1. Sumeet Patel

        The best thing we need for GATE preparation would be good books. There are so many people among us who are asking for books for specific subjects. If you come across any good literature during your preparation and wanna share the same, it would be a great help to many

      1. Inspire N Ignite

        There was a survey on Inspire n Ignite about good books for GATE preparation and the results were consolidated for all brances 🙂
        For Mechanical Engineering GATE preparation follow these books

        GATE Study Material for Mechanical Engineering

      1. if u don’t have some books as mentioned in “inspirenignite – link” then u can try these ones (some of the books are same)
        1. Engg. Thermodynamics – P.K. Nag
        2. I.C. Engine – M.L. Mathur, RP Sharma
        3. Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems – P.R. Khajuria & S.P. Dubey
        4. Fluid Mechanics – Modi & Seth, R.K Bansal
        5. Compressible Flow – S.M. Yahya
        6. Heat and Mass Transfer – JP Hollman, R.C. Sachdeva
        7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – CP Arora, Domkundwar
        8. Fluid Machinery – Jagdish Lal , RK Bansal
        9. Theory of Machines – RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh
        10. Mechanical Vibration – Grover
        11. Machine Design – Shigley, VB Bhandari
        12. Material Science – WD Callister, IP Singh
        13. Production Engg. – Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik
        14. Industrial Engg. – O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin
        15. Operations Research – Kanti Swarup
        16. Strength of Materials – Timoshenko, B.C. Punamia, Rama Murtha

      1. Mechanical Vibration by Singiresu S. Rao plubliction pearson eduction

      1. Sumeet Patel

        Hello everyone,
        Please refer to the site below for the good maths stuff on Calculus and Differential Equations. Download Cheat sheets. Hopefully they would be helpful in remembering important conversions, forumulae and tables.


        Good luck.

      1. Ritesh Das

        @chetan…compressible flow by s m yahya!!???..thats not in gate syllabus yaar…!!!

      1. @Ritesh: yes you are right! I actually forgot to delete it from the list… Thanks a lot, next time I will be more careful.

      1. Gate
      1. Gate Cse
      1. Mark Davies

        I am looking for architectural engineering book that I can download in reprinted like a personal bind book, badly need for my masteral references. I have this print company http://www.digitekprinting.com/, maybe I will have the prints done with them.

      1. vaibhav kapoor

        please give me suggestion or any book which is easy to learn mechanics subject. its really hard for me to study for this subject
        please guide me !!

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