CCMT Cutoff

NIT Durgapur GATE Cutoff and Seats 2021

NIT Durgapur GATE Cutoff and seats 2021 will give you all updated information on CCMT 2021 min and max GATE score for each round.

Usually all available seat allocated in each round but most of the students do not report and expect a better branch in next rounds. Seat vacancy after reporting table will give one an idea about how the seats are taken for an M.Tech Program at a specific institute or university. This will help students making decision on where to apply and which course to expect in various rounds.

We have been collecting CCMT minimum and maximum score information for many years from official sources. Find complete Category wise Seat information. For an year wise closing GATE scores for M.Tech admissions into various NITs, IIITs and centrally funded institutes (Central Univeristies) follow the below tool.

CCMT Cutoff and College Predictor

InI provide tons of great advices for students looking for M.Tech admissions in IITs, NITs, IIITs and other centrally funded institutes (Central Universities). Do check a set of must read articles for M.Tech, M.Tech admission advices and post engineering confusions for more details.

The cutoffs after each round reporting for National Institute of Technology Durgapur in CCMT 2021 is given below.

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 |

NIT Durgapur GATE Cutoff based on CCMT 2021 Round 1

Department Program Group Open Max Open Min BC Max BC Min SC Max SC Min ST Max ST Min
Biotechnology Biotechnology G1 624 516 394 370 296 185 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering G1 544 440 378 361 271 266 0 0
Earth & Environmental Studies Environmental Science & Technology G1 487 453 440 419 313 292 260 247
Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer G1 610 481 447 413 269 233 0 0
Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering G1 526 485 456 432 311 304 260 256
Mechanical Engineering Machine Design G1 753 541 512 495 240 240 0 0
Physics Advanced Material Science & Technology G1 441 409 361 348 251 236 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Microelectronics & VLSI G1 904 555 526 498 340 320 283 283
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Technology G1 538 400 360 316 262 184 0 0
Mathematics Operations Research G1 598 544 539 490 343 290 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power Electronics & Machine Drives G1 543 513 502 479 332 305 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (Energy Resources and Sustainable Environmental Engineering) G1 436 414 399 368 269 267 198 198
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering G1 566 511 502 472 389 329 289 289
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering G1 604 552 516 465 269 240 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power System G1 498 481 456 441 316 286 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering G1 508 469 436 417 288 264 0 0
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering G1 657 569 558 485 410 369 286 259
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation and Control) G1 499 468 430 418 320 282 0 0

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 |

NIT Durgapur GATE Cutoff based on CCMT 2021 Round 2

Department Program Group Open Max Open Min BC Max BC Min SC Max SC Min ST Max ST Min
Biotechnology Biotechnology G1 536 487 409 370 296 185 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering G1 463 394 335 329 0 0 0 0
Earth & Environmental Studies Environmental Science & Technology G1 450 418 397 382 272 262 260 247
Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer G1 610 472 416 350 269 233 0 0
Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering G1 479 442 414 389 311 278 260 256
Mechanical Engineering Machine Design G1 594 501 495 402 0 0 0 0
Physics Advanced Material Science & Technology G1 440 377 0 0 236 232 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Microelectronics & VLSI G1 555 512 493 474 317 298 283 283
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Technology G1 538 357 0 0 184 184 0 0
Mathematics Operations Research G1 562 500 490 410 290 289 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power Electronics & Machine Drives G1 517 479 445 418 332 286 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (Energy Resources and Sustainable Environmental Engineering) G1 419 385 378 334 231 228 198 198
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering G1 566 486 478 433 389 329 279 279
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering G1 604 529 516 440 269 269 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power System G1 483 464 456 403 316 282 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering G1 465 431 388 345 264 264 0 0
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering G1 624 542 485 433 410 358 286 259
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation and Control) G1 468 418 392 373 267 263 0 0

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 |

NIT Durgapur GATE Cutoff based on CCMT 2021 Round 3

Department Program Group Open Max Open Min BC Max BC Min SC Max SC Min ST Max ST Min
Biotechnology Biotechnology G1 531 487 409 370 296 185 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering G1 399 368 0 0 0 0 0 0
Earth & Environmental Studies Environmental Science & Technology G1 436 410 397 372 263 262 260 247
Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer G1 610 454 396 350 269 233 0 0
Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering G1 469 421 407 378 311 278 249 231
Mechanical Engineering Machine Design G1 594 501 495 368 0 0 0 0
Physics Advanced Material Science & Technology G1 440 350 0 0 236 232 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Microelectronics & VLSI G1 555 507 493 474 317 298 283 283
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Technology G1 538 361 0 0 184 184 0 0
Mathematics Operations Research G1 562 490 465 395 290 277 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power Electronics & Machine Drives G1 517 479 445 400 332 267 0 0
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (Energy Resources and Sustainable Environmental Engineering) G1 411 370 360 334 231 231 198 198
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering G1 566 485 478 433 389 329 279 279
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering G1 604 529 516 440 0 0 0 0
Electrical Engineering Power System G1 483 456 430 388 316 271 0 0
Electronics & Communication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering G1 441 417 388 326 264 264 0 0
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering G1 624 523 476 431 369 346 286 259
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation and Control) G1 468 407 381 354 263 260 0 0

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 |

For all other institute cut off information on CCMT 2021 do refer to CCMT 2021 Cutoffs for NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. For Questions you can either comment you can ask here or ask on InI forum at M.Tech admissions.

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