M.Tech Admission Info

Number of M.Tech seats in IIT Kharagpur in 2016

Number of M.Tech seats in IIT Kharagpur in 2016 is a part of an effort to collect total number of M.Tech seats in IITs. It is very useful information for student looking for M.Tech admissions. These figures change year to year based on number of new courses IITs offered. But mostly remain same or very close the number mentioned in the blow tables. For all previous and late IIT Kharagpur course and category wise GATE cutoffs do visit IIT Kharagpur M.Tech cutoffs.

The below table gives you the information about number of seats in IIT Kharagpur for M.Tech in various courses and for different categories. This information combined with GATE cutoffs will give one a good idea about where they can get admission. To know previous years GATE cutoffs please follow the below link.

IIT GATE cutoffs since 2013

IIT GATE cutoff tool

To know you gate score based on different years GATE stats please follow the GATE score calculator.

Gate Score Calculator

Number of M.Tech Seats in IIT Kharagpur in 2016

Departement Specialization GN OBC SC ST Total
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering 12 6 4 2 24
Agricultural & Food Engineering Farm Machinery and Power 10 5 3 1 19
Agricultural & Food Engineering Land and Water Resources Engineering 9 5 3 1 18
Agricultural & Food Engineering Food Process Engineering 15 8 5 2 30
Agricultural & Food Engineering Agricultural Biotechnology 10 5 3 2 20
Agricultural & Food Engineering Agricultural Engineering 9 5 3 1 18
Agricultural & Food Engineering Agricultural Systems and Management 10 5 3 1 19
Architecture & Regional Planning City Planning 21 12 6 3 42
Biotechnology Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 12 6 4 2 24
Civil Engineering Hydraulic and Water Recourses Engineering 10 5 3 2 20
Civil Engineering Transportation Engineering 10 5 3 2 20
Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering and Management 9 5 3 1 18
Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering 9 6 2 1 18
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering 10 5 3 2 20
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering 38 20 11 6 75
CORAL Earth System Science and Technology 15 9 4 3 31
Crygenic Engineering Cryogenic Engineering 11 5 3 2 21
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science and Engineering 34 18 10 5 67
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering Microelectronics and VLS Design 15 8 4 2 29
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering RF and Microwave Engineering 14 8 4 2 28
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering Telecommunication Systems Engineering 14 8 4 2 28
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering Visual Information & Embedded System Engineering 14 8 4 2 28
Electrical Engineering Machine Drives and Power Electronics (MDPE) 9 5 3 1 18
Electrical Engineering Control System Engineering 9 5 3 1 18
Electrical Engineering Power and Energy Systems 9 5 3 1 18
Electrical Engineering Instrumentation & Signal Processing 9 5 3 1 18
Educational Technology Multimedia Information Processing 8 4 2 1 15
Geology and Geophysics Exploration Geosciences 12 6 4 2 24
Infra, Design & Mangt Infra, Design & Management 16 9 4 2 31
Industrial & Systems Engineering Industrial Engineering & Mgmt. 13 6 4 2 25
Mathematics Computer Science and Data Processing 17 9 5 3 34
Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing SC. & Engineering 13 7 4 2 26
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Science 17 9 5 2 33
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Systems Design 22 12 7 3 44
Mining Engineering Mining Engineering 11 6 3 2 22
Materials Science Materials Science and Engineering 15 8 4 2 29
Metal. & Materials Engineering Metal. And Materials Engineering 27 15 8 4 54
Ocean Engineering & Naval Arach. Ocean Engineering & Naval Arch. 10 5 3 2 20
Physics Solid State Technology 13 6 4 2 25
Reliability Engineering Reliability Engineering 10 5 3 2 20
Rubber Technology Rubber Technology 12 6 4 2 24
Medical SC.& Technology Medical Imaging & Informatics 8 4 2 1 15
Water Resources Water Engineering and Management 6 3 2 1 12
Adv. Tech. Dev. Centre Embedded Controls & Soft. 6 3 2 1 12
Civil Engineering Railway Engineering 5 3 1 1 10
Energy Science & Engineering Energy Science & Engineering 8 4 2 1 15
Total JMP Intake for 2016-17 596 317 177 89 1179

In coming posts we are looking forward to make similar posts related Number of IIT M.Tech seats in all other IITs and their cutoffs in 2016. For more updates on M.Tech admissions and other GATE related posts do subscribe to InI, like us on FB and follow us on Google Plus.

Wish you a great luck ahead

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