JAC Delhi

JAC Delhi Counselling 2025: Important Dates, Registration and Choice Filling

JAC Delhi counselling is conducted for admission to the B.Tech and B.Arch courses offered at Delhi Technical University.

JAC Delhi organized the online registration and choice filling for B.Tech, B.Arch, and Dual Degree Program B.Tech. (MAE). Candidates can apply for the counselling registration on the official website, JAC Delhi Through Join Admission Counseling candidates get admission to B. Tech. & B. Arch. and Dual Degree Program B.tech / MBA courses. Candidates are provided admission into the four universities in Delhi DTU, IGDTUW, IIT-D, and NSUT in engineering and architecture programs.

JAC Delhi Cutoff & College Predictor

JAC Delhi Joint Admission Counselling Committee, Delhi organizes JAC Delhi Counselling. The counseling is conducted for shortlisted candidates who have qualified for JEE Main with valid scores. Counseling of JAC Delhi is in online mode except for the document verification. The candidate needs to report at the allotted center in person for verification of documents.

JAC Delhi Counselling List of Participating University

University  ProgramDuration
Delhi Technological University (DTU)B. Tech.4 Years
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
(IGDTUWI for female candidates only)
B Tech.
Dual Degree B. Tech. (MAE) + MBA
4 Years
6 Years
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (lllT-D)B. Tech.4 Years
Netaji Subhash University of Technology (NSUT)B.Tech4 Years
Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU)B.Tech4 Years

JAC Delhi Registration

JAC Delhi Counselling Commencement of Online Registration and choice filling. To be announced
JAC Delhi Counselling Closing Date and Time for Online Registration (Registration Form filling and Choice filling.) To be announced
Online document verification
CW (Defence) sub-category Priority I to V & VII only
KM (Kashmiri Migrants) & Bonus Points with reference only to IIIT-D
To be announced

JAC Delhi Counselling Important Dates

JAC Delhi Counselling 1st Round__
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting, academic fee payment, branch freezing, and admission withdrawal schedule___
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,12,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing (Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices) Withdrawal of admissionTo be announced
JAC Delhi Counselling 2nd Round___
New Registrations/ Change in Preference of Choices for To be announced
Defense, KM Priority & Bonus Points Verification for newly registered candidates
(For Newly registered candidates, their documents uploaded during registration will be verified for Defence Priority & Bonus Point. The status of this verification will be made available to the candidates before 
To be announced
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting and academic fee payment, branch freezing, and admission withdrawal schedule___
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,12,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing
(Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices)
To be announced
Withdrawal of admissionTo be announced
JAC Delhi Counselling 3rd Round__
New Registrations/ Change in Preference of Choices To be announced
Defense, KM priority & Bonus Points Verification for newly registered candidates
(For Newly registered candidates, their documents uploaded during registration will be verified for Defence Priority & Bonus Point. The status of this verification will be made available to the candidates before 
To be announced
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting and academic fee payment, branch freezing, and admission withdrawal schedule__
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,12,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing
(Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices)
To be announced
Withdrawal of admissionTo be announced
Defense, KM priority & Bonus Points Verification for newly registered candidates
(For Newly registered candidates, their documents uploaded during registration will be verified for Defence Priority & Bonus Point. The status of this verification will be made available to the candidates before )
New Registrations/ Change in Preference of Choices  To be announced
Defense, KM priority & Bonus Points Verification for newly registered candidates
(For Newly registered candidates, their documents uploaded during registration will be verified for Defence Priority & Bonus Point. Status of this verification will be made available to the candidates before )
To be announced
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting and academic fee payment, branch freezing, and admission withdrawal schedule___
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,12,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing
(Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices)
To be announced
Withdrawal of admissionTo be announced
All registered candidates who do not hold any seat in any of the participating institutes can participate in Phase II of counseling. Candidates, who have not registered for JAC Delhi so far, can also participate in Phase II of counseling after Fresh registration with the participation fee of Rs.
10000/- (except all those candidates who are already admitted till Round 4) as per the schedule given. All the admitted candidates till Round 4 will automatically be allowed to participate in Phase II of counseling, and these candidates can edit/modify their filled choices if they have not exercised the FREEZE option till round 4
JAC Delhi Counselling 5th Round___
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting and academic fee payment and branch freezing schedule___
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,02,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing
(Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices)
To be announced
JAC Delhi Counselling 6th Round___
Declaration of seat allotment resultTo be announced
Online reporting and academic fee payment and branch freezing schedule___
Payment of an academic fee of Rs. 1,02,000 through JAC Delhi portalTo be announced
Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to the candidatesTo be announced
Chance to clear the deficiencies by uploading new documents/visiting allotted institute personallyTo be announced
Online seat freezing
(Candidates can freeze their allotted seat if they do not want any up gradation of seat/institute as per their filled choices)
To be announced

JAC Delhi Eligibility

  • Admission in B.Tech. Courses in NSUT, DTU, and IGDTUW is only based on All India Rank in JEE (Main) – Paper-I scores
  • Admission in B.Arch. Course in IGDTUW is based on CRL rank in JEE (Main) – Paper-II scores.
  • Admission to IIT-D is based on percentile score obtained in Paper-I of JEE Main and bonus points for achievements in various areas like Olympiads, Programming Contest, National Talent Search, Sports, Culture, Chess, Innovation, etc.
  • Only those students who have got 60% marks in their 10+2 or equivalent qualification with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and had appeared and qualified in JEE (Main) are eligible to apply for admission in NSIT, IGDTUW, and DTU
  • DTU, NSUT, IGDTUW, and DSEU should have at least 70% in 10+2 science group and qualified in JEE (Main) for applying for admission in IIIT-D. Admission to B.Tech. in the institutions DTU, NSUT, IGDTUW, and DSEU will be based on the above criterion
  • Admission in IIIT-D the weightage score of JEE (Main) along with other activities like National Talent Search, Olympiads, Programming contests, Sports, Cultural activities, Innovation, etc will also be considered

JAC Delhi Reservations

  1. 85% of the seats of all the above-participating institutes are reserved for Indian nationals resident in the Delhi region (NCT of Delhi) while 15% are for outside state candidates.
  2. The eligibility marks criterion of 10+2 will be reduced by 5 to 10% in respect of various reserved categories.
  3. Reservation quota for reserved category candidates is available as: SC-15%, ST-7.5%, OBC-27%, EWS-10%, Defence-5%, and PwD-5%.
CategorySeats Reserved

JAC Delhi Counselling Procedure

JAC Delhi counselling will be conducted in four rounds and one additional spot round will be conducted if the seats remain vacant after the initial four rounds. JAC Delhi counseling comprises the following step

Step 1: Registration

Candidates need to register only once for all the rounds of the counseling process. In the case of the Spot round the authority will invite a new registration. Aspirants have to follow the below-listed steps for registration:

  1. Visit the JAC Delhi Registration portal
  2. Click on the “New Registration” link.
  3. Now enter the JEE Main Roll number, Date of Birth, Nationality, and Class 12th Result to access the registration form.

Step 2: Payment of Counselling fee

As the first step, the candidate needs to deposit the Counselling fee of Rs. 1500. This fee can be paid in online mode as well as offline mode. Candidates must know that once the counselling fee has been paid it cannot be refunded under any circumstance.

Step 3: Log in to JAC Account

Applicants have to log in to their JAC Account. After logging in they will be able to view their registration details, available choices, and also the choices filled by them at the time of the registration process.

Step 4: Allotment of Seats

The seats will be allotted to all the selected candidates on the basis of the JEE Main rank. Applicants who will be allotted the seats then need to pay an initial admission fee.

A spot Round will be conducted after the completion of all 6 rounds of JAC Delhi Counselling for filling the vacant seats.

JAC Delhi Counselling Documents Required at the time of JAC Delhi Admission

JAC Delhi Counselling Candidates have to carry the following documents in the original format only.

  • Receipt of the Admission Fee Payment.
  • Online created Registration Form duly signed by guardian/parent and candidate.
  • Printout of filled choices (printed after the closing of registration)
  • Three passport size photographs.
  • Printout of the Admit Card & Score Card of JEE(Main.
  • Marks sheet of the qualifying examination i.e. Class XII or equivalent.
  • Printout out of Seat Allotment Letter downloaded
  • Date of Birth Certificate as indicated in High School or equivalent examination i.e. Class X
  • Bonus Point documents, if eligible for IIIT-D bonus point.
  • Reserved category/sub-category Certificate
  • Medical fitness certificate original in case of General / SC / ST / CW / OBC / SG / TP / CW / KM (Format available in this brochure)

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Do share with friends and in case of questions please feel free to drop a comment.

Wish you All Good Luck !!


Who conducts JAC Delhi counseling?

Joint Admission Committee (JAC) Delhi conducts JAC Delhi counseling for admission into B.Tech/B.Arch courses.

JAC Delhi cutoffs?

How many rounds of Counselling are there in JAC Delhi?

In Phase 1 of JAC Delhi Counselling 4 rounds
In Phase 2 of JAC Delhi Counselling 2 rounds will be there

What is JAC Delhi?

Joint Admission Counseling (JAC) for admission to Undergraduate Programmes in premier Delhi Government funded universities, offering Engineering, Architecture, and Management programs

Fees of JAC Delhi Counselling?

The candidate first needs to pay the registration cum counseling fee which is a non-refundable registration-cum-counselling fee of Rs. 1500/-

What are spot rounds in JAC Delhi Counselling?

Spot round actually comes after the last round of the seat allotment process in JAC Delhi Counselling.

Does DTU accept JEE Mains score?

Candidates can take admitted to DTU on the basis of JEE Main rank. you need to convert your JEE Mains score into rank.

How can I apply for JAC Delhi?

You can apply it by following the steps
1. Visit the JAC Delhi Registration portal
2. Click on the “New Registration” link.
3. Now enter the JEE Main Roll number, Date of Birth, Nationality, and Class 12th Result to access the registration form

Are there any management quota seats in JAC Delhi?

There is no MANAGEMENT QUOTA seat in any of the participating universities/institutes. Candidates are advised that they should not believe in unscrupulous elements claiming that they can arrange Management Quota seats.

When and where will the list of selected candidates be displayed?

Seat allotment status will be made available on the Candidate’s Login after the declaration of seat allotment results in each round as specified in the counseling schedule.

A student who has done schooling in Delhi can apply outside the Delhi quota.

No, the Candidate needs to apply under the Delhi quota only.

Who is a Delhi Region candidate?

The students who have passed qualifying exams (i.e. 12th) from the schools located in Delhi (having PIN CODE of Delhi), irrespective of the location of their hometown, would be considered “Delhi Candidates”.

Are there any seats reserved for single-girl child candidates?

One seat in each branch of DTU over and above the normal intake is reserved for Single Girl Child candidates (Girl having no brother and sister (except twin sister)), who have passed 10+2 from schools located in NCT of Delhi for admission to B. Tech. courses. No seat is reserved in NSUT, IIITD, IGDTUW and DSEU for a single girl child.

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