Distance education specially for M.Tech or MS in computer science or other engineering field is a difficult choice as many of notifying universities in India just fraud or their degrees are not accepted anywhere as a master degree.
For those who are working or busy and want to improve educational level to help gaining a stable academic job or industry job MS in computer science or Master degree in engineering could help a lot. To give the most authenticated list of universities I conducted some research and found only few universities that can be trusted for MS distance education.
I also wrote detailed post related to M.Tech distance education in India and tried to give good and authentic information for readers.
You can refer to following universities for distance education.
M.Tech distance Education: Jadavpur University
MS Distance Education: BITS Pilani
MS Distance Education : Minipal University
M.Tech Distance Education: Institute of Engineers with BIT Mesra
M.Tech Distance Education: Nagarjuna University
If you know more universities that offer distance education in engineering please don’t hesitate to recommend through comments. If you have some comments of suggestions or need more information please drop a comment. Your comments, suggestions, and question will help us to improve to help thousands of students across the nation.
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