It is really an important question and usually one who is preparing for GATE struck at. Usually the first question comes to mind that is it better to go for GATE coaching center or prepare from home or hostel. This a part of series of article that I m preparing for students who are preparing for GATE.
This really depends on oneself. The major thing is your concentration and motive for cracking GATE. Every student has different characteristics and this decision mostly depends on that. Joining and not joining a coaching center have their own pro and cons and you can judge what is best based on how you can handle the negative aspect while taking the full advantage of positive sides.
Let me first start with advantages of joining a coaching center. The first and foremost advantage is you are forced to take time for studies, eventually you will learn few things there. Second advantage is you can make use of tips given by experienced faculty. General information like study material, questions and solutions from fellow mates.
The basic disadvantage of joining a coaching center is that you need to go there. Time is consumed in traveling a little before and after the class. You may in a no time situation for revising the stuff you learned. This can be big issue in metro and big cities as the traffic and distance to a good coaching center may take up to an hour to go and another hour to comeback. Another disadvantage can be meeting new friends and waste more time with them, slowly as you go formal less information and more useless stuff start flowing.
The advantage of studying at home is that you have total control over time and a complete concentration is possible. You can save lot of time that you spend in going out to class and buffer time between the classes. You can spare some time for search and being a part of active forums on internet to see what others are doing and how they are preparing.
The major disadvantages of studying at home are lots distracters that may push you away from study like, TV, internet, family member, relative and friends. Even a single cut of tea from your beloved mom may take an hour and finally end up not doing anything. A Cricket match, a TV serial or a movie can lead to hours of distraction.
To make it in simple words if you are an average student better you choose to opt a coaching center. On the other hand, if you above average better prepare from home and keep the distractions away from you.
Make a balance between pro and cons and don’t waste your precious time in distracters like matches, TV shows, too much to time with friends and relatives. Stay focused and rise above you excuses and realize your dreams .Wish you all a great luck.