M.Tech Admission Info

IISc is Preferred over IITs by GATE Toppers

IISc is preferred over IITs by GATE toppers for years that is what data collected for GATE cutoff suggests. I made a video about IITs vs IISc and there was a huge interest in students who really are looking forward to knock the doors of nation’s best institutes for Engineering. The video is the result of talking to student who took admissions and IITB and IISc and received and admission from both the institutes.

As I have been collecting GATE cutoff data religiously for last couple of years and making them to go on a common platform I stumbled on some interesting facts based data analysis. I will be making posts based on those insights while cleaning and curating GATE cutoff data of years. Meanwhile if you want to try to look at cutoffs do have a look at an awesome tool we build. It also include IISc data from the year 2014 I am going to add 2015 data very soon.

IIT GATE Cutoff Tool

To give some insights to you I will compere IIT Bombay Data and IISc Bangalore data for four departments. Considering lowest score admitted by these institutes in any specialization in Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Departments. IITB is compared because it’s the best among IITs (Based on data please refer to IIT Ranking).

Department wise comparison of IITB and IISc

Department IIT Bombay IISc Bangalore
Computer Science 856~ 911
Electronics and Electrical 717~882 900~922
Mechanical 743~865 910~940
Civil 700~759 802~932

The first score is the lowest last admitted score in any specialization offered by the department in the institute. The last score in (first score ~ last score) indicates the highest last score admitted to a specialization in given department. For example in Civil engineering, Environmental Engineering is least preferred by students so the last score admitted to environmental engineering is first score shown in table. The structural engineering is most preferred by civil engineering students and most of the toppers prefer that. In the table last score admitted to structural engineering is shown.

When it comes to data IISc Bangalore is a clear choice for GATE toppers. When you consider other factors you may choose IIT Bombay or any other IIT too. One thing is for sure, IISc will play a major role in your career if you are looking research in future, which most of the master students feel going for after couple of years of work experience.

As a note, I appeared for IISc PhD interview 4 times but could not make it : ) but had lot of connection with students and faculty there. Even met director of computer science in couple of award functions and told him that he did not take me as PhD student he was laughing and said you now don’t make us regret on that part and it’s hard to judge someone in a 15 minutes interview.

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Hope this help you in making a decision. Wish you all a great luck ahead : )

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