for m.tech . but i’m in a dilemma whether to join or not bcz

    > i still have chances to get admission in iiit hyderabad( i wrote the exam well), hcu and some of the nits .

    >there are some serious rumers about the placements of iiit bangalore .

    > fee structure is lil bit high compared to other institutions.

    can you just rank the following institutions for m.tech in computer science program ?

    iiit bangalore ,
    iiit hyderabad ,
    nit warangal ,
    nit calicut,
    nit surathkal,
    nit rurkela,
    nit trichy,
    bits pilani ,
    bits hyderabad.

    pls keep in mind that the program is computer science

    1. Zahid

      Kiran: I dont prefer IIIT Banagalor if have other options as you said. The reason in Fee is too high in IIITs and placements are not that attractive too.

      HCU (I love to study in central university for its infrastructure and research environment, peaceful and calm, instead of making so many events to make your college popular)
      BITS Pilani
      IIIT Hyd
      NIT Trichy
      NIT Suratkal
      NIT Calicut
      IIIT Blre
      BITS Hyd

  927. Saurabh Chatterjee

    hello sir my Gate Score is 117 and my AIR is 8193. My stream is Instrumentation.
    Can I get admission in M-tech? If yeas then in which colleges????

  928. bhushan

    after doing mtech where the mtech holder can apply

  929. rahul gurjar

    i gate score is 200 my air is 39941 in cse can I get any colege?plz

  930. SRAVAN 103

    hi zahid sir,
    My GATE AIR-4495; gen category; EE- paper; Score: 394;

    1. I wanna know whether admissions to various state universities involve state quota reservations… as in B.Tech/B.E.
    2. Do the state univ’s & affiliated colleges in Andhra Pradesh conduct single counselling(like that of EAMCET) for
    ME/MTech admissions???
    3. What about the same in other states???
    4. If possible please suggest me to which univ’s or colleges should i apply…

    I’d like 2 see a blog in ur website regarding the Teaching Assistantships & its details… (to apply, any problems regarding it…etc…)

  931. nagaraju

    hi zahid,
    i got 1290 rank in cse. I was shortlisted for interview in iitr. My friends are saying dat nit warangal is better than (iitroorkee or iitguwahathi).Which one should i prefer among the three.Currently, I am for wipro.Ll I be in d same boat even if i do mtech in any of d three?
    Ur suggestion is very valuable to me.
    Thanks in advance

  932. priya

    sir,my score in instrumentation 127.admission anywhere in kerala.

  933. manikanta

    hi sir
    my gate score is 117 and AIR is 6202 and my branch in EIE i want to get seat in nit wat i have to do

  934. Muhammed Anees V

    my gate score is 388 & AIR is 9764 in cse . can I get any colege?


    MARKS OBTAIN-17.67 OUT OF 100

  936. AVINASH

    My AIR is 1119(EEE) which colleges i can apply

    1. Zahid

      Avinash: Apply for all NITs and central universities.

  937. aki

    hi sir
    i got 394 score in gate2010
    where can i get mtech admission?
    can i get scholorship ?
    please replay me

  938. bhupal

    my score is 340, 6900 rank. for which college can i apply in EE

  939. bhupal

    my score is 340, 6900 rank. for which college can i apply

  940. vineela

    my AIR is 1567 in instrumentation in open category my marks are 22.33 my gate score is 363 may i know my gate percentage may i get admission in nit common compelling plzzzzzzzz tell me sir

  941. gaurav

    hi sir,

    mi name is gaurav… my gate score is 319, marks are 21.67 and AIR is 16240. my branch is EC and i belong to SC category. i’ve applied to 6 nit’s. plz tell me sir what are my chances.


    sir, my gate score is 159 & AIR is 25885 . can I get any colege?

  943. Phani

    I had applied for ISM. They called for counselling with first semester fees. I am ECE student. Is it good college for EC students? Is any possibity to get NITs which u r listed in First tier(Top five)? my rank in GATE is 2106(EC) having OBC. I’m unable to decide whether i go to counseling or not? Plz give reply………

  944. ankit

    hi my AIR is 2295(M.E) ,for which colleges i can apply

  945. Richa Singh

    Hello sir,
    My gate score is 256 under PH categery in cs
    Can you plz help me Where I shall apply
    to take the addmission in phd…

  946. jagdeep

    hi zahid,, m jagdeep singh , my gate score is 333 in ece m in s.c catagory. plztell can i get any nit,,,,,,

  947. UPENDAR


  948. snigdha

    hii sir,
    my name is snigdha…i secured a gate score of 482,rank 2158(EE)..open category…i have applied… 6nits will i get it or in any other nits?? plzzz reply sir….plzzz…waiting for ur reply sir…

  949. deepak

    hai sir
    my name is deepak .. i hav a valid gate score of 529 and allindia rank of 1482(ee) .. i have applied 6 nits.. i preferng to get nit calicut.. will i get it or any other nits …belongs to obc category

    1. Zahid

      Deepak: you have bright chance of get into NITs. Wish you good luck.

  950. jagadeesh

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 485 in electronics branch.
    please suggest me where can i get M.tech admission


      which college i get for ME. gate2015 marks is 22.74 in EE with gate score 319.

  951. jayant mane

    My GATE score is 348 and AIR is 6511 GATE percentile is 87.05 and to be more specific My marks are 26.67 and my paper was Electrical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  952. susan

    sir my AIR in gate 2010 is 4200.in which college do i have a chance?
    do i have a chance in jadavpur university..plz reply..

  953. pratik

    Hi Zahid…..
    I got 458 GATE score in Electronics And Communication stream…my rank is 5680…and 94.57 percentile.
    I know I can’t get any NIT on this score or any college below NIT also. Can u please suggest me some colleges that
    I should get admission for M Tech or ME…Or please tell me the way to search the colleges to get admission….
    Please tell.

  954. jayalakshmi c

    hai sir
    my name is jayalakshmi.. i hav a valid gate score of 611 and alla india rank of 1581(ec) .. i have applied 6 nits.. i preferng to get nit calicut.. will i get it or any other nits

    1. Zahid

      Jayalakshi: There are bright chance and it will more clear once admission in IITs are out. Stay positive and good luck.


    i’m preferrin nit’s n good govt colleges i ve already applied fr jadavpur university.need ur guidance fr proper selection of colleges. i ve completed B.tech in Production engg. my GATE score is 335 AIR 382 and marks is 21.33.

  956. azim

    Hello sir,
    my gate score is 322. AIR is 16180 & my marks is 21.67 belongs to cse branch.which college should i apply.is there any chance to get good college in this score.i’m belongs to OBC category. PLZ reply as soon as possible

  957. ravi

    sir,my gate rank is 7737,gate score is 327,category is obc,in ee(electrical) stream,is there any chance to get admission into nits…?

  958. madhu

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 36 and i got 96.5 percentile. AIR is 3300 belongs to cse. Which college should i apply. is there any possibility to get any NIT’s. i’m belongs to general category

  959. rahul singh rawat

    sir i’ve scored 476 marks in gate 2010 from ec stream….can i get admission in svnit or manit…..reply soon sir….

  960. rahul singh rawat

    sir i’ve scored 476 marks in gate 2010…..my discipline was ec…..
    sir plz tell me can i get admission in mnit jaipur or else…..

  961. mughal fathima baig

    hi zahid,
    my btech stream is instrumentation and control engineering
    i secured 28 marks in gate 2010,and my all India rank in gate is 800 and coming to my percentile it is around 95.now tell me whether i have opportunity to apply for NIT & IIT.I’m trying to get the seat in bangalore.

  962. amish


    my gate score is 558(in CS) in Gen category and AIR is 2438,please tell me sir ,can i take admission in nit please sir give me reply because i am in tension please

  963. pawan hajare

    hi zAhiD
    my gate score is 426 in Mechanical
    my category is SC
    please tell where should i get admission
    is vjti, mumbai is good , should i ch9ose it over vnit, nagpur

  964. anuj kumar yadav

    my gate score is 543 and my rank is 2760 in which college i get admission

  965. ikram

    my gate score is 467. AIR is 5300

  966. thazeem

    my score is 404 and AIR is 8620 what should i do

  967. pratpa murukutla

    hi sir,
    my gate score is 675 with rank 865(cs).i need the gate score of my rank for the last year.can i get the admission for nit trichy warangal surathkal calicut………

  968. niranjan

    hi sir my GATE SCORE IS 476 AND AIR IS 5098 r dr any chances of getting admission in NIT’S.PLEASE SUGGEST ME.

  969. bhaskar

    sir ,
    my gate score is 454
    rank is 5695 in gate 2010.general category.in which college can i get admission

  970. Jyothi

    MY GATE SCORE CS 398, MY AIR 8975


    my gate score is 412
    gate rank is 8012 and i belong to general category.In which type of colleges could i get admission.

  972. gayathri


  973. gayathri


  974. pawan hajare

    hi zahid
    my gate score is 426 in mechanical engg.
    i am SC category student
    rank is 4000(dont remember exact)
    please advice where can i get admission

    is vjti,mumbai is good should i choose it over vnit, nagpur?
    please help!

    1. anjali

      my details are
      sir plz sujjest me some good colleges in bengalour and hyderabad

  975. dargq

    hi sir, i got 22.67 marks in gate2010 of electrical stream with 9432 rank. pls send me which colleges offer me…….

  976. DINESH

    MY GATE SCORE CS 341, MY AIR 14044

  977. bhuvnesh

    my gate score 424 nd my rank 969 in IN
    sir please give me advise in which college can i get

    1. Zahid

      Bhuvnesh: There are good chances that you may get into NITs. Have you applied for IITs? I hope you would have been shortlisted by few of them.

      Wish you a wonderful luck ahead.

  978. rahul jain

    sir my score is 422

    my rank is 7551

    my branch is ece

    in which college should i apply

  979. virendrasingh yadav

    My GATE score is 334 and all India rank is 8005 and branch is mechanical engineering please suggest me any college for M.Tech in India.

  980. asif

    hii zahid
    my gate score is 476…and i belong to general category….specialisation is ece….rank is 4953 …so can i apply in nits…plss temme zahid…

  981. v.s.venkatramaiah

    Dear sir,
    My GATE (ELECTRICAL EE)rank is 994 where can I get M TECH seat pl .

  982. deepak

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 5307 GATE percentile is 91.01 and my My marks are 22.33(OBC) and my paper was mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME is there any chance for admission in SVNIT,SURAT????

  983. deepak

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 5307 GATE percentile is 91.01 and to be more specific my My marks are 22.33(OBC) and my paper was mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME is there any chance for admission in SVNIT,SURAT????

  984. deepak

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 5307 GATE percentile is 91.01 and to be more specific my My marks are 22.33 and my paper was mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME is there any chance for admission in SVNIT,SURAT????

  985. Ankit Shivhare

    Sir I have GATESCORE of 507 Electronics & Communication branch AIR3829….
    sir kindly advise me my chances for admission in NITs and sir which NITs will I have scope for admission…If possible chances for admission in Central Universities…I belong to OBC category…kindly plz reply..feeling very frustrated…


    my gate bt rank is 1198, my gate score 364, give me some suggestions, where will i get a seat

  987. chandra srinuvas

    My GATE score is 474 and AIR is 2333 GATE percentile is ….. and to be more specific my My marks are 36.67 and my paper was EE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  988. shaiksha

    hello Sir,
    My GATE score is 187 and AIR is 7763 GATE and to be more specific my My marks are 13.33 and my paper was Civil Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????
    my id is [email protected]

  989. vijay kumar


  990. vijay kumar

    Hello sir,
    I got gate score 342(ECE Discipline) ,my rank is 13751 & belongs to SC category can i get seat in any NIT’S. or Can I get seat in nit WARANGAL .
    Otherwise can u please suggest some good colleges in Andhrapradesh near Hyderabad?

  991. jay prakash kumar

    My gate score is 0297 and AIR is 019066 to be more specific my. My marks are 20 and my paper EC Engineering.please suggest me that in which college should i apply or which my category to OBC.

  992. sumandeep

    my gate score 660.air 1003(ece) i m from general…which clg n field is gud for me..will i get vlsi in nitw,nitt n nit allahabad

  993. upendra

    hello sir,

    i got 481 score in ece branh in GATE exam & my rank is 4778.
    please, suggest me that in which college should i apply or which college can i get.
    and my category belongs to bc-b sir.
    my id is [email protected]

  994. pradeep

    hello sir,

    i got 388 score in CSE branh in GATE exam & my rank is 9647.
    please, suggest me that in which college should i apply or which college can i get.
    and my category belongs to ST.

  995. shardul

    i hve aggregate % 58 in B>TECH nd i scure 18 marks in gate xam nd i want to apply for NIIT .so cud i tell me do i eiliagable for applyin in niit or nt….?


    My GATE score is 411 and AIR is 3906 GATE percentile is 92.52 and to be more specific my My marks are 31.67 and my paper was EE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  997. A.Rajitha

    hello sir,

    i got the rank of 6700+(in EEE stream) and score is 0344. Could you please suggest me in which college(in hyderabad,AP) i am eligible to get the seat with OBC and girls reservation.. can i get the admission in jntu and osmania university.

  998. rakesh bisht

    My GATE score is 0495 and AIR is 4209 GATE percentile is 96.0695 and to be more specific my My marks are 33.67 and my paper was computer science Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY……………..????

  999. asif

    i hve gate score of 476 and rank of 4953…..can u tell me some gud colleges in south india wer i can get admission!!

  1000. madhusudan nagar

    my gate score is 341 in ece n catagory is obc , so which colg i will get for m.tech , my AIR is 13751

  1001. venkataramanarsaiah d

    Hello sir,
    I got gate score 319(EE Discipline) ,my rank is 8233 & belongs to OBC category can i get seat in any NIT’S. or Can I get seat in nit WARANGAL .
    Otherwise can u please suggest some good colleges in Andhrapradesh near Hyderabad?

  1002. karthick

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 136 and i got 46 percentile. AIR is 29372 belongs to EEE. Which college should i apply. is there any possiblity to get any NIT’s. i’m belongs to MBC

  1003. Rakesh

    Hello Sir,
    My gate rank is 1229 with score of 637.Can I get admission in any one of the Top NIT’s and is there any possiblity to get admission in anna university or PSG college.Kindly suggest me a good university with this rank.I belong to General category.

  1004. gobi

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 310 and i got 83.2 percentile. AIR is 8698 belongs to EEE. Which college should i apply. is there any possiblity to get any NIT’s. i’m belongs to OBC

  1005. gobi

    hello sir,
    my gate score is 310 and i got 83.2 percentile. AIR is 8698 belongs to EEE. Which college should i apply. is there any possiblity to get any NIT’s

  1006. Alingan Patra

    I have gate score ( in IN stream )of 625, and rank of 197. can u please tell me what is my chance to get selected in the respective gate stream of IN to different IIt or NIT.
    ans if so then to which NIT or IIT?

  1007. chaitanya

    branch e.e.e in btech

  1008. chaitanya

    name chaitanya.score 300+,male,obc, rank 7000.which colleges should i preffer

  1009. shashank kumar de

    can u suggest how many govt. engineering collages offers m.tech courses in electrical.
    please suggest me

  1010. MAMTHA

    My GATE percentile is 88 and score is 355 i belong to sc catagory.. will i get in any of the NITs

  1011. shafaq

    sir i qualified gate with gatescore is 344,&AIR is 6755 GATE percentile is 87 &my marks 26.33.plz tell me where shall i apply

  1012. deepak

    hello sir,i got gate score 529(EE Discipline) ,my rank is 1489 & belongs to OBC category can i get seat in any iits .can i get seat in nit trichy .can u suggest some good colleges?

  1013. NANDINI

    my gate score is 167 in IN & AIR is 6612 please tell me where can i get d admission in karnataka

  1014. harikrishna

    i got 350 gate score in ece i am belong to sc please tell me better college for m.tech any scope for nit

  1015. Vinay Kumar

    My GATE score is 299 and AIR is 19,264 GATE percentile is 82 and to be more specific my My marks are 20 and my paper was CS Engineering. n i belong to SC category Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1016. shiva

    sir i got 270 score and iam qualified in gate exam.. ec iam belongs to sc inform ngood colleges

  1017. srikanth

    My GATE score is 595 and AIR is 1775 and to be more specific my My marks are 41.00 and my paper was CS Engineering and OBC category. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1018. pavithra

    sir plz tell me about gate admission,i got 27.33 marks with AIR as 8665 in cs stream,in which institutions will i get M.TECH admission,shall i get stiepund for my rank,plz give me your kind information sir.

  1019. sachin

    dear sir,
    My gate rank is 1897, SCORE 387.
    CE department
    please reply

  1020. Angamuthu


    I would like to do PG in electrical engg… Could you plz let me know some good universities in Germany. Also tell me do I need to give any test like IELTS or GRE?. Actually I am interested in doing research in High Voltage Engg., so I am sure that I wil go for Ph.d once i hv done my PG(MS).. But spending money for both MS and PhD is difficult for me. So please advice me on whether to go for MS/MTech in India and to foreign for Ph.d.. or do both in foriegn unversity.. Awaiting for your reply.

  1021. arvind

    i got 41.00..and my score is 595..
    stream cs
    Rank is 1775
    is nits a viable target??
    also i have applied for ISI calcutta, DAIICT Gandhinagar and DIAT pune…
    based upon des where are my chances, especially in NITs???

  1022. sravan

    hi deepa ……
    iam also in and around close to your gate score in ECE department ……..
    i need some information about which colleges we can apply ………plz do reply

  1023. Rahul Gupta

    My GATE score is 774 and AIR is 330 GATE percentile is 99.69 and to be more specific my My marks are 53.67 and my paper was CSE Engineering. Now Zahid CAN I GET ANY IIT????

  1024. Awadhesh poddar

    hi sir my gate score is 426 and i in OBC category which nits or central universities is suitable for me.
    i m waiting for your answer..please sir………..

  1025. deepu

    hello!i got a gate rank 9216,with a gate marks 26.3,with oc quota!
    wher should apply !plz inform me,thanqu

  1026. hemant

    My GATE score is 454 and AIR 5924 and GATE percentile is 94.3 and to be more specific my My marks are 31.67 and my paper was EC Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1027. sunny kumar

    sir i got 467 gate score & air 5300.in ece branch obc category can i get any nit for m tech….

  1028. Dipankar

    i got 31.00..and my score is 454..
    Rank is 5695,
    so where can i get admission???
    plzzz help me out..give me some suggestion in my mail plz….

    1. Zahid

      Dipankar: Try NITs and Central universities. I think already applied for IITs.

  1029. santhosh.k

    dear sir,
    My gate rank is 3073, SCORE 534.
    ECE department,OBC CATEGORY
    please reply

  1030. santhosh.k

    My gate rank is 3073, SCORE 534.
    ECE department,OBC CATEGORY
    please reply to

  1031. Venkata Ramana

    I got 1443 Rank in Gate 2010.

    I am waiting to apply for M.Tech in NIT Calicut.

    Will you please tell me when will be notification issued.

    Please forward the details to my mail id mentioned above.

    Thanking you in advance…

    I am waiting for your reply.

  1032. madhu sudhan

    sir,i got 344 gate score with AIR as 6755 in EEE stream,iam under OBC(NC) where shall i get admitted as per your knowledge please tell me about the application of admission for M.TECH programm,please kindly tell me sir,iam very much confused to know where i can get admission,please give me a clear idea,shall i get stiepund seat in any university.

  1033. madhu sudhan

    sir plz tell me that about gate admission,i got 26.33 marks with AIR as 6755 in EEE stream,in which institutions will i get M.TECH admission,shall i get stiepund for my rank,plz give me your kind information sir.

  1034. sankalp

    Sir my GATE score is 416 abd AIR is 7719 in CS with OBC category ..
    plz tell me where should I try for M-TECH ?
    Is there is any possibility to get admission in NITs ?

  1035. harikrishna

    My GATE score is 344 and AIR 6755 and GATE percentile is 87.1 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.33 and OBC reservation and my paper was EEE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY???? plese send to mail

  1036. harikrishna

    My GATE score is 344 and AIR 6755 and GATE percentile is 87.1 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.33 and OBC reservation and my paper was EEE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1037. harikrishna


    My GATE score is 344 and AIR 6755 , OBC reservation and GATE percentile is 87.1 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.33 and my paper was EEE Engineering. iam Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1038. harikrishna

    My GATE score is 344 and AIR 6755 and GATE percentile is 87.1 and to be more specific my My marks are 26.33 and my paper was EEE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1039. veeru

    My gate rank is 3073, SCORE 534. 97.05%

  1040. Sachin Kulkarni

    My AIR is 4560 and my gate score is 416 where can i apply for Mtech(Mechanical Design) are there any chances for NIT Trichy/Warangal/Calicut

  1041. Saurabh Srivastava

    sir, my GATE score is 386 and AIR is 4820 and marks are 29.67, so how i will calculate my percentile and which college i can apply???????
    my stream is electrical and there was 57840 candidate ,my category is GEN.
    Please guide me on this….
    Eagerly Waiting for a reply…plz sir

  1042. rakesh v

    cs is branch and i want to apply for some good nit’s or central universities, i got information that MN NIT allahabad is also good, suggest me, and tell me whether i should apply for it or not ? and if not any colleges else?

  1043. rakesh v

    i got gate score 581, and rank is 1997 i belong to open category suggest me some colleges

  1044. sandeep

    sir, i got 534 score and 3073 AIR rank in electronics & communication.will u please tell any prefered college for me.i got OBC 3A.

  1045. sangeeta

    my gate score is 341(2010)in EC ,i m in OBC,plzir tell me which coll i can get..its a humble request..thanking you

  1046. Rohit

    my gate percentile is 88.26 for computer science.
    So for which college i can apply.i want only M.tech institute.
    Plz, help me.


    My GATE score is 264 and AIR is 12516 GATE percentile is 80.1 and marks is 20 and my paper was Electrical Engineering now zahid sir tell me where shall i apply?


    i get GATE score 264.is any oppartunity will i get good university in india. my category is sc

  1049. Nalin Saini

    Sir .
    i got 21.47 score in gate 2010 . my air is 16218 with 84.5%ile in electronic ( ECE ) branch . in which colleges should i apply ?

  1050. Sudheer B

    Thank You Sir for your response.

  1051. Deepraj Paul

    Sir, I am third year student of applied electronics and Instrumentation Engg.
    i gave GATE this year on IN and have secured…
    AIR -241

    So, as per this years cutoff what all subjects will I be eligible to apply for M.Tech. Am I eligible for any subjects related to Automation and Control?
    Please guide me on this….
    Eagerly Waiting for a reply…

  1052. priyanka

    my gate score is 348, and AIR is 6511 in electrical stream……..can u please suggest the best colleges i can apply any where in india..

  1053. shardul pathania

    hi zahid, my gate score is 270 and air is 23161 plz tell me in wich college i can get the admission. one thng more i m a sc candidate plz keep this in mind and tell me

  1054. venkatesh

    my gate score is 476 which college could i get m.tech seat

  1055. arun

    My GATE score is 243 In electrical . Now in which colleges i can get My Admission for M.Tech? & my category is sc

  1056. pranav

    sir, i got 301 score and 18500 AIR rank in electronics & communication.will u please tell any prefered college for me.i got general category.

  1057. Suresh

    This is Suresh Kumar my Rank is 10022 and GATE Score is 368.tell me the possibilities of gettin seat in Andhra University and JNTU in Andhra Pradesh. and I m belongs to BC ‘A’

  1058. Sudheer B

    Good Morning sir, I got 932 AIR and 620 Score in Gate 2010. My stream is ME. I am planning for IITs, but will I get a seat in them? Suggest me some of the good colleges that I can apply for. I don’t have interest to do Job right after PG. I have long term study goals. So please suggest me some good colleges across India based on that. Thank You.

    1. Zahid

      Sudheer: You should not miss any IITs, Apply all and also look for second call for admission. You should also consider MS program at IITs ans IISc. These institutes will make a way for you to go for PhD in best universities in the world.

      Good luck.

  1059. Narsingh

    My GATE score is 316 In Biotechnology . Now in which colleges i can get My Admission for M.Tech?

  1060. pooja

    My GATE score is 339 and AIR is 7700 GATE percentile is 87Z and to be more specific my My marks are 19 and my paper was Mechanical Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????Can I get dce or mnit or bhu or pune college of engg.

  1061. sonam

    My GATE score is 390 and AIR is 9100 GATE percentile is 91.05 and my paper was cse Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

    nitie mumbai,vjti mumbai jesa colleges me apply kar sakti hu……….

  1062. suraj

    sir, i got 365 score and 5693 AIR rank in electrical.will u please tell any prefered college for me.i got general category.is there any chance to get NIT.

  1063. teja

    hi sir,i got AIR 2243 in EEE n my gate score is 478 .can i get in nit warangal n when will they give notification for m.tech.prefer me good college in andhra pradesh.please help me i am getting confused in selecting a gud college.



    My GATE 2010 Details
    Discipline: EC
    Marks: 37
    AIR: 3306
    Score: 525
    Category: General
    What is the best option for pursuing M.Tech ?
    Please reply,,,,

  1065. venky

    my gate score is 390 I hv got sc reservation. May I know the colleges where I can secure a seat

  1066. jagadish babu

    which college may i get seat in m.tech …i got 281 gate 2010 score and belongs to s.t

  1067. radhi

    Sir, I hv qualified with a GATE score 0336. I hv got BC- B reservation. May I know the colleges where I can secure a seat.

  1068. nishit

    i have 4137 rank in gate and my gate score is 498 in electronics disipline.
    can i get admission in any NITS.

  1069. kalyan singh

    sir, i got 21 marks out of 100 in obc in mechanical engineering ,my rank is 6217 and plz tell me that can i get admission in any nits send list of nits for which i should apply.
    please tell me that cut off marks is 22.5 .
    can i will get scholarship .
    plz send answer me.

  1070. Ashish

    sir my gate %tile is 92.8 air rank 7719 in CS stream . in general category
    so guide me where should i apply ..n if i can get admission or not

  1071. reg

    my gate score is 299,can i get admission in any college

  1072. Anoop

    The above details were highly informative.If you could just put up the details of Mechanical stream like that of CS stream which you have given here,it will be very helpful.

  1073. arun

    this is arun,in gate i got 436 mark AIR is 6775,i have recervation (ST),can u help where i wil get seat,can i get in IIT college plz help me….thank u

  1074. sathish

    sir i got 476 score vth 4953 rank in ece dept s there any any possibility to get seat in nits pls mail ur advise to [email protected]

  1075. sathish

    sir i got 476 score with 4953 rank in ece dept where can i get seat s there any possibility for nits pls mail ur advise to [email protected]

  1076. kusuma

    My GATE score is 312 and AIR is 1791 GATE percentile is 83 and my paper was chemical Engineering. Now please TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1077. prem singh

    sir my gate score is 266 which college i get for m.tech cs

  1078. kishore

    sir my gate score is 575 in eee stream &AIR is 952 which nits can i apply please replay me soon

  1079. surendar

    my gate rank is 4374 & score is 487 and iam from general,can i get nit colleges are not or any top universities,pls give me d information.my email id [email protected]


    Sir; i am rishi sinhal from bhopal.
    i got 395 as my GATE score and my AIR is 9216.
    my BRANCH is electronics and communication.

    plz give me instructions about the colleges where i can apply and can have a chance to get admission in M. TECH.

  1081. praveen kumar

    sir, i am Praveen Kumar ,my gate AIR 6755 and gate score is 344. i have OBC reservation.can i get in any nit in electrical stream….if i had a chance to get in universities,where can i get.. please suggest me any good universities………please tell about M.Tech in nits…….

  1082. kasi sunkara

    sir i got a rank in gate. my rank is 4734 and i am from obc pls give me information regarding the colleges.can i get nit colleges are not, pls give brief information.my email id [email protected]

  1083. vikam

    sir,i got 1918 air.with obc reservation.suggest me whether i apply for iit kharagpur or not

  1084. srinivas

    sir, iam srinivas ,my gate AIR 4988 and gate score is 382. can i get in any nit in electrical stream….if i had a chance to get in universities,where can i get.. please suggest me any good universities………please tell about ms(research) in nits…….

  1085. syed

    i have got 160 gate score , can i get a seat in self financing college. for mechanical

  1086. vamshi

    sir i got a rank in gate my rank is 6371 and i am from obc pls give me information regarding the colleges i will get fr this rank pls mail to my id pls my id is vamshikrishna
    [email protected]

  1087. naveen kumar

    sir, iam naveen kumar, i got gate score239, air:15000, cat:sc, paper:eee. where should i will apply

  1088. phani


    my gate AIR 3675 and gate score is 419. can i get in any nit in electrical stream….if i had a chance to get in universities,where can i get.. please suggest me any good universities………please tell about ms(research) in nits…….

  1089. yasoda


    My gate AIR-3915 and gate score-501 and can i know wether can i get in any nit’s and let me know the best universities in which i can get..

    please reply and suggest me…

  1090. Suman

    My GATE score is 449 and AIR is 5838 GATE percentile is 94.49 and to be more specific my My marks are 30.67 and my paper was CSE Engineering. Please suggest me college for CS stream….

  1091. daniel biswas

    my score 308(sc)branch cs
    which college in wb i will apply


  1092. ranjan kumar mishra

    my gate score is 487,branch- cse.which nit should i apply?

  1093. prem ranjan kumar

    sir my gate score 303
    does any chance for nits?

  1094. sunil

    sir my gate score-489
    branch- ec
    category- obc

    which college will i get?
    does any chance for nits?

  1095. Husain Mehdi

    which colleges can i appy … reply as soon as possible

    GATE 2010 Results

    Name of the Candidate: Husain Mehdi
    Examination Paper: ME – Mechanical; Engineering
    Marks out of 100: 24.33
    No of Candidates Appeared in this Paper: 59338
    All India Rank: 004241
    GATE Score: 421

    Thank you

  1096. Husain Mehdi

    which colleges can i appy … reply as soon as possible

    GATE 2010 Results

    Name of the Candidate: Husain Mehdi
    Examination Paper: ME – Mechanical; Engineering
    Marks out of 100: 24.33
    No of Candidates Appeared in this Paper: 59338
    All India Rank: 004241
    GATE Score: 421

    where i can get adminission in andhra pradesh

    Thank you

  1097. Srijita

    I will be appearing for GATE 2011. I am in ECE stream and want to pursue M.Tech in Communication Engg. What kind of rank should I aim for getting in IITs or NITs? What are the rankwise colleges in terms of Infrastructure and Placement for M.Tech in India?

    1. Zahid

      Srijita: Thanks for nice questions. This year i made a good progress about M.Tech admissions. And now have a base to start writing everything about GATE and after GATE. I m make a post called “GATE 2011 : The only Target” to answer everything need for a GATE aspirant. Hope that will help many. I will answer all your questions there. Keep visiting.

      Thank you so much for nice inputs.

  1098. purna

    i h gate score 613 ,ee paper ,which college i will apply

  1099. Pradosh

    my gate score is -418

    AIR- 7748



    which college i should apply ?

    is there any chance for NITs



  1101. sahana.n

    sir, my gate score is 348 AIR is 6511 and gate paper is EE can i apply forNIT surathkal

  1102. sahana.n

    in gate2010 i got a gate score of 348 and my AIR is6511 and my gate paper is EE can i get seat in NIT surathkal

  1103. lokesh

    my gate score-237
    branch- physics
    category- sc

    which college will i get?
    does any chance for iits?

  1104. karthikganesh

    sir my gate score is 418, my rank is 7756,my branch is ece which nit i can apply for m.tech.

  1105. karthikganesh

    sir my gate score is 418, my rank is 7756,which nit i can apply for m.tech.

  1106. Amrita

    sir, my gate score is 308,Marks out of 100: 20.67,All India Rank:17940 in CS.Which colleges can i apply in west bengal?

  1107. kishore

    GATE 2010 Results

    Name of the Candidate: KISHORE KUMAR YAKKALA
    Registration Number: CS 6007107
    Examination Paper: CS – Computer Sc & Information Tech
    Marks out of 100: 25.00
    No of Candidates Appeared in this Paper: 107086
    All India Rank: 011287
    GATE Score: 0369

    where i can get adminission in andhra pradesh

  1108. ABHISHEK

    My GATE score is 421 and AIR is 7418(GENERAL) GATE percentile is 93.07

  1109. piyush

    sir mine score in gate is 278 n got 12000 rank in gate branch mechanical.. which colleges can i appy … reply as soon as possible..

  1110. soujanya

    sir my air is 9469
    gate score is 0154 , no reservation
    and no is 10.67
    can i get admission in any college???
    i have also applied to INDIAN OIL can i get any cance?

  1111. ashutosh

    sir my gate score-552
    branch- ec
    category- obc

    which college will i get?
    does any chance for iits?

  1112. ramakant

    sir as i am constantly sending mail but but not getting reply … i can understand you are busy. but please help me . sir i have 34.64 marks and gate score 506 please tell me where shold i apply so that i can be able to take admission ………. please reply

  1113. sattar husain

    my gate score in mechanical is 497 & rank is 2392.
    Can i get mtech thermal in itbhu or nit warangal/surathkal/trichy ?

  1114. varsha

    hello sir,
    my gate score is only 44 and rank is 89489. but i got score card . is it vaild or not?

  1115. hemant singh

    My GATE score is 444 and AIR is 1219 GATE percentile is 93.72 and to be more specific my My marks are 34.33 and my paper was Civil Engineering. Now WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1116. shubham

    i got my gate score as 445 in ece branch and my air is 6324
    please guide me up for my carreer. please

  1117. kashif kamal

    my gate score is 424 nd rank 969 in instrumentation , how should i proceed for admission……… nd do i hve ny chance of getting into NIT`s .

  1118. anubhav singh

    sir my air is 14683
    gate score is 0333 in sc category
    and no is 22.67
    can i get any good college(nit)???

  1119. kamal kumar

    my rank:6367
    can i get admission in pec chandigarh

  1120. kamal kumar

    my rank:6367
    can i get admission in pec chandigarh

  1121. nuthan

    my rank is 6868..
    can i get any collgs??

  1122. nuthan

    my rank is 6868….
    score is 430…
    can i get any good universities???
    reply me

  1123. Rahul

    Sir my gate score is 391 in EC and i m in OBC category.
    In which college i should apply for M Tech.

  1124. Neeta

    IS THERE ANY CHANCE TO GET IN NIT…. For which colleges i have to apply… How to subscribe for updates about M.Tech Admission and Analysis by email…. Please send me where i have to apply & also updates for MTech Admission

  1125. nivid limbasiya

    My GATE score is 435 and AIR is 6604 GATE and to be more specific my My marks are 29.67 and my paper was cs Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1126. Sanjeev

    My GATE score is 382 and AIR is 1960 GATE percentile is 89.9 and to be more specific my My marks are 29.33 and my paper was Civil Engineering. Now WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1127. Venkatesh

    This article really comes as a shock :O :O … i’ve heard ppl saying “IITs call top 1% ppl for interviews ” and i went on applying πŸ˜› (well i have really no idea about GATE and IITs so relied on them)

    My gate details

    AIR: 943
    score: 666

    so sir .. will i be getting into any of the IITs ?or only the new ones ?
    is it worth applying i mean .. as aplications cost around 3000 (and i’ve already wasted huge amounts for CAT based appl)

    (cause i dont prefer to join in NITs … its a personal stand ppl… dont take it otherwise )

    PLZ gimme a suggestion

    Thank you in advance

  1128. shashank sirsalkar

    pleae send me the list of college offering Mtech in chemical engg. i dont want IIT .any college in maharashtra.my gate score is low.reply urgent

  1129. E.PREETHI


  1130. naresh

    my GATE 2010 Marks is:27 Score:390 Rank: 9959 no reservation branch:EC If any chance to get seat in AndhraPradesh universities or Any good universities around the states of INDIA plz tell me please sir reply me urgent

  1131. ramanjaneyulu

    my GATE 2010 Marks is:19.67 Score:260 Rank: 12917 OBC Category branch:EE If any chance to get seat in AndhraPradesh universities plz tell me
    When we will get GATE 2010 Rank Cards please sir reply me urgent

  1132. amish

    sir my gate score is 558 and all india rank is 2438 in CS stream in general category plz tell me where i can take admission…..

  1133. Neeraj Arya

    Sir i am in IT branch………..
    and my gate score is 299 AIR is 19264 to SC Catagory
    can i apply nit?

  1134. Neeraj Arya

    hello sir my gate score is 299 AIR is 19264 to sc satagory
    which collage should i apply

  1135. satish

    my gate score is 374…AIR is 10839 belongs to SC category..
    which college should i apply

  1136. Ajay

    My GATE 2010 Marks is:23.33 Score:346 Rank: 13554 OBC Category branch:CS If any chance to get seat in AndhraPradesh universities plz tell me
    When we will get GATE 2010 Rank Cards please sir reply me urgent,

    Query 1: I Qualified in GATE 2010 recent Results,I Have NSS (National Social Service) Certificate, Is there NSS Reservation in GATE Qualified M-Tech Cousling sir please kindly reply sir I asked so many persons But no one is answering to my Question Please help me Please Iam waiting for your reply sir.

    Query 2: I have so many Sub Zonal Certificates in Games & Sports in School Level (Sub District Level Games & Sports), it is useful in GATE M-Tech councling or Not., Sir please reply me sir.

  1137. mukta singhal

    my gate score is 713…which college can i get for mtech??

  1138. amit

    my score is 382 which one i get

  1139. anand

    my air is 453 ,gate score 297,metallurgy,and my percentile is 79.6.Is there any possibilities to get in to any iits.

  1140. sandeep

    my gate score is 426. my marks is 24.67,and all india rank is 4083. i belong to obc. i want to apply for mtech. can anybody please tell me which college can i get for mtech. please send your reply to — [email protected]

  1141. John

    Sir my AIR is 943 and GATE score (Computer Science) is 666.

    1. Will I get an admission in NIT Trichy, Surathkal or Warangal? Are the IIITs better than the above NITs? How is BHU and Delhi College of Engg compared to the above colleges?

    2. Which colleges offer MS in India and how can it be compared to Mtech? Will i be able to get admission with my current gate score?

    3. What are the possibilities of getting a scholarship for offshore education (MS)?

    email: [email protected]

  1142. subrahmanyam

    sir,i got air 2085 and my score is 487 where i can apply

  1143. Ashok

    Sir iam in 3rd mech i got 3698 air & my gate score 441 am i got in ism (obc) 4 next year

  1144. subhash

    sir my AIR is 1443 and score 619 with computer science .plz tell me where should i apply.

  1145. vidhya.v.s

    my AIR is 4361
    gate branch is electrical and electronics
    gate score is 398
    year of qualifying gate is 2010
    gate percentile is 91.65
    In which type of college I will got an admission

  1146. anand

    i am for ec stream gate rank 155 and gate score 830 : in which iit i can get vlsi ::: plz send [email protected]

  1147. aman

    my gate rank is 5921
    my gate branch is me
    gate paper year is 2010
    gate score is 375
    should i got admission in nit?

  1148. Pratibha

    you r doing gr8 job………
    My GATE score is 605 and AIR is 1649 GATE percentile is 98.47 and to be more specific my My marks are 41.67 and my paper was CS Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1149. Debanjan Ghosh

    my gate rank is 1901 in electronics and instrumentation with gate score 338.can i apply for non gate m.tech self financed courses in any govt. colleges in west bengal?please tell me about those colleges’ name.

  1150. ABHINAY

    My gate rank is 1647 rank in electricals with gate sore 516
    I have OBC reservation can i expect seat in any one 4 south nits please do reply

  1151. parveen kumar

    my gate score is 314 n AIR is 8501 in EEE AND I have OBC reservation which colzs i must apply for and which colgs i can get??? do reply me fast….

  1152. rajeev kumar

    I got 28.33 marks with gate score 416 and all india rank is 7719 (CS).
    which college should i apply? I have OBC reservation

    Is there any college in delhi

    Please specify government college also

  1153. madhu

    my categiry is obc
    my branch is ece
    my gate 2010 rank is 6775
    my gate2010 score is 436
    my gate percentile is 93.5
    any chance to get seat in any nit?
    where should i apply for m.tech?
    where should i take application forms for nits?
    so please send your ans to my mail
    [email protected]

  1154. Seema

    my gate score is 515 n AIR is 3501 which colzs i must apply for and which colgs i can get??? do reply me fast….

  1155. shobhit singh

    i have got 24 marks in gate 2010 from EC branch. so, i want to know about institutes which take their own exam for m.tech admission in vlsi stream.

  1156. rajesh

    Sir, my GATE Score is 388 and my rank is 9674. Can you please suggest me the list of colleges to apply. i belong to OBC category

  1157. rajesh

    Sir, my GATE Score is 388 and my rank is 9674. Can you please suggest me the list of colleges to apply

  1158. Pundarik Kashyap Savapondit

    I am pundarik studying B.Tech final year in Mechanical branch in KIIT’s university.My gate score is 94 and all India rank is 39319.
    Can you suggest me in which university or college I can get a seat.
    Please provide me all information regarding admission.
    Thanking you.

  1159. Akul

    i got 44 marks with 638 gate score n 1223 rank(CS).
    which college should i apply?

  1160. satish

    my gate score is 374 belongs to sc category…which col should i apply.

  1161. satyanarayana A V

    my gate score is 543 and my air 2760 in cs stream can i get admission in any central universities

  1162. ajinkya

    me also got 511 score having 35 mks n rank 3643 in CSE,so which college should i apply.havin OBC resvtion ….

  1163. ajinkya

    me also got 511 score having 35 mks n rank 3643,so which college should i apply,having OBC reservation….Thanks in advance

  1164. karthika.s

    My GATE score is 209 and AIR is 37,342, my My marks are 13.67 and my paper was cs(computer science and engineering). Sir can u please tel me to which all colleges i can apply to.

  1165. rani

    my gate score is 363 and all india rank is 1567 in instrumentation paper my marks are 22.33 and i am regarding to general category am i qualified in gate 2010 and what is my percentage. am i qualified to join in nit r iiit pls guide me.

  1166. abhinay


  1167. Daniel

    I have a GATE 2010 score of 356 in EE. I am interested in pursuing M.tech in Energy technology or related fields. Do you think I have any chance in any NIT? I know IITs are wayyyy out of the scene for me.. πŸ™‚

  1168. dileep

    sir,i qualified in gate 2010 with score 407 &percentile 92.1.my AIR is 8353.i belongs to cs stream.& my category is OBC.which college i supposed to be apply for? please reply me soon


    My GATE score is 463 and AIR is 5476 GATE percentile is 94.7 and to be more specific my My marks are 32.33 and my paper was Electronics & Communication Engineering& b.tech % is 64.86 Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1170. Nagesh


    I got 1997 all india rank in gate2010 in CS and my score is 581. can i get an admission in either nit trichy or surathkal? Please reply me.

    and Which iiit is the best one?

  1171. puja

    my gate score is 388 and AIR is 9674 in computer science..
    can i get admission in any of the NIT’s?

  1172. tanushree

    hello, i got GATE score of 383 in cse..is there any chance 4 me to get admission in any of the top colleges, other than the NIT’s and IIT’s
    I want to know which all colleges i hav chance to get admission??please reply sir…

  1173. santosh kumar

    i belong to OBC
    my gate score is 457 and rank is 2687
    where should i apply for M.tech
    my stream is EEE

  1174. vipul patel

    my gate score is 487 and my all india rank is 4374 in cs stream.
    can i gate the addmission in gujarat for m tech..
    plz suggest me …




    My GATE score is 799 and AIR is 236 GATE percentile is 99.7 and to be more specific my My marks are 57.33 and my paper was Electronics & Communication Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????



  1178. Prakash

    Good write-up. But I have a doubt in PI stream. I got 552 marks and 63AIR. This seems very good if u see the rank, but mark is very bad. Wherever I apply, Institute will definitely give preference to ME paper guys, since they are eligible to apply to any dept/course as applied by a PI candidate. It may be comparing the marks surely not AIR. Please advice / give suitable comparison of marks secured by a PI candidate with corresponding marks of ME candidate.

  1179. kishore

    i hav got gate rank 972 and score is 575in eee with percentile of 98.17, now can i get seat in iit or in nit.plz sugest me which college i get.

  1180. chandu

    i got AIR is 6371 and gate score is 440 and marks is 30 in CS gate 2010. can i chance in Hyderabad central university?? plz suggest me which college may i expect???

  1181. niraj

    my gate score is 359 in mech. and my air is 6646 , can i get adm. in any nit

  1182. Gagan Singla

    Sir i have a gate score of 468 and air is 5098 in CS which college shud i try… plz suggest me some better colleges with cutoffs of nit’s like hamirpur & kurukshetra…

  1183. kapil

    my gate score is 436 in mech. and my air is 3816 , can i get adm. in any nit

  1184. Narasimha

    Sir My gate score is 473 and my all India rank is 4924 and percentile is 95.42% in CS stream.Can I get a seat in any university in andhra pradesh or any NITs.Plz suggest me for better colleges to my rank.

  1185. arun

    i have gate score 461 all india gate rank 2591 which colleges should i apply for mtech …… my btech aggereate is 59.69

  1186. sameer

    dear admin,

    whch is better – going for top nits r new iits(sm of wch not yet hv permanant infra) for mtech
    please reply

  1187. srinivasan

    sir, My GATE score is 306 and AIR is 17888 GATE percentile is 82.86 and to be more specific my My marks are 20.67 and my paper was ECE Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1188. santosh kumar

    My GATE score is 411 and AIR is 4560 GATE percentile is 92.3 and to be more specific my marks are 23.67 and my paper was MECH. Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY???? THANKS!

  1189. Rahul shrivastava

    I have qualified GATE-2010 in Electrical (EE), with marks 27/100,
    GATE SCORE – 352, AIR- 6294.
    kindly suggest any furthur options for me to follow.


    my gate 2010 air is 2082 and my gate score is 213 in subject is physics so where i should apply for m tech course


    I got gate score is 213 my air is 2082 so please give the suggitions where iwill apply for my m tech course

  1192. aravind

    sir i got 4272 rank and 494 score and my paper is EC. please send me the list of colleges

  1193. prabha

    my GATE score is 353 and AIR is 1337 in Biotechnology. My CGPA in college is 8.43 and my last sem of BTech(BT) will be complete by may, 2010.Plz guide me that in which colleges should i seek for MTech admissions?i dont want to go for private institutes.

  1194. jignesh lakhani

    I have 803 score.with air 242 in cse.
    in which collage i will take admission.
    will i get direct admission in iit.

    1. Zahid

      Jignesh lakhani: According to my calculations you should in IITs for next two years provided you fulfill other eligibility criteria. You should be able to make it to IITs this year.
      You should not leave IITM, D, KGP, G , and R.
      probably you may a direct admission too.

  1195. birottam kumar

    I have got 25.67 marks and gate score is 335 and my rank is 7178 from EE branch which college should i get

  1196. pravanjan patra

    i have get a gate score of 512,my rank is 3700, my percentile is 96.5 in etc branch can i get ms or phd in iits ?

  1197. Bikashkumar sahu

    I have qualified in GATE.I have 394 score.with all in rank 4495 in electrical engg. .in which college iwill take admission in MTECH. ,

  1198. rajya vardhan

    hi….my stream is EC….my gate score 660….rank 1003….please suggest me the colleges i can apply….kindly get back to me…thank u..

  1199. Ashish Kumar

    I have got 32.67 marks and gate score is 467 and my rank is 5300 from EC branch which college should i get

  1200. S.Sree Krishna

    Hi Zahid’
    I should say you are doing a fantastic job and your information gives clear picture about the current trends in various institutes.My gate performance details are given below:
    Paper – PI
    Gate Score – 393
    Marks out of 100 – 25
    AIR – 250
    Kindly suggest the options available to me.Thank you and my best wishes for your future endeavors.

  1201. Ranjeet Singh

    My GATE score is 346 and AIR is 13554 and to be more specific my My marks are 23.33 belong to OBC non creamy and my paper was cs/it Engineering.

  1202. Samiran das

    in IN stream my AIR=1699,PERCENTILE 88%,GATER score=353.Where can I ger admission?

  1203. abhay

    i got 35.67 out of 100..is there posibility to get in any NIT..

  1204. abhay


    my gate score is 332 in biotechnology and AIR 1660…where should I apply???

  1205. santosh kumar

    i belong to OBC
    my gate score is 457 and rank is 2687
    where should i apply for M.tech
    my stream is EEE

  1206. rahul

    Sir my gate score is 373 in EC & me belongs to obc category . can i get any nit this time. my plans are to appear for gate 2011 but still any chance this time?

  1207. ram

    my gate score is 543 and AIR is 2859.
    gate percentile is 97.2 and my categeory is general…..ece branch….
    is there any chance for nits…

  1208. B.Eswari

    I have written GATE 2010 exam. My Score is 503. May I get admission in NIT Tiruchy r any other NIT’s. And I have also apply for MS in IIT madras may i get it???

  1209. pradeep

    hello sir,
    My gate score is 104 & AIR is 3792 . My gate paper is ph (physics). Please show the list of college

  1210. ashwini

    i got 364 score in gate-2010 and my branch is ece, i am andhra pradesh and o.c candidate. can i get seat in universities? plz help me to which colleges i need to apply?

  1211. Sindhu

    Sir, My gate score is 407 and AIR is 8353 percentile~93 in computerScience
    Tell can i get into any of the NITs

  1212. sumit pathak

    hello sir,
    this infomation is gud enough for getting ideas for those who are seeking addmistion in M_Tech
    my gate scr is 600 ,
    AIR-1707 ,
    Gate pepar-cs
    open cat
    and loking for M_tech in cs, or infomation security
    Please help me out whether i can get admission in any of the NIT’s
    plz help me , which nit should i look for……?

  1213. maneet singh

    GATE Score : 396
    Percentile : 91.62
    AIR : 8975
    Marks : 27
    Category : General
    Where shoud I apply????

  1214. ankur

    My GATE score is 445 and AIR is 6151 GATE percentile is 94.25 and to be more specific my My marks are 30.33 and my paper was cs Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1215. rahul

    hello sir,
    the above informations are very good to get some ideas….
    my specialised paper :CS/IT
    my gate score :341
    my all india rank :14044
    and my catagory is SC……..can i get any one NIT among all NITs…………….or what type of good ranking colleges in india…..

  1216. pramod sharma

    sir,my rank is 4241 in gate 2010 ,i belong to general candidate ,my gate score is 421 am i eligible to get admission in any institute? my branch is mechanical.please show the list of colleges.

  1217. mallikarjun

    sir my gate score is 418 ece branch OBC catg… is there any chance of getting nit if it is which branch i will get or any good institutes

  1218. Prakruthi

    My GATE score is 289 and AIR is 3883 GATE percentile is 80 and to be more specific my My marks are 21.67 and my paper was civil Engineering. Now Zahid TELL ME WHERE SHALL I APPLY????

  1219. shibin

    sir,i have cleared gate exam in aerospace stream.i got 92 percentile and my AIR is 145.so please tell me whether can i apply for M.TECH AEROSPACE in IIT’S.please help me sir.i am really confused.

    1. Saritha

      Hi .,
      What was your score,what you are doing now

  1220. k abhilash reddy


    hi this is abhilash reddy my gate score is 606 and AIR is 1645.
    can i expect a seat in any IITs or any NITs . please suggest me that which course should i prefer( in ECE department).i am a open catogery student.

  1221. rakhee

    i scored 468, 32/100, air 5098 can i apply for iit,

  1222. vinoth kanna

    hello sir,
    the above informations are very good to get some ideas….
    my specialised paper :electrical and electronics(EEE)
    my gate score :264
    my percentile :76.04
    my all india rank :12516
    and my catagory is SC……..can i get any one NIT among all NITs…………….or what type of good ranking colleges in india…..

  1223. ganesh

    open cat
    branch -cse
    gate score-487
    which universities are possible?

  1224. ganesh

    Is there any for NIT’s?

  1225. ganesh

    cs branch my gate score is 487 for which colleges ,I will apply?

  1226. Ashish

    Hello Sir…
    Thanks for this great analysis.

    Gate Paper: CS
    BE Branch: IT
    AIR: 4734
    Gate Score:487
    Category: OBC Non Creamy Layer

    Please help me out whether i can get admission in any of the NIT’s or if not then in what colleges i should apply..
    Please help me i am so confused…
    Thanks in advance…

  1227. Ananda kumar

    sir, my gate score is 518, %- 96.53, AIR is 2055, branch- MECHANICAL. coming n OBC category. could u pls suggest me which colleges should i apply… do i hav a chance to get a seat in any of these- NITs (warangal, surathkal, trichy). will i get M.Tech ( manuf. engg )seat in any of the IITs ? pls inform us abt the NITs which offers good placements for MECH guys…….

    Hearty thanks for ur useful information sir……….

  1228. srihari

    hello sir,
    i got the gate score of 386
    AIR is 4820.
    my stream is EEE.
    where did i get a seat for my m.tech?
    please give the analysis chart for different branches…
    did i get seat in NIT’s?

  1229. srihari

    hello sir,
    i got the gate score of 386
    AIR is 4820.
    where did i get a seat for my m.tech?
    please give the analysis chart for different branches…
    did i get seat in NIT’s?

  1230. varsha

    hi sir,

    my gate score is 619, and AIR is 1433.. with 98.61 percentile.

    pls advice for which colleges should i apply , is there any chance of getting me into IITs, and would there be more chances if i take admission next year.

    pls reply…

  1231. Raja

    I got Marks 39.33
    AIR 2572
    Score 557
    I’m from A.P. ECE department.and i want to do Embedded/VLSI
    Give me overview of where can i get admission and tell me what the best Universities in India providing corresponding specializations.
    instruct me how to proceed.

  1232. gaurav

    my gate AIR is 1354 & gate score is 629 . my stream is electronics & com . engg. where shd i seek to apply

    1. kirti


  1233. Neeti

    great job sir it will really help us….
    if u have idea about newly opened IITs, their status/rank pls inform us..

  1234. sachin

    branch : EC
    gate score : 458
    AIR :5680
    pecentile : 94.5

    plz suggest me which coleges should i apply .. very confused.
    plz help
    thnx in advance

  1235. uma

    which r d best clg’s can i get into?

  1236. uma

    thanks a lot for the information..
    do i get in nit’s?

  1237. kandarp

    hi…i am kandarp(open candidate)

    Examination Paper: ME – Mechanical Engineering
    Marks out of 100: 22.67
    No of Candidates Appeared in this Paper: 59338
    All India Rank: 005110
    GATE Score: 0395

    can i get admission in any nits or any gov.colleges? pls suggess me.i am very confuse about this

  1238. Sumeet

    sir i have scored 422 in gate 2010
    branch: Electronics and telecommunication
    gate score:422
    gate score out off 100 – 29.33
    rank: 7511
    which college i shuld apply for mtech program
    will i get any nits specialy nagpur one plz guide

  1239. Pradeep Bhagawath

    Hi I asked a question earlier..But now could not find where to ask..

    I have GATE 2010 Mechanical Rank 3554, percentile 94.01 and marks 26, but confused where to apply for since all cutoffs are very high

    Please help me

    Pradeep Bhagawath

  1240. mayank

    HI admin

    My name is mayank and i 2009 passout BE(Comp Sc.). I gave GATE this time and i got 4374 rank and 487 Gate score and percentile is 95.92 .Can you tell me what are my option now for course or any job.

  1241. BHARAT

    Dr Zahid ,
    Great job done sir. It would be of great help if you could give an analysis of what the rank in 2010 is in correspondence to 2009.For example I got a rank of 2760 AIR in 2010 with score 543 ,what is this rank in correspondence to GATE 2009.

  1242. sameer

    hello sir,

    thnq for helping us

    -wt abt admissions in new iits for mtech ? wts ur opinion,i mean can u rank these new ones among all(old iits nits) for mtech
    -will there be similar process of written test, interview in nits also?

    my score is 619-cse,air 1443, can i be in the race for iits

  1243. Naveen

    Hi sir….
    I got 440 gate score CSE…
    I am an OBC candidate…
    Do i have a chance to get a seat in any universities in andhra pradesh….
    Please reply…

  1244. Naveen

    Hi sir….
    I got 440 gate score CSE…
    I am an OBC candidate…
    Do i have a chance to get a seat in any universities in andhra pradesh….

  1245. Soumya

    gate score 619
    rank 1443
    can i get cs(any branch) in any of iits and nits????

  1246. harsh

    i want to that i have got 108 gate score….can i get admission any nit and private institute for m.tech.i have done BE ECE.please suggest me some good colleges

  1247. rakesh kumar gupta

    sir my gate2010 score is 416 & marks is 28.33 & AIR 7719.which college can i get for m tech.

  1248. Shawna Guha

    Hey Zahid,thanx a lot for this analysis.I was completely in a fix about wat to do.Still I would like to ask the same question;I am in instrumentation stream with gate score-263 and AIR-3392.I know it’s difficult to get into IITs but can I give a try to NITs,JU and BESU??????And can u plz tell me whether marks obtained in gate is also taken into consideration always alongwith the gate score and AIR????/Thanx a lot again…

  1249. amitesh

    nice analysis….it definitely helps us … thanx for ur kind support..

  1250. Sreekanth

    I am sorry i read it wrongly earlier πŸ™‚ but now things are more clear. Thanks for your explanations πŸ˜€

    1. admin

      Hey Sreekanth: you are too desparate to get into IITs πŸ™‚ thats why you see it everywhere πŸ˜€
      All the best dude..

  1251. gaurav

    sir i have scored in gate 2010
    branch: electrical
    gate score:348
    which college i shuld apply for mtech program
    will i get any nits plz guide

    1. Utkarsh

      Hii gaurav. I have got exactly 26.67 marks in gate but qualification score is 27.. so anyways i wanted to know,what college u hve admitted to? Plz recommend me something

  1252. sachin

    hi sir i got 6868 rank with 29.33 and 0430 score in cs am i able to get admission to any good college

    1. pan supariwala

      nononono hahahahah

  1253. mohan

    Dear Sahid,

    Two more factors for consideration.
    With Gate score being valid for two years, there may be a no.of rank holders from third year students but not eligible to apply this year.
    Also IT and CS being one stream together from this year, the combined strength makes it look that AIR is double compared to last year.
    Taking these two factors also in your consideration can you give a new estimate .

    1. admin

      Mohan: Last year GATE Score (2009) is not valid for this year but this year GATE score is vaild for next too. And I think there are not too many 3rd year students to worry about at the level of IITs. The tendency is that usually who get good score for GATE in thrid year will try for abroad in final year.
      I gave the estimates after considering both CSE and IT together, I mean, I know that CSE and IT are merged and Ranks are annunced together. Can you please look into GATE 2010 analysis let make if you are adressing the same point.
      Thank for the inputs.

    2. Rybka

      Resp Zahid Sir, This is my second aetmtpt. Sir plzzz gv me proper advice. My economical ondition is so weak. But i cant take decision that whether to take admission to mtech or go n join industry .As I already mentioned my graduation marks till 3rd year -58%from pune university ..so plz tell me colleges wich gv gud stipend and require less fees I ll b thankful if u reply..bcoz i knw ur time is so valuable If u feel that i shud do job plz tell me Amar Potghan

  1254. Zahid

    Sreekanth: I never said “900 AIR for other engineering streams will fetch an admission to IIT” Sorry for that. No one can say even with a good score that you can get into IITs. IITs may not give you admission, because many other reasons. But What i asked, in other sense is, that you may give a serious thought for getting into IITs with 900 AIR or close to it. It means, if you have close to 900 AIR you should apply and try for admission, like attending written test and interview.
    why 900, the magic figure, unlike CSE other barnch offer specializations. Consider everydepartment have on the avarage 3 specializtions and every specialization have 15~20 seats on avarege now the calculation comes to.
    3X20X7 (if we consider only old IITs) = 420
    Few toppers are gone to IISc + jobs + abroad think (around 80). Now the total is 500 ( it means if first 80 go out next 420 have seat in IITs). Now as you can see most of the IITs are calling for Written test and interview for most of the courses aleast the ratio of interview call will twice as the seats, this may fetch a chance for a rank 900 student to get a call to attend written test and interview.
    Just getting a call for written test and intervies is not admission to IITs, it mean you are in the race for IITs.
    900 AIR means you are in Race for IITs not in IITs until you get an admission letter.

    Hope clears what and why I say that. Thanks a lot Sreekanth for input, hope it will help many.

  1255. SUDHEER

    Iam sudheer i got gate score 101 and my air is 5544 can i get a seat in any of the nits or i heard that others universities also offer Mteck course in CY BASED ON GATE SCORE

  1256. Sreekanth

    Hi zahid,
    From your personnel analysis, 900 AIR for other engineering streams will fetch an admission to IIT.. i have a doubt regarding this, cuz i am in Instrumentation stream..and i think there are very very few seats for Instrumentation in IITs.. my rank is 363 can i expect a seat @ IIT ? Hope ur analysis comes true for IN too πŸ™‚

  1257. durga

    sorry for asking routine question..
    with gate score 543(rank 2700) and OBC category can i get cs(any branch) in any of nits

  1258. Pradeep

    wat do you mean by gate qualified????
    and in all IITs web site its put valid gate score wat is it??
    wat will b cut off for mech this year??

  1259. Mihir Gokani

    Excellent! This is what I was looking for!!! I know this is your personal analysis, but it’s well enough to give me some base to think for admission in IIT.
    Thank you!

    1. pramod kumar

      sir i have scored in gate 2017
      branch: mechanical
      gate score:391
      which college i shuld apply for mtech program
      will i get any nits plz guide

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