JEE Main Cutoff

iitrma Cutoffs 2021

iitrma cutoffs 2021 will give you all updated information on JOSAA 2021 opening and closing rank at each round. JEE Main cutoff round wise will give you details of B.Tech admissions in Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management Ahmedabad.

We have been collecting JoSAA opening and closing rank information for last 7 yrs. To get an idea how the seats are allocated in previous years do follow JOSAA opening and closing ranks given below.

JEE Main College Predictor

To encourage female students and improve their ratio in 2018 Join Seat Allocation proposed and implemented Supernumerary seats for females. Few seats are added to each program in all institutes to accommodate more female students. These seats are filled by female-only students. Therefore, sometime more seats are allotted than the original capacity to female only seats. In 2019 similar reservation was made for students for economically weaker sections (EWS).InI team created JEE Advanced Rank Predictor, JEE Advanced College Predictor, JEE Main Rank Predictor and JEE Main College predictor based on cutoff data since 2014. Do refer to IIT Cutoff, NIT Cutoff and IIIT Cutoff for all individual IIT, NIT, and IIT year wise Cutoffs.

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

The round wise JoSAA 2021 cutoff information for iitrma is as follows.

iitrma Round 1 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 40967 46790 7572 7651 13810 15862 7858 8778 2663 3231
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 33090 40952 6647 6838 11638 14210 7839 9196 3121 3425
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 35207 44717 6849 7493 13751 14885 9132 9509 3968 4271

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 2 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 40967 46790 7572 7651 13810 15862 7858 8778 2663 3231
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 33090 40952 6647 6838 11638 14210 7839 9196 3121 3425
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 35207 44717 6849 7493 13751 14885 9132 9509 3968 4271

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 3 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 45024 53698 8242 8520 14595 18553 7858 10340 3231 3694
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 43918 7365 7549 15232 16511 9156 10353 3121 4152
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 48882 7775 8282 13751 17208 9527 10736 4271 4667

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 4 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 46272 54317 8665 8712 14595 18747 7858 10778 3231 3938
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 44876 7365 7549 15232 16693 9284 10501 3121 4203
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 50379 7775 8391 14714 17325 9527 10934 4271 4716

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 5 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 46272 54477 8665 8752 14595 18951 7858 11003 3231 3938
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 45107 7365 7797 15232 16871 9284 10626 3121 4271
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 50720 8013 8655 14714 17395 9527 10992 4615 4861

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 6 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 52107 62388 9621 9688 17228 20795 7858 11447 3231 4232
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 36501 53238 8257 8965 15232 18430 10501 11176 4271 5392
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 47986 59156 8983 9138 16964 19792 9527 11642 4931 5619

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

For all other JEE Main 2021 Cutoff do refer to JEE Main Cutoff 2021. For Questions you can either comment you can ask here or ask on InI forum at all about cutoffs and JEE Admissions.

For regular updates on JoSAA and other exams do like us on Facebook, follow us on Google Plus and subscribe to feed for email updates.

Dont forget to share with friends.iitrma Cutoffs 2021
iitrma cutoffs 2021 will give you all updated information on JOSAA 2021 opening and closing rank at each round. JEE Main cutoff round wise will give you details of B.Tech admissions in Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management-Ahmedabad.

We have been collecting JoSAA opening and closing rank information for last 7 yrs. To get an idea how the seats are allocated in previous years do follow JOSAA opening and closing ranks given below.

JEE Main College Predictor

To encourage female students and improve their ratio in 2018 Join Seat Allocation proposed and implemented Supernumerary seats for females. Few seats are added to each program in all institutes to accommodate more female students. These seats are filled by female-only students. Therefore, sometime more seats are allotted than the original capacity to female only seats. In 2019 similar reservation was made for students for economically weaker sections (EWS).InI team created JEE Advanced Rank Predictor, JEE Advanced College Predictor, JEE Main Rank Predictor and JEE Main College predictor based on cutoff data since 2014. Do refer to IIT Cutoff, NIT Cutoff and IIIT Cutoff for all individual IIT, NIT, and IIT year wise Cutoffs.

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

The round wise JoSAA 2021 cutoff information for iitrma is as follows.

iitrma Round 1 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 40967 46790 7572 7651 13810 15862 7858 8778 2663 3231
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 33090 40952 6647 6838 11638 14210 7839 9196 3121 3425
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 35207 44717 6849 7493 13751 14885 9132 9509 3968 4271

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 2 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 40967 46790 7572 7651 13810 15862 7858 8778 2663 3231
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 33090 40952 6647 6838 11638 14210 7839 9196 3121 3425
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 35207 44717 6849 7493 13751 14885 9132 9509 3968 4271

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 3 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 45024 53698 8242 8520 14595 18553 7858 10340 3231 3694
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 43918 7365 7549 15232 16511 9156 10353 3121 4152
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 48882 7775 8282 13751 17208 9527 10736 4271 4667

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 4 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 46272 54317 8665 8712 14595 18747 7858 10778 3231 3938
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 44876 7365 7549 15232 16693 9284 10501 3121 4203
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 50379 7775 8391 14714 17325 9527 10934 4271 4716

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 5 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 46272 54477 8665 8752 14595 18951 7858 11003 3231 3938
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 34197 45107 7365 7797 15232 16871 9284 10626 3121 4271
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 36738 50720 8013 8655 14714 17395 9527 10992 4615 4861

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

iitrma Round 6 Cutoff 2021 for B.Tech through JoSAA 2021

Course Name Duration Quota Seat Pool Gen Open Gen Close EWS Open EWS Close BC Open BC Close SC Open SC Close ST Open ST Close
Civil Engineering 4 AI GN 52107 62388 9621 9688 17228 20795 7858 11447 3231 4232
Electrical Engineering 4 AI GN 36501 53238 8257 8965 15232 18430 10501 11176 4271 5392
Mechanical Engineering 4 AI GN 47986 59156 8983 9138 16964 19792 9527 11642 4931 5619

Cutoff Round 1 | Cutoff Round 2 | Cutoff Round 3 | Cutoff Round 4 | Cutoff Round 5 | Cutoff Round 6 |

For all other JEE Main 2021 Cutoff do refer to JEE Main Cutoff 2021. For Questions you can either comment you can ask here or ask on InI forum at all about cutoffs and JEE Admissions.

For regular updates on JoSAA and other exams do like us on Facebook, follow us on Google Plus and subscribe to feed for email updates.

Dont forget to share with friends.

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