1. I’m a 3rd Year Student. I’ve planned to started preparing for GATE CS 2015. Just wanted to clear a doubt.

        I want to know out of 100, what do GATE CS toppers usually score? I don’t want in terms of GATE score. I want to know their marks. Can you also provide what subsequent GATE rankers’ marks were?

        Basically I’m asking for the relation between “GATE rank vs GATE marks” NOT “GATE rank vs GATE Score”.

        Thank you.

      1. Zahid

        have look on this and previous related posts for more idea

        Top Marks in GATE 2012

      1. Hi Abdud,
        Very smart query. Based on the experience of GATE toppers,
        please do not let your assumptions get the best of you.
        The equation can change over years.
        So just do not stick to the difficult ones for more than 3 mins
        and answer all the questions that should be solved by you.
        And please do check out the post by respected Zahid Sir
        for in-depth study.

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