GATE 2020 highest or top marks are available from official organizing institute (IIT Delhi for the year 2020). It gives an idea about how the candidate is doing with his GATE preparation and it also helps the candidate plan for M.Tech admission. With increased competition day by day it becomes essential for the GATE aspirant to keep an eye on the previous year’s GATE Stats in order to understand and prepare himself/herself for the competition. This is along with Minimum or Qualifying Marks in GATE 2020 and Number of students appeared in GATE 2020 will give a complete idea about the competition.
GATE 2020 highest or top marks will boost students’ confidence that even if they could score 100 marks, they still have the chance to be in top student in All India Ranking. Keeping the abovementioned information in mind we make an online GATE score calculator and it is used for many years.
Download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier.
GATE Score Calculator
The online GATE score calculator and GATE cut-off tool are important tools for someone preparing for GATE. It helps them to evaluate their performance time to time and check where stand and how much effort they need to put-in to get into desired institutions for higher education. This is a part of GATE preparation guide.
We have been collecting IIT GATE cutoffs and NIT (CCMT) GATE cutoffs for last 8 years. Do refer to IIT GATE Cutoffs and CCMT GATE Cutoffs to check your standing.
GATE 2020 Highest or Top Marks
Paper ID | GATE 2020 Paper | Maximum Marks out of 100 |
AE | Aerospace Engineering | 81 |
AG | Agricultural Engineering | 77 |
AR | Architecture and Planning | 72 |
BM | Biomedical Engineering | 41.67 |
BT | Biotechnology | 73.67 |
CE | Civil Engineering | 90.77 |
CH | Chemical Engineering | 86.67 |
CS | Computer Science and Information Technology | 91 |
CY | Chemistry | 70.33 |
EC | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 82 |
EE | Electrical Engineering | 87.33 |
EY | Ecology and Evolution | 84 |
GG | Geophysics | 83 |
IN | Instrumentation Engineering | 82.33 |
MA | Mathematics | 54.67 |
ME | Mechanical Engineering | 86.88 |
MN | Mining Engineering | 73.33 |
MT | Metallurgical Engineering | 83 |
PE | Petroleum Engineering | 76.67 |
PH | Physics | 85.33 |
PI | Production and Industrial Engineering | 88 |
ST | Statistics | 64.67 |
TF | Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | 89.33 |
XE | Engineering Sciences | 76 |
XL | Life Sciences | 73.33 |
Download iStudy Mobile App for all GATE Syllabus, Previous Question Papers and Keys, preparation guide, Exam updates, Gate Virtual calculator, Gate Score calculator, and IITs & NITs cutoffs. It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no ads platform to make students’ lives easier.
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Wish you all a great luck ahead.