GATE Cutoff

IIT Roorkee GATE cutoff 2020

IIT Roorkee GATE cutoff 2020 are now available from official sources. The cutoffs presented here are collected after final round of offers accepted from COAP (Common Offer Acceptance Portal) by the candidates. COAP is not common admission platform like CCMT. Students have to apply to IITs individually. For all previous year’s course wise and category wise GATE cutoffs in IIT Roorkee do visit IIT Roorkee M.Tech cutoffs.

Expecting that in future IITs will have common admission platform too. The big hurdle is most of the IIT M.Tech admissions are still conducted based on both GATE score and personal interview. Personal interview is also an important part of having students in master’s degree as it consists of a thesis and Professors expect certain level of knowledge from students.

IIT Roorkee GATE Cutoff 2020: Determining Factors

Gate cutoff is subject to various factors such as;

  1. The number of candidates taking the paper.
  2. The difficulty level of the GATE question paper.
  3. The total number of available seats.
  4. Category under which the candidate is seeking admission.

Download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier.
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We have been collecting IIT GATE cutoffs for many years now and classified the courses based on GATE paper to include interdisciplinary courses accordingly. Follow the below link for all previous years IIT GATE cutoffs.

IIT Roorkee GATE Cutoff and College Predictor

InI provides tons of great advices and suggestions for students looking for M.Tech admissions in IITs, NITs, IIITs and other reputed institutes in India. Do check a set of must read articles for M.TechM.Tech admission advices and post engineering confusions for more details.

If you are preparing for GATE and giving practice tests? You can check your GATE score for given marks and check cutoffs to know and understand if you are doing just okay or improving with GATE preparations. Do check GATE Score Calculator below.

GATE Score Calculator

IIT Roorkee GATE Cutoff 2020

Department Name Specialization GEN OBC SC ST
Architecture and Planning Architecture 1000 870 630 521
Architecture and Planning Urban and Rural Planning 936 786 724 536
Hydro and Renewable Energy Alternate Hydro Energy Systems 698 637 586 382
Hydro and Renewable Energy Environmental Management of Rivers and Lakes 686 721 549 385
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering 664 556 351 452
Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering 795 732 473 625
Civil Engineering Hydraulics Engineering 797 723 533
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering 858 727 483 547
Earthquake Engineering Soil Dynamics 723 666 479
Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics 803 714 475 559
Electrical Engineering Electric Drives and Power Electronics 847 814 517 582
Electrical Engineering Instrumentation and Signal Processing 870 823 513 481
Electronics and Communication Engineering Communication System 865 781 598 405
Electronics and Communication Engineering Microelectronics and VLSI 934 904 558 405
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering 785 686 553 454
Hydrology Surface Water Hydrology 732 631
Hydrology Watershed Management 740 629 498
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Thermal Engineering 889 840 579 710
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Production and Industrial Systems Engineering 880
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Industrial Metallurgy 628 592 399
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Materials Engineering 592 541 350
Paper Technology Packaging Technology 519 484 580
Water Resources Development and Management Water Resources Development 807 738 495 666
Physics Solid State Electronic Materials 475 454 386
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology 365
Disaster Mitigation and Management Disaster Mitigation and Management 721 715 580 448
Transportation Systems Infrastructure Systems 732 670 466 456
Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering 521 424 429
Polymer and Process Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering 687 696 490

For all other IIT GATE cutoff in 2020 do refer to IISc and IITs GATE cutoff 2020. For Questions you can either comment you can ask here or ask on InI forum at M.Tech admissions.

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Don’t forget to share with friends. Wish you Good Luck!!!

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